3:09 PM
Today is cool and crisp and clear. Perfect day for thinking.
And I think everything I do is wasting time until something happens.
Talked to Christina NON Girlfriend today. Apparently her universe has turned to dust.
In her world, the Tower has fallen and everything is ichor.
She has agreed to see Christina Girlfriend and myself, no one else, not yet.
Her world needs rebuilding.
What’s more, she deserves rebuilding. Not many people understand just how much she rocks.
I think her spiritual destruction and resulting descion to become a recluse is but another symptome in this strange disease that has infected us all…Kaitlyn and Phil leave the continent, Christina hits rock bottom and then finds out there’s a basement, Alan and Lisa make like bananas and split…
Things are unraveling.
It is my job to sew up this rip.
I will use my charisma to reunite those that need reuniting, I will bring up from the ashes those that have been incinerated and I will draw those who have left my island back home.
I need a few more days like today for the thinking to continue.
I think I have a low grade fever.
Next few things to waste my time: The Warriors (the 1979 cult movie based PS2 brawler in the tradition of Double Dragon, Final Fight and Streets of Rage which is one of my absolute favorite video games from when I was younger), Resident Evil 4 (the latest and greatest title in this survival-horror franchise. However, this one redefines the genre. It has been given 10 out of 10 by every reviewer that’s touched it. Gone are the days of moving tank-like through narrow hallways filled with zombies…this is a new breed of Res Evil and I am soaking in a tub filled with Excitement Salts. The only thing that tops Res Evil 4 is the trailer for Res Evil 5…for the PS3. Holy shit. Holy liquid shit.) and I think there’s some movies or DVD’s or CD’s or whatever coming out as well.
Another big thing coming up: Seeing Nine Inch Nails for the fifth time next week. Because I joined the fan club thing, I am entitled to early admission, a meet and greet with the band and a chance to see them at soundcheck. Imagine NIN playing for you and 20 other people. Wow. I think I’m going to get there stupidly early. Not like Beck (two hours early) or They Might Be Giants (five hours early) but stupidly early…like eight hours early. I signed up for a vacation day three months ago so, what the hoo hoo, might as well get real paid to hang out in front of Madison Square Garden for a third of the day. I’m going to pack peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I haven’t decided what I want the band to sign yet. I’m torn between bringing my Polaroid and having them sign their picture or having them sign the Prince notebook I mentioned earlier. I think that might stand out in their memory a bit. I think I’ll bring the camera and the notebook. At some of the venues, cameras are allowed in but no pictures are allowed during soundcheck or the meet and greet, but they are allowed during the show or vice versa or something else. Pretty much everything (how many people they let in early, how much of the soundcheck you get to see, if any, camera policies etc) is on a venue by venue basis. After I get the autographs on whatever, I’ll pick up the venue lithograph (they make a new one for every date on the tour and they look pretty awesome; they fit right in with the album artwork) and then I might retreat to the sound island in the middle of the pit. I’ve been to four NIN shows before this: Philly (where I was right in front of the stage in the pit), MSG (waaaay the fuck up in the nosebleed seats), Lakeland (back of the pit, by the sound island) and Hammerstein Ballroom (back of the pit, standing three feet from Mr. David Bowie). The first three were from their Fragility v 2.0 tour that included quite the fucking light show as well as three 30-foot high LCD panels that rotated down from the ceiling, displayed video and were also used as light sources. Amazing. The fourth and fnal date was on the first leg of their 2005 tour. This show was more about the music and getting used to playing the new stuff than it was about spectcle…at least that’s what Trent Reznor said; and compared to the Fragility shows, it wasn’t as much of a spectacle, but it was still quite a presentation. They had about six five-by-five LCD panels doing stuff (lights and shapes, but no video) plus the lighting rig, but nothing crazy. This leg of the tour however…woo wee. Aside from the crazy lights, they have about eight LCD screens behind the band that come from the top and bottom of the rigging (so 16 panels all together) that are sort of cut up or splintered to look like broken lines, behind all these is a huge cyke on which images are displayed AND at one point, a huge scrim is dropped at the lip of the stage so video can be projected onto it. I’m sure there’s mre crazy shit that I don’t know about and that I am going to be amazed. Anyway, of the three Fragility shows I attended, the Lakeland one was the best as far as sound quality, the amount of gothed out assholes slamming into me and placement for the impact of the visuals (lights, panels etc.) Although I have the opportunity to be right up front for this upcoming show, I think I will defer in favor of my Polaroid or Prince notebook (whichever I choose to bring), my lithograph and the reasons listed above (placement, sound, assholes etc.). Unlike a lot of people, I like to go to concerts to listen to the band (in the case of TMBG or Cake) and (in the case of Marilyn Manson, NIN or Beck) see the presentation. I love TMBG and Cake for their performances. The music and the banter, but for NIN, Manson and Beck (to name a few) they put on a show as well. Personally, I paid $70 to experience something, not to worry about my glasses being broken by some crowd surfing cocksucker or as I like to call them, cocksurfer. Whatever the case, I am stoked about this show; the set list is good and although there haven’t been many changes made to it since the start of this leg, you don’t get to see NIN every day…or every year for that matter and it’s always the utter shiznit. Actually, if any of the three people who still read this are interested, there are still tickets left for the MSG show next Thursday, November 3rd. You should come and see what all the buzz is about. Along with NIN, Death From Above 1979 and Queens of the Stone Age are playing (doing abbreviated sets, thank God. I don’t care much of a shit about either of tem, but it’s the price you pay for getting there early and meeting the band/seeing soundcheck.) I’m really stoked about soundcheck. I’ll get a chance to see a bit of the show without worrying about the assholes and cocksurfers but still get to be up front. Hopefully that will happen. Soundcheck it an elusive thing. He band has their schedule and depending on when the fan club members are let in, I might to see seven songs in their entirety or just the last thirty seconds of one…which would suck. The big things for me are seeing the soundcheck and then getting a full view of the concert, that’s all I ask. The height should help.
Here's some pictures...
From the first leg:
From this leg:
4:54 PM
Lots of blank staring today.
I think Chinese food for lunch would be great.
Chicken and brocolli without the brocolli.
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