9:20 PM
I just realized that Masters of the Universe (the cartoon show) was conceived simply for the merchandising potential. Think about it, was there ever a character or vehicle or location you couldn’t buy at Toys ‘R’ Us? No. What marketing geniuses those people were. Man, they knew how to exploit kids in the 80’s. Not to say they don’t know how to today. Imagine the forests that have been decimated simply to create all those fucking Yu-Gi-Oh game cards. I think that is the only cartoon show I know of that is responsible for eradicating a species of woodpecker from the earth.
Thundercats were awesome toys. They all came with a battery thing you stuck into their backs to make their eyes glow. Anyone remember the Toxic Crusaders? They weren’t allowed to call it Toxic Avengers because they couldn’t get the rights, so they called it Toxic Crusaders and made up an entire cast of supporting characters, villains etc. And man oh man did they market it. Those toys were cool too.
And all those crazy Marvel and D.C. action figures…man did I have a hard on for those things.
In fourth grade (I think it was fourth grade…) Battle Beasts were introduced. They were awesome as well. Every single piece of it was a choking hazard. You could kill three little kids with ONE package of Battle Beasts. They had a lot of detail to them.
Before those were Muscle Men. So simple. SO brilliant. And you could melt them on light bulbs.
I remember one time going to my father’s office when I was a little kid. I poured a shitload of sugar on the coffee machine hot plate and then turned it on. About five minutes later, the secretary came over and yelled at me. I demanded to know why she immediately assumed it was me. I suppose I thought (as 6 year olds do) that there might just be some fifty-something year old in a business suit pouring sugar on a hot plate just to relieve the monotony.
Trips to my dad’s office were almost always fun. There was always a large candy jar full of Hershey’s Miniatures: Krackle (by the way I have NEVER IN MY LIFE seen a full sized Krackle bar), Mr. Gooodbar, regular chocolate and dark chocolate. I would go and eat all of one kind, then all of another, then all of another until they were all gone. Then I became a problem. Imagine me…at age 6…having consumed about 3 pounds of chocolate…loose in a real estate firm. Yeah. One time, I went with my father to work because I was too sick to go to school and the babysitter wasn’t showing up until the afternoon. I remember feeling better (or thinking that I felt better) and having pizza for lunch with my dad. I remember KNOWING that I was going to throw up and also that the bathroom was down three hallways, and locked with a keypad lock. I got some puke on the walls, the floor, even a little on the ceiling of the bathroom. I can’t explain how, but it happened. That was when my dad’s office stopped being fun…until I discovered Forbidden Planet.
Back in the 80’s Forbidden Planet was in a different location…about a block from my dad’s office. I would go to his office and then go to Forbidden Planet for HOURS just hanging out there. It used to be cooler. There was like a vault downstairs where you could find ANYTHING. I never knew anything about comics then. I didn’t even buy them based on sequence. I looked at a bunch until the cover looked cool and I would buy it. For that reason I have dozens of worthless comics from the 80’s with cool covers.
There was this kid in my school named Andrew Goss. We never really got along but then again, no one had enemies back then. In an all boys’ school with excellent teachers, and a class numbering 20 (the same 20 people you’ve known since first grade) you knew everyone and you never really had enemies, you just had kids who you didn’t hang out with after school. “Play dates” they were called. You would never have anything to do with arranging them usually. Your mother or babysitter would tell you that after school you were going to _____ house. In the case of best friends (Will Marsh and later Simrall Meem) you would spend the majority of your time with them, but usually you would hang out with a good 50% of the class after school at their houses. Sometimes you would watch TV, sometimes you would play Nintendo (or later Genesis) or sometimes the other kid's babysitter would make you play in the park for a while before letting you go home and play video games and watch TV. I remember hanging out with Colin Murphy who lived right across the street from school. That was fun. I remember hanging out playing M.A.S.K. with Will Marsh (I knew him from pre-K and kindergarten too), playing Zelda with William Horstman, and trading comics with Andrew Goss. The thing was, and I think I just figured this out recently…if a kid was picking on a kid or excluding him from activities, the school would contact each of the kids’ parents and suggest a play date so the kids could become friends. I think I might have excluded Andrew from enough stuff as to attract the attention of the teachers, because, sure enough, one day after school I found myself at his house. I don’t remember much from when I was in 6th grade, just little moments and occurrences, but I do remember feeling awkward. I think it might have been the first time I ever felt that. Anyway, I was feeling awkward and then he and I started reading and trading comics. I can still remember the one I got FROM him, but I cannot remember the one I gave TO him. I got an issue of “The Mighty Thor” when Thor fought Juggernaut. I think it was pretty cool. Someone got fused with the ground. It was part of a larger story, I’m sure, but I never had any idea. I would just read the comic struggling to figure out who the fuck these people were and what they were doing and why they were doing it, and at the end of the issue, I would always think, “hm, I feel unfulfilled” not grasping the concept that I could easily go out and find the next part in that story. Eventually, I figured it out and I accrued a nice collection. I think. I really have no idea of the value of comics. I think the most valuable thing I own is some bullshit title (Captain America and the Falcon) from 1972. Shit. Well, I never went into collecting them anyway.
I did collect Matchbox cars. Those things were awesome and I actually remember playing with them and having fun. Simrall and I would stay up for HOURS playing with those fucking cars. It’s hard to remember a time when I didn’t need electricity or a controller or a keyboard to have fun.
As it is today, just being with friends was what was fun. Sim and I could play with cars, we could play Streets of Rage 2 (put in the Game Genie infinite life code and set the game on its hardest difficulty), we could torture his twin brother and sister (Halsey and Bard) or whatever.
Simrall used to make these tapes for me. He called them the “F.U. tapes”. He would put a blank tape into his family’s answering machine and record himself instead of the greeting. But the machine was weird in that sometimes it would let him talk until the tape ended, some times it would give him a minute or thirty seconds or one second so time was of the essence. Between his talking (which was pretty fucking funny; we were awesome friends) he would put songs from the radio, from his CD’s (of which he had about 7 at the time) or whatever he felt like. At this moment, in my desk at home (in Florida) I have 30 or more. I need to break those out and reminisce.
When I left New York, for some reason I didn’t tell anyone. Not anyone. I came into school one day and told Sim I was moving to Florida. He blinked and then gave me the seven dollars he had in his wallet and a cassette tape he had in his locker (I think it was “Diary of a Mad Bitch” by some terrible female gangsta rapper; remember this was 1993, the birth of gangsta rap…) and said, “I’ll see you later.” We kept in touch for a while, still staying best friends. I saw him when I visited the city; he continued to send me FU tapes and strange packages. Very strange packages. Once he sent me a shell casing and a picture of him at a shooting range. One time, he sent me (from his father’s office) a very official looking envelope containing a whole sheaf of blank paper except for a few pages that were photocopies of ads for strip clubs in the city. Once, during my difficult transition from New York City to Mungtown, I had him prank call a bunch of assholes from my class over summer vacation. We didn’t have three way calling, but he told me everything that happened. At some point, either he or I stopped communicating. I can’t remember why. I called him a few years later to find out he was into pot and the Grateful Dead. That depressed me on such a level I am unable to dwell on it.
What that meant to me was…I don’t know. The door between my very best friend ever. My first best friend was closed. Not just because of the pot (although my disdain for people who are dependant on drugs weighed in quite significantly) but because there was nothing left of the snappy banter and intelligent contact we used to have. It was the same with Aaron Gunn when he came to visit me freshman year in NYC. He was a dull, blurred shadow of his former self. He had lost his edge. As had Seth, although I have seen him since and he is a new man. He is so TALL. Compared to high school, of course.
So many memories with Simmy will remain that. Nothing new will come from that bond we once shared.
I guess. I mean I really haven’t spoken to him in a decade. He might have cleaned up, gotten a degree as…something and gone on to crazy things. His old apartment was on 86th and Park. I remember right where it is, I could go over there tonight and see if his family is still there. That would be crazy. Just show up. I should definitely check that out.
Hang on; I’m gong to look him up in the phone book…
I think I got them! Hang on, I want to double check with the operator…
Okay, got an address, two phone numbers (same except for the last 2 digits), which I cannot remember if they are the same, although I DO remember Sim’s parents having two numbers AND there is only one of his family's name in New York City.... That was amazingly easy. Like finding-someone-in-the-phone-book-in-a-movie easy.
What do I do now? If I had nothing in common with him and a sense of disdain because of the drugs ten years ago, what’s going to happen today? Jesus. I feel emotionally overwhelmed. Memories of all the fun we had. Years of memories and fun. Days straight spent with each other. This is too much for me right now. I’m still sick and this all might just be a reaction I’m having to the broccoli slaw. I need my throat to stop doing this.
I need a clear head.
I wish it weren’t so hot and dry in here.
My throat screams with each breath I pull in.
I started writing to distract myself and blow off some SOC steam but I find myself here, completely aware of what I am writing. My aim has turned in on itself. I can no longer find the stream. I want to be home watching TV. I bought Resident Evil 4 today. In the scheme of things, it's nothing new. Nothing is anything new. Ever.
After a pause, I feel better. I called Christina to see if the Dresden Dolls show was over only to be treated to a cell phone serenade of DD covering “Science Fiction Double Feature” at their Halloween show. I feel better already. I am tossing around ordering pick up from El Paso, but I am still debating. I feel like rice and beans would make things better…At this moment I’ve been typing for one hour and twenty minutes straight. It doesn’t feel that long at all. When you are really into what you are writing, Phil should know this, you forget time and, for a short moment, Time forgets you.
I downloaded “Doom: The Movie” for a Nine Inch Nails remix that's in the movie somewhere. The file cut out 2 seconds into the song and, from what I gleaned (I didn’t watch it, I skipped through listening for the song) it’s not as bad as reviewers made it out to be...it’s actually worse. The Onion reviewed it and absolutely shredded it. Same as Saw II. No surprises.
Mm, those rice and beans are really making me think happy. I think I will place that order right now.
This was a good spell, I think.
7:26 PM
What glorious Chinese food!! The rice was perfectly cooked, nary a hard grain to be found. And the chicken? Juicy and plentiful with not too much sauce. But the jewel in this culinary crown was indeed the egg roll. Perfect in every way.
Today is much better than yesterday. I rested my eyes (by sleeping ‘til one o’clock this afternoon) and have yet to use my eyes for anything more strenuous than staring at this keyboard. The fact that I’m sick is almost forgotten in the wash of excellent Chinese food I am currently consuming.
Does sleeping ten hours a day mean I am depressed? Impossible to be depressed when one eats such marvelous Chinese food. YUMMY! With each bite it actually gets BETTER! HUZZAH! Is there lithium in this food? Well there just might be!! Woot woot, I say, woot woot indeed!!
Happiness is neither a warm gun NOR a warm puppy…it is excellent Chinese food! Quote me! Quote me freely!!!
7:53 PM
Alas, now the food is gone. However, every belch that dances up my throat and into my mouth reminds me of the gentle beauty of the Chinese food I have just ingested! The flavors shall pirouette for hours to come and my soul shall twirl with them! I have a mad urge to run to the Chinese restaurant from whence this ambrosia came and kiss all the people there! Yet another mad urge to collect the resulting feces from this meal in memoriam pounds my soul as well! I am helpless to fight these desires! I must succumb! I MUST KISS! I MUST COLLECT! I MUST! I MUST!!!!
I think I shall induce vomiting to sample this nectar again…and again! And again!!!
7:26 PM
What glorious Chinese food!! The rice was perfectly cooked, nary a hard grain to be found. And the chicken? Juicy and plentiful with not too much sauce. But the jewel in this culinary crown was indeed the egg roll. Perfect in every way.
Today is much better than yesterday. I rested my eyes (by sleeping ‘til one o’clock this afternoon) and have yet to use my eyes for anything more strenuous than staring at this keyboard. The fact that I’m sick is almost forgotten in the wash of excellent Chinese food I am currently consuming.
Does sleeping ten hours a day mean I am depressed? Impossible to be depressed when one eats such marvelous Chinese food. YUMMY! With each bite it actually gets BETTER! HUZZAH! Is there lithium in this food? Well there just might be!! Woot woot, I say, woot woot indeed!!
Happiness is neither a warm gun NOR a warm puppy…it is excellent Chinese food! Quote me! Quote me freely!!!
7:53 PM
Alas, now the food is gone. However, every belch that dances up my throat and into my mouth reminds me of the gentle beauty of the Chinese food I have just ingested! The flavors shall pirouette for hours to come and my soul shall twirl with them! I have a mad urge to run to the Chinese restaurant from whence this ambrosia came and kiss all the people there! Yet another mad urge to collect the resulting feces from this meal in memoriam pounds my soul as well! I am helpless to fight these desires! I must succumb! I MUST KISS! I MUST COLLECT! I MUST! I MUST!!!!
I think I shall induce vomiting to sample this nectar again…and again! And again!!!
You fucking disappoint me
3:09 PM
Today is cool and crisp and clear. Perfect day for thinking.
And I think everything I do is wasting time until something happens.
Talked to Christina NON Girlfriend today. Apparently her universe has turned to dust.
In her world, the Tower has fallen and everything is ichor.
She has agreed to see Christina Girlfriend and myself, no one else, not yet.
Her world needs rebuilding.
What’s more, she deserves rebuilding. Not many people understand just how much she rocks.
I think her spiritual destruction and resulting descion to become a recluse is but another symptome in this strange disease that has infected us all…Kaitlyn and Phil leave the continent, Christina hits rock bottom and then finds out there’s a basement, Alan and Lisa make like bananas and split…
Things are unraveling.
It is my job to sew up this rip.
I will use my charisma to reunite those that need reuniting, I will bring up from the ashes those that have been incinerated and I will draw those who have left my island back home.
I need a few more days like today for the thinking to continue.
I think I have a low grade fever.
Next few things to waste my time: The Warriors (the 1979 cult movie based PS2 brawler in the tradition of Double Dragon, Final Fight and Streets of Rage which is one of my absolute favorite video games from when I was younger), Resident Evil 4 (the latest and greatest title in this survival-horror franchise. However, this one redefines the genre. It has been given 10 out of 10 by every reviewer that’s touched it. Gone are the days of moving tank-like through narrow hallways filled with zombies…this is a new breed of Res Evil and I am soaking in a tub filled with Excitement Salts. The only thing that tops Res Evil 4 is the trailer for Res Evil 5…for the PS3. Holy shit. Holy liquid shit.) and I think there’s some movies or DVD’s or CD’s or whatever coming out as well.
Another big thing coming up: Seeing Nine Inch Nails for the fifth time next week. Because I joined the fan club thing, I am entitled to early admission, a meet and greet with the band and a chance to see them at soundcheck. Imagine NIN playing for you and 20 other people. Wow. I think I’m going to get there stupidly early. Not like Beck (two hours early) or They Might Be Giants (five hours early) but stupidly early…like eight hours early. I signed up for a vacation day three months ago so, what the hoo hoo, might as well get real paid to hang out in front of Madison Square Garden for a third of the day. I’m going to pack peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I haven’t decided what I want the band to sign yet. I’m torn between bringing my Polaroid and having them sign their picture or having them sign the Prince notebook I mentioned earlier. I think that might stand out in their memory a bit. I think I’ll bring the camera and the notebook. At some of the venues, cameras are allowed in but no pictures are allowed during soundcheck or the meet and greet, but they are allowed during the show or vice versa or something else. Pretty much everything (how many people they let in early, how much of the soundcheck you get to see, if any, camera policies etc) is on a venue by venue basis. After I get the autographs on whatever, I’ll pick up the venue lithograph (they make a new one for every date on the tour and they look pretty awesome; they fit right in with the album artwork) and then I might retreat to the sound island in the middle of the pit. I’ve been to four NIN shows before this: Philly (where I was right in front of the stage in the pit), MSG (waaaay the fuck up in the nosebleed seats), Lakeland (back of the pit, by the sound island) and Hammerstein Ballroom (back of the pit, standing three feet from Mr. David Bowie). The first three were from their Fragility v 2.0 tour that included quite the fucking light show as well as three 30-foot high LCD panels that rotated down from the ceiling, displayed video and were also used as light sources. Amazing. The fourth and fnal date was on the first leg of their 2005 tour. This show was more about the music and getting used to playing the new stuff than it was about spectcle…at least that’s what Trent Reznor said; and compared to the Fragility shows, it wasn’t as much of a spectacle, but it was still quite a presentation. They had about six five-by-five LCD panels doing stuff (lights and shapes, but no video) plus the lighting rig, but nothing crazy. This leg of the tour however…woo wee. Aside from the crazy lights, they have about eight LCD screens behind the band that come from the top and bottom of the rigging (so 16 panels all together) that are sort of cut up or splintered to look like broken lines, behind all these is a huge cyke on which images are displayed AND at one point, a huge scrim is dropped at the lip of the stage so video can be projected onto it. I’m sure there’s mre crazy shit that I don’t know about and that I am going to be amazed. Anyway, of the three Fragility shows I attended, the Lakeland one was the best as far as sound quality, the amount of gothed out assholes slamming into me and placement for the impact of the visuals (lights, panels etc.) Although I have the opportunity to be right up front for this upcoming show, I think I will defer in favor of my Polaroid or Prince notebook (whichever I choose to bring), my lithograph and the reasons listed above (placement, sound, assholes etc.). Unlike a lot of people, I like to go to concerts to listen to the band (in the case of TMBG or Cake) and (in the case of Marilyn Manson, NIN or Beck) see the presentation. I love TMBG and Cake for their performances. The music and the banter, but for NIN, Manson and Beck (to name a few) they put on a show as well. Personally, I paid $70 to experience something, not to worry about my glasses being broken by some crowd surfing cocksucker or as I like to call them, cocksurfer. Whatever the case, I am stoked about this show; the set list is good and although there haven’t been many changes made to it since the start of this leg, you don’t get to see NIN every day…or every year for that matter and it’s always the utter shiznit. Actually, if any of the three people who still read this are interested, there are still tickets left for the MSG show next Thursday, November 3rd. You should come and see what all the buzz is about. Along with NIN, Death From Above 1979 and Queens of the Stone Age are playing (doing abbreviated sets, thank God. I don’t care much of a shit about either of tem, but it’s the price you pay for getting there early and meeting the band/seeing soundcheck.) I’m really stoked about soundcheck. I’ll get a chance to see a bit of the show without worrying about the assholes and cocksurfers but still get to be up front. Hopefully that will happen. Soundcheck it an elusive thing. He band has their schedule and depending on when the fan club members are let in, I might to see seven songs in their entirety or just the last thirty seconds of one…which would suck. The big things for me are seeing the soundcheck and then getting a full view of the concert, that’s all I ask. The height should help.
Here's some pictures...
From the first leg:

From this leg:

4:54 PM
Lots of blank staring today.
I think Chinese food for lunch would be great.
Chicken and brocolli without the brocolli.
3:09 PM
Today is cool and crisp and clear. Perfect day for thinking.
And I think everything I do is wasting time until something happens.
Talked to Christina NON Girlfriend today. Apparently her universe has turned to dust.
In her world, the Tower has fallen and everything is ichor.
She has agreed to see Christina Girlfriend and myself, no one else, not yet.
Her world needs rebuilding.
What’s more, she deserves rebuilding. Not many people understand just how much she rocks.
I think her spiritual destruction and resulting descion to become a recluse is but another symptome in this strange disease that has infected us all…Kaitlyn and Phil leave the continent, Christina hits rock bottom and then finds out there’s a basement, Alan and Lisa make like bananas and split…
Things are unraveling.
It is my job to sew up this rip.
I will use my charisma to reunite those that need reuniting, I will bring up from the ashes those that have been incinerated and I will draw those who have left my island back home.
I need a few more days like today for the thinking to continue.
I think I have a low grade fever.
Next few things to waste my time: The Warriors (the 1979 cult movie based PS2 brawler in the tradition of Double Dragon, Final Fight and Streets of Rage which is one of my absolute favorite video games from when I was younger), Resident Evil 4 (the latest and greatest title in this survival-horror franchise. However, this one redefines the genre. It has been given 10 out of 10 by every reviewer that’s touched it. Gone are the days of moving tank-like through narrow hallways filled with zombies…this is a new breed of Res Evil and I am soaking in a tub filled with Excitement Salts. The only thing that tops Res Evil 4 is the trailer for Res Evil 5…for the PS3. Holy shit. Holy liquid shit.) and I think there’s some movies or DVD’s or CD’s or whatever coming out as well.
Another big thing coming up: Seeing Nine Inch Nails for the fifth time next week. Because I joined the fan club thing, I am entitled to early admission, a meet and greet with the band and a chance to see them at soundcheck. Imagine NIN playing for you and 20 other people. Wow. I think I’m going to get there stupidly early. Not like Beck (two hours early) or They Might Be Giants (five hours early) but stupidly early…like eight hours early. I signed up for a vacation day three months ago so, what the hoo hoo, might as well get real paid to hang out in front of Madison Square Garden for a third of the day. I’m going to pack peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I haven’t decided what I want the band to sign yet. I’m torn between bringing my Polaroid and having them sign their picture or having them sign the Prince notebook I mentioned earlier. I think that might stand out in their memory a bit. I think I’ll bring the camera and the notebook. At some of the venues, cameras are allowed in but no pictures are allowed during soundcheck or the meet and greet, but they are allowed during the show or vice versa or something else. Pretty much everything (how many people they let in early, how much of the soundcheck you get to see, if any, camera policies etc) is on a venue by venue basis. After I get the autographs on whatever, I’ll pick up the venue lithograph (they make a new one for every date on the tour and they look pretty awesome; they fit right in with the album artwork) and then I might retreat to the sound island in the middle of the pit. I’ve been to four NIN shows before this: Philly (where I was right in front of the stage in the pit), MSG (waaaay the fuck up in the nosebleed seats), Lakeland (back of the pit, by the sound island) and Hammerstein Ballroom (back of the pit, standing three feet from Mr. David Bowie). The first three were from their Fragility v 2.0 tour that included quite the fucking light show as well as three 30-foot high LCD panels that rotated down from the ceiling, displayed video and were also used as light sources. Amazing. The fourth and fnal date was on the first leg of their 2005 tour. This show was more about the music and getting used to playing the new stuff than it was about spectcle…at least that’s what Trent Reznor said; and compared to the Fragility shows, it wasn’t as much of a spectacle, but it was still quite a presentation. They had about six five-by-five LCD panels doing stuff (lights and shapes, but no video) plus the lighting rig, but nothing crazy. This leg of the tour however…woo wee. Aside from the crazy lights, they have about eight LCD screens behind the band that come from the top and bottom of the rigging (so 16 panels all together) that are sort of cut up or splintered to look like broken lines, behind all these is a huge cyke on which images are displayed AND at one point, a huge scrim is dropped at the lip of the stage so video can be projected onto it. I’m sure there’s mre crazy shit that I don’t know about and that I am going to be amazed. Anyway, of the three Fragility shows I attended, the Lakeland one was the best as far as sound quality, the amount of gothed out assholes slamming into me and placement for the impact of the visuals (lights, panels etc.) Although I have the opportunity to be right up front for this upcoming show, I think I will defer in favor of my Polaroid or Prince notebook (whichever I choose to bring), my lithograph and the reasons listed above (placement, sound, assholes etc.). Unlike a lot of people, I like to go to concerts to listen to the band (in the case of TMBG or Cake) and (in the case of Marilyn Manson, NIN or Beck) see the presentation. I love TMBG and Cake for their performances. The music and the banter, but for NIN, Manson and Beck (to name a few) they put on a show as well. Personally, I paid $70 to experience something, not to worry about my glasses being broken by some crowd surfing cocksucker or as I like to call them, cocksurfer. Whatever the case, I am stoked about this show; the set list is good and although there haven’t been many changes made to it since the start of this leg, you don’t get to see NIN every day…or every year for that matter and it’s always the utter shiznit. Actually, if any of the three people who still read this are interested, there are still tickets left for the MSG show next Thursday, November 3rd. You should come and see what all the buzz is about. Along with NIN, Death From Above 1979 and Queens of the Stone Age are playing (doing abbreviated sets, thank God. I don’t care much of a shit about either of tem, but it’s the price you pay for getting there early and meeting the band/seeing soundcheck.) I’m really stoked about soundcheck. I’ll get a chance to see a bit of the show without worrying about the assholes and cocksurfers but still get to be up front. Hopefully that will happen. Soundcheck it an elusive thing. He band has their schedule and depending on when the fan club members are let in, I might to see seven songs in their entirety or just the last thirty seconds of one…which would suck. The big things for me are seeing the soundcheck and then getting a full view of the concert, that’s all I ask. The height should help.
Here's some pictures...
From the first leg:
From this leg:
4:54 PM
Lots of blank staring today.
I think Chinese food for lunch would be great.
Chicken and brocolli without the brocolli.
My eyeballs want out...
10:23 PM
My eyes ache from reading comics all night and I have a pounding headache from the reading combined with all the sugar and bleached carbs I’ve consumed today, so I think I’ll just write for a spell. I know, I know, you’re thinking, “But Paul, you silly cow catcher, staring at a computer screen for 47 minutes will probably do more damage than merely reading. You idiot.” Ah, but I hunt and peck so I am simply staring at 70 or so black keys with white writing on them. So fuck you. Man am I wasted. Things are happening without my knowing.
The Wedding was funish. Hung out with an awesome combo: An Asian lesbian. Her name is Kim Rose and she is in a band. She rocks. She roxoors. She also drove a rented Safari Plus. Yes. PLUS. I think we will hang out with her again soon. You guys might dig her.
Wait….you guys? Who the fuck is that? I haven’t seen Kady in months (except for the Wedding), Christina and Dorothy (are they dead again?), Alan and Lisa…that might b weird.
Whoa, I actually just threw up in my mouth a little. For real. Not quoting “Dodgeball”, I actually did. It was unpleasant but funny as hell because everyone always says I but no one ever does it.
Birthday plans are getting solid. I am having a cocktail party at the Club on the evening of Saturday, January 28th, 2006. By invite only. If Megan does not go in with me for half, I have a fifty-person guest list to fill. Awww yeah. It is going to be swank. Dress hot or begone. I wonder whom I will invite. I mean some are no brainers, but what about people whom I used to be buddy buddy with but haven’t seen in years? Honestly, would they even give a shit? Probably not. So fuck them anyways.
It’s going to be great though.
So, something important and worrisome…
Yesterday I received in the mail a package from Oregon. It contained a spiral notebook. The cover and back cover were made from the record artwork from Prince’s “Parade” album. The only identification marks n it were the return address “Kat’s Meow” and an e-mail address on the inside kat_penguin@yahoo.com and some details about the notebook (printed on recycled paper, etc. This was very strange. BUT, the thing that pushed this from strange to worrisome is as follows: Recently, Will received a postcard from Samoa, with a picture of a fat Samoan man coming out of the water. On the back, written in Samoan was the word “Hello” in girly handwriting. Also, the sender write Will’s zip code as “008”. The fact that the two of us received these random, beautiful gifts in the same time frame is very unnerving. Will suspects Jade and I don’t know whom to suspect. Everyone knows I love Prince, but who knows Will is Samoan AND was or is in Samoa? Truly disturbing.
Anyway, back to the party. Clear your calendar, good close friends of mine, for you have a date on the evening of January the 28th.
Also, for anyone with a PS2, I highly recommend Indigo Prophecy. Despite the lesbian sounding title, it is quite the rocking good time.
It’s 10:54.
I will now prepare to leave.
10:23 PM
My eyes ache from reading comics all night and I have a pounding headache from the reading combined with all the sugar and bleached carbs I’ve consumed today, so I think I’ll just write for a spell. I know, I know, you’re thinking, “But Paul, you silly cow catcher, staring at a computer screen for 47 minutes will probably do more damage than merely reading. You idiot.” Ah, but I hunt and peck so I am simply staring at 70 or so black keys with white writing on them. So fuck you. Man am I wasted. Things are happening without my knowing.
The Wedding was funish. Hung out with an awesome combo: An Asian lesbian. Her name is Kim Rose and she is in a band. She rocks. She roxoors. She also drove a rented Safari Plus. Yes. PLUS. I think we will hang out with her again soon. You guys might dig her.
Wait….you guys? Who the fuck is that? I haven’t seen Kady in months (except for the Wedding), Christina and Dorothy (are they dead again?), Alan and Lisa…that might b weird.
Whoa, I actually just threw up in my mouth a little. For real. Not quoting “Dodgeball”, I actually did. It was unpleasant but funny as hell because everyone always says I but no one ever does it.
Birthday plans are getting solid. I am having a cocktail party at the Club on the evening of Saturday, January 28th, 2006. By invite only. If Megan does not go in with me for half, I have a fifty-person guest list to fill. Awww yeah. It is going to be swank. Dress hot or begone. I wonder whom I will invite. I mean some are no brainers, but what about people whom I used to be buddy buddy with but haven’t seen in years? Honestly, would they even give a shit? Probably not. So fuck them anyways.
It’s going to be great though.
So, something important and worrisome…
Yesterday I received in the mail a package from Oregon. It contained a spiral notebook. The cover and back cover were made from the record artwork from Prince’s “Parade” album. The only identification marks n it were the return address “Kat’s Meow” and an e-mail address on the inside kat_penguin@yahoo.com and some details about the notebook (printed on recycled paper, etc. This was very strange. BUT, the thing that pushed this from strange to worrisome is as follows: Recently, Will received a postcard from Samoa, with a picture of a fat Samoan man coming out of the water. On the back, written in Samoan was the word “Hello” in girly handwriting. Also, the sender write Will’s zip code as “008”. The fact that the two of us received these random, beautiful gifts in the same time frame is very unnerving. Will suspects Jade and I don’t know whom to suspect. Everyone knows I love Prince, but who knows Will is Samoan AND was or is in Samoa? Truly disturbing.
Anyway, back to the party. Clear your calendar, good close friends of mine, for you have a date on the evening of January the 28th.
Also, for anyone with a PS2, I highly recommend Indigo Prophecy. Despite the lesbian sounding title, it is quite the rocking good time.
It’s 10:54.
I will now prepare to leave.
Dry cleaners are so soothing. I don't spend a whole lot of time in them, but today I had to pick up my shirt and suit for the wedding tomorrow and there were quite a few people in front of me, so I had time to drink in the atmosphere. The gentle hum of the motorized racks, the hissing of the press, the gentle Asian and wood feel to the place. Almost like a massage parlor. Gentle. Mmmm.
There is no Hell like an old Hell
3:03 PM
Oh my goodness oh my goodness! The sky is so blue today!!
Two things:
First, cabs are getting/have gotten smaller. Either that, or I’m getting bigger and no one wants to consider that…
Secondly, goldurn it, life has to stop getting my hopes up.
Remember that day I had the VW audition where I had to be creepy and the Bacardi sexy French voiceover? Well, I got a callback for the VW thing which I did on Friday. I saw one other guy called in to be “creepy”. They told me the spot would be filming on Tuesday the 17th. For some reason I was really looking forward to booking that spot. I don’t know what it was but I really thought I was going to get it. Now, that’s always a bad sign. Every time you really want something, you don’t get it, it’s just the way things work. That goes double for acting. Anyway, Monday arrives with no phone call and I didn’t get it. Shit. I was in a bit of a funk, uncharacteristic for me; at least when pertaining to auditions, but for some reason this one really hit me. I think it was the fact that, I was ABSOLUTELY creepier than the other guy they called back. But I figured it out. When an on-screen commercial asks for “creepy” they want “Brad Pitt from 12 Monkeys” creepy. Not “Paul Guyet” creepy. And that bugs me. But it totally shouldn’t since on-screen stuff is SO specific.
Anyway, the main reason I brought up those auditions is; remember the recording girl who said I had a great voice? Well…in the case of VO, usually the timetable is as such: audition is Monday, callback (if there is one) is Wednesday and the recording is Friday. Four years later, you get paid. I had forgotten the French thing and written it off as either me being too sexy, or too French for them (since I am not capable of being neither sexy nor French enough for ANYTHING). So today, I had to drag my overly sexy and French ass over to the edge of Manhattan to do some Reebok VO audition. It was at 2pm and, in hopes of getting in and out early, I left my place at 12:30. I arrived at 14th street at 1pm so I stopped into Virgin and burnt some cash, then I headed over to 4fucking50 West Goddamned 15th street. I still arrived at 1:30 but the Reebok people were on lunch until 2. ANYWAY, I was the first to go in and who should be the recording engineer but the girl from last week. I do my thing (a British, casually hip (not too casual or too hip) guy saying, “Pump custom fit technology. Turn it on. Turn it off.”) and again the girl says, “You have a really great voice”. AND THEN she says, “You were here last week for the Barcardi thing, right? They haven’t decided on that yet.”
Therein lies the rub, people. I don’t want to know stuff like that. I want to think that if I haven’t been called back for a VO within a few days, I missed it, so I can move on. NOW I have to wonder every time my phone rings and it’s my agent that I just might book that. Fuck. I dislike hope. Not the concept. I love the idea of hope, but not when it comes to acting and me. If I don’t get the part, I’d like to forget it as quickly as possible and move on to the next thing. Because when I don’t get the Bacardi thing, I don’t want to think that the girl was right; I am good, but not good enough for this spot. It will get inside and get me down. Let me live from day to day, not thinking about auditioning I did a week ago. Let it be a great surprise when my agent calls up and says I booked something. Stop expecting things. This is more for myself than for any of you, but either way, it feels good to get it out. I walk into every audition thinking: “It is mine.” And I walk out thinking “I totally fucked up.” That way, when my agent’s number pops up I think “Oh, another audition”, not “Ooh a callback” or “Oooooh, I booked it”. I have NEVER expected to book something. THAT is why the surprise is so sweet and I’m never disappointed. I’ll sometimes think, “Man that would have been fun or cool,” but I’ll never walk out thinking, “I nailed that”. Actually, only once did I do that: with the Kermit the Frog thing. And that was because I WAS BABY KERMIT THE FROG. For that instant, I channeled the spirit of Jim Henson and made him speak. In no other audition have I so perfectly carried out a voice, and that’s why I booked it. In no other case has that happened…and it is that way for a reason. I guess the real recipient of this is the chick from House productions. Don’t get my hopes up, because from there they can only go down…on an old man in the park. And that is a gross place for ones hopes to be. Especially because it takes like, twelve minutes of lapping and sucking and manipulating just to get him hard, and that’s being kind because “hard” isn’t even the right word. “Less flaccid” fits better. Anyway, once it finally gets stiff enough, you have to work for like another half hour to get it out of him and you’re not even sure he can feel it, let alone enjoy it. Then there’s the mess. The elderly bust massive nuts.
But you see my point. The recording girl from House productions puts me in that place…and that is wrong of her…I’m sure she thought it would help but she was dead wrong…she’ll be the first to admit it…
3:03 PM
Oh my goodness oh my goodness! The sky is so blue today!!
Two things:
First, cabs are getting/have gotten smaller. Either that, or I’m getting bigger and no one wants to consider that…
Secondly, goldurn it, life has to stop getting my hopes up.
Remember that day I had the VW audition where I had to be creepy and the Bacardi sexy French voiceover? Well, I got a callback for the VW thing which I did on Friday. I saw one other guy called in to be “creepy”. They told me the spot would be filming on Tuesday the 17th. For some reason I was really looking forward to booking that spot. I don’t know what it was but I really thought I was going to get it. Now, that’s always a bad sign. Every time you really want something, you don’t get it, it’s just the way things work. That goes double for acting. Anyway, Monday arrives with no phone call and I didn’t get it. Shit. I was in a bit of a funk, uncharacteristic for me; at least when pertaining to auditions, but for some reason this one really hit me. I think it was the fact that, I was ABSOLUTELY creepier than the other guy they called back. But I figured it out. When an on-screen commercial asks for “creepy” they want “Brad Pitt from 12 Monkeys” creepy. Not “Paul Guyet” creepy. And that bugs me. But it totally shouldn’t since on-screen stuff is SO specific.
Anyway, the main reason I brought up those auditions is; remember the recording girl who said I had a great voice? Well…in the case of VO, usually the timetable is as such: audition is Monday, callback (if there is one) is Wednesday and the recording is Friday. Four years later, you get paid. I had forgotten the French thing and written it off as either me being too sexy, or too French for them (since I am not capable of being neither sexy nor French enough for ANYTHING). So today, I had to drag my overly sexy and French ass over to the edge of Manhattan to do some Reebok VO audition. It was at 2pm and, in hopes of getting in and out early, I left my place at 12:30. I arrived at 14th street at 1pm so I stopped into Virgin and burnt some cash, then I headed over to 4fucking50 West Goddamned 15th street. I still arrived at 1:30 but the Reebok people were on lunch until 2. ANYWAY, I was the first to go in and who should be the recording engineer but the girl from last week. I do my thing (a British, casually hip (not too casual or too hip) guy saying, “Pump custom fit technology. Turn it on. Turn it off.”) and again the girl says, “You have a really great voice”. AND THEN she says, “You were here last week for the Barcardi thing, right? They haven’t decided on that yet.”
Therein lies the rub, people. I don’t want to know stuff like that. I want to think that if I haven’t been called back for a VO within a few days, I missed it, so I can move on. NOW I have to wonder every time my phone rings and it’s my agent that I just might book that. Fuck. I dislike hope. Not the concept. I love the idea of hope, but not when it comes to acting and me. If I don’t get the part, I’d like to forget it as quickly as possible and move on to the next thing. Because when I don’t get the Bacardi thing, I don’t want to think that the girl was right; I am good, but not good enough for this spot. It will get inside and get me down. Let me live from day to day, not thinking about auditioning I did a week ago. Let it be a great surprise when my agent calls up and says I booked something. Stop expecting things. This is more for myself than for any of you, but either way, it feels good to get it out. I walk into every audition thinking: “It is mine.” And I walk out thinking “I totally fucked up.” That way, when my agent’s number pops up I think “Oh, another audition”, not “Ooh a callback” or “Oooooh, I booked it”. I have NEVER expected to book something. THAT is why the surprise is so sweet and I’m never disappointed. I’ll sometimes think, “Man that would have been fun or cool,” but I’ll never walk out thinking, “I nailed that”. Actually, only once did I do that: with the Kermit the Frog thing. And that was because I WAS BABY KERMIT THE FROG. For that instant, I channeled the spirit of Jim Henson and made him speak. In no other audition have I so perfectly carried out a voice, and that’s why I booked it. In no other case has that happened…and it is that way for a reason. I guess the real recipient of this is the chick from House productions. Don’t get my hopes up, because from there they can only go down…on an old man in the park. And that is a gross place for ones hopes to be. Especially because it takes like, twelve minutes of lapping and sucking and manipulating just to get him hard, and that’s being kind because “hard” isn’t even the right word. “Less flaccid” fits better. Anyway, once it finally gets stiff enough, you have to work for like another half hour to get it out of him and you’re not even sure he can feel it, let alone enjoy it. Then there’s the mess. The elderly bust massive nuts.
But you see my point. The recording girl from House productions puts me in that place…and that is wrong of her…I’m sure she thought it would help but she was dead wrong…she’ll be the first to admit it…
4:34 PM
What a beautiful day today. Almost…too beautiful…I suspect terrorist involvement. Raising personal threat level from tangerine to raspberry.
We’re through the looking glass, people.
Salubriously though, it was an unreasonably sexy day ot today. I predict it is one of the last we’ll see this year. Of the seven perfect days, I believe we’ve used five or six, so get ready for the Anus Weather to begin. That kind of weather that makes you wish you were puckered up in a pair of nice warm trousers…like an anus.
Jesus Christ I’m going to another wedding this weekend. Marlena and Will (not Pxmxrxntz, different Will) are getting married. Yeesh. NO more weddings for a while, okay? Any more and I might just make feces in my pants. I will make sure to send the happy couple my poo poo pants as a sign of my happiness and pooping. Be warned, you filthy pig fuckers, be very knob gobbling warned.
And now, some haiku.
Anus Weather comes
Bundle up! Pucker up too.
Icicles will probe…
The Coughing Lady
My word! How she coughs! GARF!! GARF!!
I ignore her act.
4:34 PM
What a beautiful day today. Almost…too beautiful…I suspect terrorist involvement. Raising personal threat level from tangerine to raspberry.
We’re through the looking glass, people.
Salubriously though, it was an unreasonably sexy day ot today. I predict it is one of the last we’ll see this year. Of the seven perfect days, I believe we’ve used five or six, so get ready for the Anus Weather to begin. That kind of weather that makes you wish you were puckered up in a pair of nice warm trousers…like an anus.
Jesus Christ I’m going to another wedding this weekend. Marlena and Will (not Pxmxrxntz, different Will) are getting married. Yeesh. NO more weddings for a while, okay? Any more and I might just make feces in my pants. I will make sure to send the happy couple my poo poo pants as a sign of my happiness and pooping. Be warned, you filthy pig fuckers, be very knob gobbling warned.
And now, some haiku.
Anus Weather comes
Bundle up! Pucker up too.
Icicles will probe…
The Coughing Lady
My word! How she coughs! GARF!! GARF!!
I ignore her act.
The troofus...xmax.
3:32 PM
Just now some woman from Mt. Sinai Hospital asked for some patient info from me. After that, she asked what department she was talking to. I have only had a venti caramel Frappuchino (I don't feel bad about misspelling that since it isn’t really a word...) and a Starbuck’s crumb cake for sustenance today and because of this I was almost unable to surpass the urge to inform her that this was the “Bootylicious Department. I think I found out how caffeine and sugar still affect me: when they are A. the only things in my body and B. when they are combined. I am as jittery as a chipmunk and I feel a diarrhea hurricane building up inside of mine anus, but I am enjoying myself nonetheless. Will wants me to shriek, “Shut the fuck up!” into the intercom of some annoying patients’ room and today he might just get his wish.
In other news, I am planning a Batman party for next weekend. The only tricky thing is I have a wedding either Saturday or Sunday and whichever day it isn’t, will be the Batman party. This party will consist of a screening of Batman and Batman Begins (maybe Batman Returns if I pick it up). After that, we will listen to the Batman soundtrack. If you don’t dig on Prince, begone. Then maybe some Bat Martinis and Bat Cakes. God I’m energetic.
I’ve recently taken to playing Su Doku. You should all check it out if you have vast gulfs of time that need filling with something aside from staring blankly and drooling, although there is nothing wrong with either of those activities.
HA! I just shocked a woman into silence by saying “HellothisistheoperatorhowmayIhelpyou?” in half a second. WOO! My lord. I feel like Beavis in his Cornholio state. Cornholio, but more focused. I dig it, ‘all. I. Dig. It. SHOVELS PEOPLE! Fuckin’ shovels.
Is “gerbit” a word? It certainly should be. [GUR-bit].
4:24 PM
I was just leafing through today’s Daily News to get to the Su Doku and saw the headline “1 Killed, 2 Hurt by Gunfire”. My first thought was, “Yup, gunfire’ll do that.”
3:32 PM
Just now some woman from Mt. Sinai Hospital asked for some patient info from me. After that, she asked what department she was talking to. I have only had a venti caramel Frappuchino (I don't feel bad about misspelling that since it isn’t really a word...) and a Starbuck’s crumb cake for sustenance today and because of this I was almost unable to surpass the urge to inform her that this was the “Bootylicious Department. I think I found out how caffeine and sugar still affect me: when they are A. the only things in my body and B. when they are combined. I am as jittery as a chipmunk and I feel a diarrhea hurricane building up inside of mine anus, but I am enjoying myself nonetheless. Will wants me to shriek, “Shut the fuck up!” into the intercom of some annoying patients’ room and today he might just get his wish.
In other news, I am planning a Batman party for next weekend. The only tricky thing is I have a wedding either Saturday or Sunday and whichever day it isn’t, will be the Batman party. This party will consist of a screening of Batman and Batman Begins (maybe Batman Returns if I pick it up). After that, we will listen to the Batman soundtrack. If you don’t dig on Prince, begone. Then maybe some Bat Martinis and Bat Cakes. God I’m energetic.
I’ve recently taken to playing Su Doku. You should all check it out if you have vast gulfs of time that need filling with something aside from staring blankly and drooling, although there is nothing wrong with either of those activities.
HA! I just shocked a woman into silence by saying “HellothisistheoperatorhowmayIhelpyou?” in half a second. WOO! My lord. I feel like Beavis in his Cornholio state. Cornholio, but more focused. I dig it, ‘all. I. Dig. It. SHOVELS PEOPLE! Fuckin’ shovels.
Is “gerbit” a word? It certainly should be. [GUR-bit].
4:24 PM
I was just leafing through today’s Daily News to get to the Su Doku and saw the headline “1 Killed, 2 Hurt by Gunfire”. My first thought was, “Yup, gunfire’ll do that.”
Breep breep breeeeep breeeeeeeeeep!!!
9:49 PM
Taking a moment to admire and give kudos to the Stylophone solo at the end of Kanye West’s single “Gold Digger”. It adds a unique feel to this wonderfully infectious song. Other artists that have used the Stylophone in their works include They Might Be Giants (in their recent “Spine Hits The Road” tour and in the song “Dan Vs. Cog”), David Bowie (Space Oddity), Beck (his latest tour) and Aussie protest dork rocker, Rolf Harris (pretty much every song he’s ever done). Welcome to the Club, Kanye…and no, Jamie Foxx may not come in.
9:49 PM
Taking a moment to admire and give kudos to the Stylophone solo at the end of Kanye West’s single “Gold Digger”. It adds a unique feel to this wonderfully infectious song. Other artists that have used the Stylophone in their works include They Might Be Giants (in their recent “Spine Hits The Road” tour and in the song “Dan Vs. Cog”), David Bowie (Space Oddity), Beck (his latest tour) and Aussie protest dork rocker, Rolf Harris (pretty much every song he’s ever done). Welcome to the Club, Kanye…and no, Jamie Foxx may not come in.
7:02 PM
Umbrellas litter the streets like the corpses of strange robotic birds. Going outside wearing nothing but a hat to keep the rain off my head lends an odd sense of invulnerability. It isn’t very cold outside, just wet. This kind of weather can wear on your bones and earlier I felt pain in the joints of the thumb and index fingers of my right hand, but to go out for just a few moments is interesting. Like you are above feeling cold and wet. Like you’re on some other plane. Close to, but not quite part of this one.
I think the aching in my joints is a bad sign.
10:27 PM
Three people died in here today. One of them was a man who I have never met, but whose name I have been hearing for as long as I have been here. I know it doesn’t matter fuck all to any of these gibbering idiot-ass security guards and I’m not sure if or how it matters to me, but I just think it’s worth mentioning. I don’t know why, I just think it is.
7:02 PM
Umbrellas litter the streets like the corpses of strange robotic birds. Going outside wearing nothing but a hat to keep the rain off my head lends an odd sense of invulnerability. It isn’t very cold outside, just wet. This kind of weather can wear on your bones and earlier I felt pain in the joints of the thumb and index fingers of my right hand, but to go out for just a few moments is interesting. Like you are above feeling cold and wet. Like you’re on some other plane. Close to, but not quite part of this one.
I think the aching in my joints is a bad sign.
10:27 PM
Three people died in here today. One of them was a man who I have never met, but whose name I have been hearing for as long as I have been here. I know it doesn’t matter fuck all to any of these gibbering idiot-ass security guards and I’m not sure if or how it matters to me, but I just think it’s worth mentioning. I don’t know why, I just think it is.
Tiny Dancer...Leered At
3:24 PM
Wet. Lap. Wet. Cold. Crotch.
Good day. Despite waking up early (9:51, ick!) and the Great Fuzzy Fucking Deluge I had two auditions that went very well AND at the second I ran into Christina Lind.
In every class of Theatre majors at Fordham about one or two people get agents and work as professional actors. Christina is the One from the class of 2005 and she deserves it xmax. She starred in my play ‘pointless’ (written and directed by myself and Heather DuCharme) as numerous characters and spit milk on herself for my artistic, dairy vision, “Foursome” (directed by Christina Girlfriend) which took place in a potted plant and was sexy and she was one of the two girls in Christina’s video piece “Little Deaths”—corsetry…HOOOOOOO!!! She and I share Jamie Baker as an agent. She’s been going out on a lot of stuff and has had a few callbacks, but hasn’t booked anything yet; she will though. She was one of the most talented actors from her year and I was gloriously happy to see she was the one who made it. She’s not attractive in a blonde hair, blue eyes way (like me) but she has this smoldering, dark, intelligent beauty. She can be the girl next door, the bombshell, the whore and she can pull off a Goth that will make you bust nuts that aren’t even yours. I hope to work with her at some point (I plan to call her “Malaise Away”); she’s smart, energetic and a lot of fun.
The audition I ran into her at was for Volkswagen (the car company that was invented by Hitler). I was told only to dress casual and to look “creepy”. Ladies and gentlemen…I can do creepy. Before I the hit that audition (for which I was scheduled at 1), I had to slog over to the edge of the fucking island to audition for a voiceover for Bacardi’s latest swill: “Vanille Royale”. The copy called for a “rich, sexy voice with a French accent.” I want you to picture Gunter but French instead of German. After I read the k-cheesy VO copy (“Make indulgence a part of your routine. Vanille Royale…French Vanilla with a kiss of cognac…”) without cracking a smile they gave me the character VO (“Darling, are you starting without me? We usually fold the laundry…together”) to also be read in a sexy, warm voice although not French. I did it a few times and thought I did a pretty good job. The recording girl said I had a really nice voice, although I can never tell if people in the business are being sincere or just talking. Anyway, this audition (on the edge of the island and 15th street) was finished at about 11:30. I had my second on between 5th and 6th on 37th. I made my way up there as slowly as possible (which was quite a bitch considering the on and off downpours) and arrived at about 12:20. I signed my name and sat down. Then I started to notice a trend… At regular intervals the woman would call in a guy and a girl. After a few moments, they would come out and another guy and girl would go in, etc. The thing was, the guys were model material, but not the thin, gay model type. The more muscular “hot” type. And the girls? Let’s just say that Christina Lind was looking dowdy and she’s gorgeous. Then, one of the guys coming out says that it’s best to go in with a girl because you have to kiss her.
Okay, I think, none of these guys look creepy in the least and they’re all kissing hot girls for an audition. I was beginning to get a boner…a fear boner. Finally, I get called in with this absolutely smoking girl named Lauren. I tell the woman in charge that none of the other guys out there were very “creepy”. She looks puzzled for a moment and then she asks what time my appointment was. I tell her one and suddenly everything becomes clear. Up to one o’clock, the Beautiful People were called in to kiss for some reason (possibly for the fat jollies of the Germans). It was still for Volkswagen, just a different spot. Post one o’clock was what I was there for. You are going to love this. I was called in with a cute, little blonde tap dancer. She tap-danced while I leered at her. That’s it. She danced, I leered. People (maybe me) will receive money for this. If any of you have seen my acting resume, you might or might not recall that under special skills I have listed “leering”, and friends, I leered my little heart out, trying my best not to laugh at the absurdity of this situation. At the end of it the tiny dancer stood on her tiptoes, gave me a big hug and a tiny kiss on the cheek. “I really really really hope I get to do this with you, big guy!! You’re sooo tall!!”
Sometimes, it’s good to be the Paulitosphere.
3:24 PM
Wet. Lap. Wet. Cold. Crotch.
Good day. Despite waking up early (9:51, ick!) and the Great Fuzzy Fucking Deluge I had two auditions that went very well AND at the second I ran into Christina Lind.
In every class of Theatre majors at Fordham about one or two people get agents and work as professional actors. Christina is the One from the class of 2005 and she deserves it xmax. She starred in my play ‘pointless’ (written and directed by myself and Heather DuCharme) as numerous characters and spit milk on herself for my artistic, dairy vision, “Foursome” (directed by Christina Girlfriend) which took place in a potted plant and was sexy and she was one of the two girls in Christina’s video piece “Little Deaths”—corsetry…HOOOOOOO!!! She and I share Jamie Baker as an agent. She’s been going out on a lot of stuff and has had a few callbacks, but hasn’t booked anything yet; she will though. She was one of the most talented actors from her year and I was gloriously happy to see she was the one who made it. She’s not attractive in a blonde hair, blue eyes way (like me) but she has this smoldering, dark, intelligent beauty. She can be the girl next door, the bombshell, the whore and she can pull off a Goth that will make you bust nuts that aren’t even yours. I hope to work with her at some point (I plan to call her “Malaise Away”); she’s smart, energetic and a lot of fun.
The audition I ran into her at was for Volkswagen (the car company that was invented by Hitler). I was told only to dress casual and to look “creepy”. Ladies and gentlemen…I can do creepy. Before I the hit that audition (for which I was scheduled at 1), I had to slog over to the edge of the fucking island to audition for a voiceover for Bacardi’s latest swill: “Vanille Royale”. The copy called for a “rich, sexy voice with a French accent.” I want you to picture Gunter but French instead of German. After I read the k-cheesy VO copy (“Make indulgence a part of your routine. Vanille Royale…French Vanilla with a kiss of cognac…”) without cracking a smile they gave me the character VO (“Darling, are you starting without me? We usually fold the laundry…together”) to also be read in a sexy, warm voice although not French. I did it a few times and thought I did a pretty good job. The recording girl said I had a really nice voice, although I can never tell if people in the business are being sincere or just talking. Anyway, this audition (on the edge of the island and 15th street) was finished at about 11:30. I had my second on between 5th and 6th on 37th. I made my way up there as slowly as possible (which was quite a bitch considering the on and off downpours) and arrived at about 12:20. I signed my name and sat down. Then I started to notice a trend… At regular intervals the woman would call in a guy and a girl. After a few moments, they would come out and another guy and girl would go in, etc. The thing was, the guys were model material, but not the thin, gay model type. The more muscular “hot” type. And the girls? Let’s just say that Christina Lind was looking dowdy and she’s gorgeous. Then, one of the guys coming out says that it’s best to go in with a girl because you have to kiss her.
Okay, I think, none of these guys look creepy in the least and they’re all kissing hot girls for an audition. I was beginning to get a boner…a fear boner. Finally, I get called in with this absolutely smoking girl named Lauren. I tell the woman in charge that none of the other guys out there were very “creepy”. She looks puzzled for a moment and then she asks what time my appointment was. I tell her one and suddenly everything becomes clear. Up to one o’clock, the Beautiful People were called in to kiss for some reason (possibly for the fat jollies of the Germans). It was still for Volkswagen, just a different spot. Post one o’clock was what I was there for. You are going to love this. I was called in with a cute, little blonde tap dancer. She tap-danced while I leered at her. That’s it. She danced, I leered. People (maybe me) will receive money for this. If any of you have seen my acting resume, you might or might not recall that under special skills I have listed “leering”, and friends, I leered my little heart out, trying my best not to laugh at the absurdity of this situation. At the end of it the tiny dancer stood on her tiptoes, gave me a big hug and a tiny kiss on the cheek. “I really really really hope I get to do this with you, big guy!! You’re sooo tall!!”
Sometimes, it’s good to be the Paulitosphere.
Home; Where It Belongs
10:07 PM
Series of ups and downs today.
The cold weather is here.
With it comes a profound sense of loneliness and isolation, but also a sense of reinvigoration.
Sadly, the former outweighs the latter.
Tomorrow I travel to Long Island. I hope that goes well.
My 5.1 made me happy for about 7 hours.
Don’t misunderstand, when I use it, it’s awesome, but I saw this as more of an enhancer rather than a throwaway purchase (like several of the DVD’s I owe but have not watched). Maybe I should go ahead and get that new stereo too. Maybe that will help for another 7 hours.
I started swimming again. At least that’s something.
I have to edit the video too. I have enough half finished ideas to kill a man.
Anyway, this entry is more about opopanax. I am re-reading the Stephen King/Peter Straub novel “Black House”. In it there’s this word, opopanax that is given all this importance in the book. At one point, they mention that a character looked up the definition but “its literal meaning is unimportant.” So I look it up and it’s a plant that makes sap, something really mundane, but they continue to use it throughout the book as some magical, mystical word and King even goes as far as to make like it is a bird in a later book, (by nonchalantly writing something “at the town meeting, no one could speak without the Opopanax feather”) just because he likes the sound of it. I think that is idiotic; to use a word as whatever you want simply because it sounds cool or looks cool on the page? Give your fucking readers some credit.
Okay, esoteric rant finished.
I took my AC out of my window. The cold weather has driven the Barrio Boys away (at night, at least) and made it possible for me to sleep without machines. I miss the fresh air.
Busy weekend, now that I look at it…LI on Saturday and brunch and a movie on Sunday. Then (maybe) Vermont next weekend, nothing the weekend after that, then Marlena and Will’s wedding, then to D.C. (maybe). Such a busy person I am. Revel in my business. Revel…or I shall destroy you utterly.
I have an audition on Monday that I might actually be good for. You know that movie trailer announcer you always hear? Well, I can do a rather good mimic of him and that’s what Court TV wants on Monday. My agent doesn’t manage anyone huge, but he does have one rather large claim to fame: he got the Food Network voice his job. Every time you hear an announcer on Food TV, that’s my agency. Rawk on, Food TV Man…maybe I shall become the voice of Court TV and get girls to throw gavels at me.
Let’s hear it once for gavels.
10:07 PM
Series of ups and downs today.
The cold weather is here.
With it comes a profound sense of loneliness and isolation, but also a sense of reinvigoration.
Sadly, the former outweighs the latter.
Tomorrow I travel to Long Island. I hope that goes well.
My 5.1 made me happy for about 7 hours.
Don’t misunderstand, when I use it, it’s awesome, but I saw this as more of an enhancer rather than a throwaway purchase (like several of the DVD’s I owe but have not watched). Maybe I should go ahead and get that new stereo too. Maybe that will help for another 7 hours.
I started swimming again. At least that’s something.
I have to edit the video too. I have enough half finished ideas to kill a man.
Anyway, this entry is more about opopanax. I am re-reading the Stephen King/Peter Straub novel “Black House”. In it there’s this word, opopanax that is given all this importance in the book. At one point, they mention that a character looked up the definition but “its literal meaning is unimportant.” So I look it up and it’s a plant that makes sap, something really mundane, but they continue to use it throughout the book as some magical, mystical word and King even goes as far as to make like it is a bird in a later book, (by nonchalantly writing something “at the town meeting, no one could speak without the Opopanax feather”) just because he likes the sound of it. I think that is idiotic; to use a word as whatever you want simply because it sounds cool or looks cool on the page? Give your fucking readers some credit.
Okay, esoteric rant finished.
I took my AC out of my window. The cold weather has driven the Barrio Boys away (at night, at least) and made it possible for me to sleep without machines. I miss the fresh air.
Busy weekend, now that I look at it…LI on Saturday and brunch and a movie on Sunday. Then (maybe) Vermont next weekend, nothing the weekend after that, then Marlena and Will’s wedding, then to D.C. (maybe). Such a busy person I am. Revel in my business. Revel…or I shall destroy you utterly.
I have an audition on Monday that I might actually be good for. You know that movie trailer announcer you always hear? Well, I can do a rather good mimic of him and that’s what Court TV wants on Monday. My agent doesn’t manage anyone huge, but he does have one rather large claim to fame: he got the Food Network voice his job. Every time you hear an announcer on Food TV, that’s my agency. Rawk on, Food TV Man…maybe I shall become the voice of Court TV and get girls to throw gavels at me.
Let’s hear it once for gavels.
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