Yet another Totnes find...I think...details are beginning to get blurry for me.
This is one of the half dozen or so purchases that I consider Christina's, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to give it a spin.
What's the fucking point of getting married if you can't listen to your spouse's music?
Exactly, there is none.
At first, I'm struck by how fresh and bright the album sounds, sunlight on water, but I am well aware that, at any moment, her voice could get terribly annoying.
Eventually, I realize that the lyrics are really quite dark, clashing with the warm, fuzzy sounds.
The reverse keyboard thing gets tiresome after the third song, and yet, despite my dislike of this choice, continues throughout the majority of the album.
WT fuck, Purity Ring?
At one point, I decide that Megan James (lead singer of Purity Ring) sounds like a young Inara George (lead singer of The Bird and The Bee), but only a moment or so before I decide that she actually sounds like a young GladOS (at least at the beginning of "Cartographist"). Up to this point (three tracks from the end), while I haven't been annoyed, I haven't really been staggered with this album either. There is variety here, but a lot of it seems to rely way too heavily on "sort of 80's" synths and that tiresome-after-the-third-song reverse keyboard thing, but James breaks out of her usual cadence on "Obedear" and I find myself paying attention again, even more so with the penultimate track, "Lofticries", which adds some really great chord progression to that new found cadence. The album ends with what might be the darkest track, "Shuck" and then I go back and listen to the whole thing again, just to solidify my opinion that, yes, the whole thing is okay, but that it really shines at the end. It's a delightful surprise that, at no point, was I so annoyed by her voice that I had to stop listening. And I mean that as a compliment.
Nine Inch Nails
As people's attention slowly drifts away from How to destroy angels' debut album and their mind-blowing live show and back towards the upcoming Nine Inch Nails Hurricane of Stuff and as the band begins rehearsals for their 2013-2014 "Wave Hello" tour (minus Eric Avery, who pulled out of the touring line up around the middle of the month but plus Robin Finck, who joined up about a week afterward, but minus Adrian Belew* who might or might have ever been a part of the touring line up), I have decided to write a tour rider of my own, for the band**.
Do Not Play The Following Songs
Okay, "reinvention"! Fuck me, but that sounds tantalizing! You know what the best way to make me think that's just a buzzword? By playing the following songs.
Some people might find this harsh, but, really, do we need to hear "Head Like A Hole" again? Probably not, but we're most likely going to.
I'm only one man.
Whose blog Trent Reznor does not read.
The Hand That Feeds
Or, as I like to call it, "The Song That Indicates The Concert Is Almost Over".
Not a bad song at all, still very powerful, but, not only has NIN been playing it since 1994, but I'm never able to enjoy it because I am TERRIFIED that some bro who only came to hear the "fuck you like an animal" song is going to scream "play the 'fuck you like an animal' song!", causing Grammy and Oscar award winner and composer, Trent Reznor, to throw down his microphone/keyboard and storm off the stage.
Guys...we all need to grow up.
For as long as I can remember, this song has (mostly) been utilized in the set list as the "we've just had out quiet, AV moment of the show, time to get excited again for more Nine Inch Nails music!!!!! WOO! They're GOOD!" During their 2009 Wave Goodbye tour, they replaced this with "1,000,000" or "Mr. Self Destruct"; either of which would continue to count as a suitable replacement, especially the latter.
Terrible Lie
Unless it's preceded by "Now I'm Nothing". The fact that they only opened with NIN=>TL at the start of the NINJA tour and that I was not there to see/hear it just makes me sad. Again, it isn't a bad song, and I love screaming along with everyone just fine, but, this tour (again) is about "reinventing Nine Inch Nails live", and, opening with one of the songs you've been opening with since the late 80's (unless it's some drastic reinterpretation of the song) doesn't ring of reinvention.
Dead Souls
It's dead. Souls.
And we've heard it enough.
Somewhat Damaged
I love The Fragile, it might be my favorite Nine Inch Nails album, but, for the past few tours (since 2006 or so) this has become just another in the small rotated pool of openers (Terrible Lie, this, and Home). Like most of the other songs on this list, it isn't bad, it's great, but, reinvention and all that.
Surprise me.
Play These Songs Or Your Claim Of 'Reinvention' Is Bunk
On their last two tours, Reznor went out of the way to dig up and re-tool songs that hadn't been played live since the mid-90's and it was flat out amazing. Because of that decision, there are now only a handful of NIN songs that have never been played live (I'm not counting the majority of Ghosts). It's going to be tough to do songs that don't seem as if they're on the set list simply because Reznor ran out of stuff to do.
These should help.
The Perfect Drug
No more excuses. You're going to have SIX fucking musicians on stage, one of which (Josh Eustis) is solely doing electronics, one of which is a drummer that can totally blow our faces off with that solo and one of which is Adrian fucking Belew. Play this god damn song and MAKE ME CUM.
While a bit sparse at times, I really like this track that Reznor sort of improv'd with Josh Homme and Dave Grohl and think it would be an excellent live addition.
So fucking play it.
Zoo Station
What better way to remind people that you're still relevant than by performing your kick ass cover of a twenty year
Whatever, look, if you're serious about reinventing etc etc, then you want songs that you haven't played live but that don't feel like a weird stretch (i.e. March of the Fuckheads), so, here you go.
Now, just hear me out! I know this is from the same album as "Kinda I Want To" and "That's What I Get"...but it's also from the same album as "Terrible Lie", "Head Like A Hole"***** and "Something I Can Never Have", all three of which have been reimagined and modified over the years to sound fresh and clean and decidedly NOT 80's. So, along with some stuff you've never played before, I'd like to hear some stuff completely reworked to fit into this reinvented version of Nine Inch Nails.
And All That Could Have Been
With the deluxe version of The Fragile right around the corner*******, what better time to toss this gem out there? This could be a fitting replacement to the "end of the AV section that swells and segues into a fast song" song, or, dare I say, maybe a potential replacement for "Hurt"?
Yes! I dare!!!
Sex Dwarf
Bottom line? It's time.
Set us free, Trent.
Set us free.
Demon Seed
It's strong, it's multifaceted and everyone on stage gets to go insane.
What are you waiting for?
New Nine Inch Nails music
I can't think of a more exciting time than those early With Teeth dates; the ones where NIN was playing most of the new album before it was out. I want that thrill again. So, throw those two new NIN songs that are going to pop up on the 'best of' and, sure, you can invite some of your friends from that new Nine Inch Nails triple album coming out "later this year", I'm fine with that.
Play These...But Different/Better AKA 'Reinvent' Them
The most exciting thing for me at a Nine Inch Nails show (sometimes even more so than new music) is to hear songs that I've heard live and on albums hundreds of times before from a totally different perspective. Sometimes it's the simply addition of an instrument or sometimes it's a complete reinterpretation.
Starfuckers, Inc.
I don't know about you, but I think I'm ready for this again...just...different...
Sorry I can't give you more, but I'm not the one reinventing Nine Inch Nails live.
This always struck me as a bit of a weird fit on the summer leg of the With Teeth tour...not fast, not really slow, kind of lacking in energy...but...that React Now piano version? Utterly, fucking beautiful.
The Day The World Went Away
I'll never get tired of this, but maybe it's time to mix it up a bit? The "Still" version perhaps or, if you really want me as your friend, the "Quiet" version.
Full Utilization Of All Band Members On Stage
I want Josh Eustis adding something to every song, whether it's as ephemeral as "ambiance" or "depth" or as specific as dry humping a Kaos Pad in order to fuck our minds up.
I want Alessandro Cortini to focus on the keyboards. Trent's been having this poor bastard playing guitar, singing back up, playing bass etc. for years. Let the man rest and destroy our souls with some mad synth skillz. But...he is not to do that weird panting thing during "March Of The Pigs"********
Robin Finck - Kill the guitar.
Ilan Rubin - Kill the drums.
Get Danny Lohner
Get Danny Lohner
How to destroy angels
I want to look forward to the ENTIRE evening. If I'm going to show up 10 hours early (which I am) I want to be rewarded with not having to tolerate some band that Trent really, really loves and who he really thinks is interesting and really great.
On a scale of NINJA to Lights In The Sky, I'm leaning more towards something between Fragility 2.0 and Live: With Teeth as far as the crazy interactive laser stage set up. While LITS was, without a doubt, jaw dropping, I found myself forgetting that there were people up there too.
Or, you know, whatever Trent wants to do.
Just post an address so I can send you a ball of crumpled up, tear/sweat-stained hindred dollar bills.
I'd like a shirt and a poster too.
Aside from all that noise, there's Reznor's appearances on the new Queens of the Stone Age album, ..Like Clockwork, specifically "Kalopsia" (one of the only songs I can think of that Reznor guests on that doesn't sound overly NIN-esque) and "Fairweather Friends"...where he sings (yells) with Nick Oliveri, Mark Lanegan, Alain Johannes, Brody Dalle...and Elton John.
So...that happened.
Did I mention the concert in August? The one in Brooklyn?
I did?
Uh...carry on then.
They Might Be Giants
After just having returned home from their first tour of Australia, New Zolland and Tasmania since...ever? 2001?...they are about to set out ONCE AGAIN for the far corners of the U.S., returning home AGAIN in August for a free show in Brooklyn on Saturday, August 10th...six days after that aforementioned Beck show.
Hopefully, they'll soon announce a b-side companion to the kickass Nanobots a la Album Raises New And Troubling Questions.
Because the best album they've put out in years just isn't enough for some me.
And there are those last two 2012 IFC vinyl EPs (one a kids' disc and the other by the Avatars of They) they promised at the end of March...which...aren't a thing yet...although, the tiny taste Flans sent out last month was pretty awesome.
More on that (or maybe not) soon (or not soon).
Also, just a few days ago, the St. Vincent/David Byrne collective, Love This Giant, posted a free, five-track EP (entitled Brass Tactics) featuring an unreleased song (pretty solid), two remixes (meh) and two live tracks from their recent tour (tasty good good).
And it's free.
Seriously, if you haven't heard this fucking album yet...ah, go fuck yourself.
See you in a month when Reznor reveals a second finished and "frankly fucking great" Nine Inch Nails album.
* Really bummed about this because I wanted that motherfucker dressed in black rubber, covered in cornstarch, and destroying AT LEAST three guitars A NIGHT. And one drum kit. Using a keyboard.
** Honestly, less of a "tour rider" and more of a "To Do List".**
*** Even more honestly, less of a "To Do List" and more of a "List of Demands"***
**** Reference to Saul Williams NOT intended.
***** Which I was considering adding to the "Don't Play" list, but Nine Inch Nails NOT playing HLAH live? Well...I just don't believe that will ever happen.******
******** Check out MOTP from Beside You In's...fucking weird.
My body feels wrapped in mulch.
Wet, dirty, hot mulch.
But I smell fine.
Morning started with me waking up BEFORE I WANTED TO FUCK YOU GOD FOR THIS.
Then a shower (the result of which was undone and soaked in sweat mere minutes later), then out to my busy day.
First, a trip to Nutmeg to audition for some powder dry industrial for some company know? I have no fucking clue. The text was all about "we have a code and it helps us help our clients. With the future and business and plans and future business and our clients" it didn't actually say what, exactly, the fuck, it is that they do.
It would be awesome if this place (McBladders? MacLadders?) was just a shell company for Hustler or something.
Hustler shows you the insides.
After I read that thing with all the warm, supportive hugs my voice could muster, I tackled the script for the CXS Rail Transportation Navigator.
And it does exactly what it says it does.
Remember some months ago when I stupidly agreed to read about four hours worth of Dell Cloud shit for investors? The thing where I had to say words that I knew were words, but that's I'd never spoken before?
This was not nearly as bad as that, so I was easily able to make it sound like I knew what the fuck I was talking about.
It's called voice acting, folks...and I'm good at what I do.
After that, I headed over to Just Voices where I had a wonderful chat with Roger about the wedding and how nothing (to my neverending shock and delight) got fucked up and then I read a bunch of lines in my 75-80% Spongebob Squarepants voice.
I feel pretty comfortable about it, but, who knows? CERTAINLY NOT I!
Next, my last minute session for Bud Light...for which I was already 12 minutes late (something runs two minutes late, then you miss a train, then something else runs five minutes late etc.).
This took place at a studio on Varick called White House and I don't think I've been to a swankier set up...well...the offices were swanky, the booth, not as much.
But, god DAMN this industry is doing just fine.
I drank two wine bottles full of water (I tend to perspire), jumped in the booth and did this intense read, then a less intense read, then a different kind of intense read, then some wild lines, then another read with more wonder, less anger and then, they decided to just go with my very first read, no edits, no nothing.
"One Take Jake" they called me, but I corrected them and told them my name was Paul, so it would be "One Take Paul".
And we laughed.
Then, without nothing but my iPod and the sodden clothes on my back, I set out for work where I sit now as the horrible beast slowly chews its way through my door, drawing sluggishly yet inexorably closer to mine form, just inches away now! If only I could flee, but nay, I just record these events in case of
You get it.
Lovecraft was silly.
Aside from all this, I have been informed by the Powers That Be Philip Maniaci, that "Too Tall" (the recent 24 Hour Film Race entry on which I worked) will be available for public consumption around June 6th.
And I will probably be able to scratch up a link.
But it'll be a secret...just for you... shhhhhhhh...
Over the weekend, while my two close friends, Lisa and Alan, were getting hit with cars, I took part in a 24 Hour Film Race with Philip "The Maniac" Maniaci, Ray "The Maniac" Zablocki, my lovely wife, Christina "The Maniac I Married" Bryant, many others and a dude named Nestor L. Marmol.
The guidelines were announced at 10 pm on Friday the 17th (theme: time travel, prop: an egg, action: crumpling a piece of paper) while Ray and I were in a car on our way to the location (Castle Braid in Bushwick, Brooklyn), and, after meeting most everyone who we'd be working with, Phil, Ray, Cecilia and I came up with, to be totally modest, some really fucked up shit.
At 3:30 am or so, the script was locked and we returned to our respective places for sleep, in my case, two and a half hours thereof.
I met Ray in front of his place the next morning at 7 or so and we headed back over to Castle Braid.
Shooting began around 10 am with me and my lovely co-star, Cayla Buettner, together in bed. It was totally not scandalous!!!
Then, things progressed through the day, bleary and blurry, until we wrapped at just after 8 pm. Then, those poor bastards had to edit this pile of gooey brilliance into something a normal human could comprehend. As there was, at one point in the film, a dance party, I whipped up some music and, after I arrived home, threw in some ridiculous lyrics and sent the whole thing over to Phil, who dropped it, as if it were hot... Late on Sunday night, we all got the link and...well, you'll see the results soon.
Needless to say that I am very proud of what everyone was able to put together for this and I'm just floored by the resulting film.
It's called Too Tall and has several lines of dialogue addressing the size of my penis.
While I hope this is the first and last fuckrant involving my new iMac, I'm almost certain it won't be.
Because I'm just a bubbling cauldron of Pissy Bitch Stew*.
I arrived home with my massive, so-goddamn-huge-that-it-doesn't-safely-fit-on-my-desk 27" iMac last night after work having stopped to pick it up from the Apple Store on 5th.
I unboxed this monster, marvelled at how spartan/smug their lack of stuff that's actually in said box, and then started clearing space.
I plugged everything in and then began the migration from my PC to my Mac.
Now, this isn't on the Mac, this is on the PC, but, don't worry, I'll aim my piss cannon back in Apple's direction in just a moment.
Realizing that it is about to be kicked to death as soon as I have everything I need off of it, at some point during the file transfer process (I was asleep), my PC (cute, little rascal that it is) decided to do one of those "hey, unless you click this thing RIGHT NOW we're going to restart your computer for some really really important updates that you need because they are important really, no matter what you're doing, is that cool? Too late we already did it!" things.
The fucker.
You'd think that in the year 2013, someone would fucking program a computer to first check if anything else is happening (if a program is running, if something is downloading, if fucking god damn motherfucking data is transferring) before it restarts itself or, if it absolutely MUST MUST MUST NOW OR IT WILL DIE do whatever it has to do that it thinks is SO fucking important, program it to start these interrupted operations back up.
But, no.
"Oh, you got a new Mac, huh? Niiice. What the processor speed? Oh wow, that is, like, 400 times faster than me! Hard drive? Oh, yes, very nice. And how big is the screen? Holy SMOKE that is big! And HD?! Phew! Well, enjoy that, I'm just going to shit in your closet before I go, thanks!"
So, I had to set all that shit up again, losing, oh, eight hours that could have been spent, you know, using my new computer.
But, as we all know, 8 is not as bad as 14.
What a random statement.
What could that pertain to?
Well...I will tell you.
14 is the number of hours it is going to take to transfer the scraps of music that I have on my old PC (I keep the bulk of it on an external hard drive) to my new one. Both are wired to the same network, so there's nothing in the way there, and, we're talking about, MAYBE 35 GB.
That's ABOUT two and a half GB AN HOUR.
What in the screaming wet FUCK would possibly cause this ti take 14 fucking hours?!
Is it goblins?
There you have it; I'm bitching myself bloody BEFORE THE FUCKING THING IS EVEN SET UP.
When I left the house today, things looked as if they were going to be transferred by the time I arrived home this evening, so I'm expecting to find some cute little message on either the PC or the Mac (although, most likely the PC) letting me know that it forgot what data is and now it's going to restart itself, just to feel like it has accomplished something.
And it has.
It has cemented my decision that it will not be donated or refurbished, but, rather, stuffed with feces and explosives, and then thrown from the roof.
Because that is how I view my PC at this moment: an exploding ball of shit, falling through empty space.
I'm trying very hard to remember just why I wanted to check out Magic Mike...
But I cannot.
So let's just get this thing going: I watched Magic Mike last night. Originally, I was planning to watch it on my own (in case there were any embarrassing and confusing boners), but Chris ended up watching it with me.
See, she didn't get the appeal of male strippers (neither did I), but, by the end of this two hour movie...she kind of did.
I still do not.
A few things regarding Magic Mike: Tampa was the best setting for this; it was always washed out and seedy and desperate...just like Tampa.
When Mike casually mentions that, over the past six years he has only socked away $13,000, the movie lost a lot for me.
Let's break this down: Mike HAS to be making AT least $400 a night at the strip club (and that is a conservative estimate), the cost of living in Florida is dirt fucking cheap, he's running three other businesses and yet he only manages to put away a little over two thousand a year? Break that down even further and that's about $183 a month, about $42 a week and about $6 a day! That's, like, two less beers when you go out at night!
Then, there's the fact that all Mike wants it to stop stripping and make his silly furniture...even though you only see three pieces in the entire film and you NEVER see him building ANYTHING!
Ami I missing the point of this movie?
It's that male strippers have it a LOT easier than female strippers, right?
Okay, good.
Anyway, I've never seen him in anything else, but Tates is just the charmingest stripper I have ever seen.
Along with Magic Dong, I also finished the sixth and seventh season of It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia, the last two episodes of which reveal A LOT.
The Waitress' name*, Mac's name and that Dennis, after all the hinting and dancing around it, really DOES appear to be about two bad sexual encounters away from being an actual serial killer.
Other highlights from these seasons include the entirety of "Chardee MacDennis" (they need to do one of these per season), Charlie's simple question to Santa Claus, the manifestations of some of the...things from Charlie's "Dram Bok", the Jersey Shore episode (mainly beause they shot most of it in Ocean City, NJ, the site of BEECHOUZATRONICON XMAX ), plus the addition of both Mary Lynn Rajskub as Gail the Snail (SUCH A FUN PERFORMANCE) and Jason Sudeikis as Smitty.
Looking forward to seeing where they go with the serial killer thing...
Along with all this television and film that I've been watching like a PRO, I'm happy to announce that The Electromagnetic Theater will be launching soon and available on iTunes in a month or so.
This is the podcast/radio show thing I worked on a few months ago in which I play a whole bunch of different characters.
You can head over to for more info, although the site isn't up yet.
Don't worry, I'll let you know.
* It's inferred and I wouldn't be surprised if turns out to be a red herring.
I'm not a huge fan of Beta Band*. I enjoyed The Three EPs of their other albums, but, as I'm not really a drug person, I don't think I fully got them.
If you've heard Beta Band, you've heard Steve Mason's Monkey Minds In The Devil's Time. It's less electronic and potty and more political and pretentious, but, other than that, yeah.
There are some stand outs here, such as "Lonely", "Fire!" and some other tracks, the names of which I forget because a lot of this sounds alike to me; both like itself and like Beta Band. It's disappointing to see how little Mason's sonic scope has expanded since Beta Band dis(Beta)banded in 2004, but, whatever, I bought this on a whim along with about twelve other albums so...yeah, whatever.
As far as the lyrical content, I've been told that this album is politically charged.
Also, about half the tracks on the album are more soundscapes or interludes rather than full blown songs.
I suppose I should say that what he's doing is interesting, but not the way he chose to do it.
If you love Beta Band but wish they had used less electronics, then this is right up your alley.
Straight up: I mainly listened to this to find tracks that would fit on a Gorillaz playlist.
And there are some...if Gorillaz ever made a Medieval album**.
This is the music from the opera that Albarn wrote about Dr. John Dee, the alchemist, mathematician astronomer and other stuff back in the 1500's. Here's the Wiki entry.
He was a pretty interesting guy.
Listening to this music without context was mucho dislocatingo, but, for my purposes, that really didn't matter.
I don't like opera, but that's only because I've never really listened to it because it annoys me so...yes. Complications.
Aside from the Albarn songs, which I enjoyed, I was actually quite smitten with one other track called "Watching The Fire That Waltzed Away", which features this dude singing in crazy balls on this guy at all.
Much like Albarn's funk project, Rocket Juice and The Moon, I don't think I'm the intended audience for this.
That Venn diagram would include fans of alchemy, opera and Gorillaz.
However, in this brave new world of people who have intimate relations with balloons***, I'm pretty sure that demographic not only exists, but that they absolutely love this album.
Damon, please get over your shit with Jamie and make some more fucking Gorillaz music.
I have been meaning to watch The Master and, between PSH in Mr. Ripley and my friend Bill telling me how awesome both he (PSH, not Bill) and Wakanda Fenix were in it, I did that very thing!
Just the other night!
And the next afternoon!!!*
The very first thing that kept coming back to me: Jamiroquai's character sounds a lot like Buffalo Bill throughout the whole movie...which both lent something and took something away from it.
Phil Sey Hoff was, as always, perfect. This guy's reel has GOT to be pretty impressive by now. I mean, I don't imagine that he still has to audition for things, but, if he does, wow, you know, I think he's gonna be all right.
Pump, pump, pump.
Plus, Amy Adams! Way to not do the typical Amy Adams thing!
You know what?
I'm done talking about it.
Really good stuff.
Picked IASIP back up (last episode I'd seen was The Nightman Cometh) and I am just staggered by a.) how awful all of these people are and b.) why I keep watching, knowing that they are just going to continue doing awful things/being awful/never succeeding at any of the awful things they attempt to accomplish.
It's like a car crash with Danny DiVito.
The Penguin.
That waitress is pretty cute though.
And the episode with Mary Lynn Rajskub? Holy fucking shit.
Her phlegm choice was just utterly perfect.
Unrelated to the above statement: I have officially been booked for another round of VO for the Target Everyday Collection campaign. Three more national radio spot recording next week.
What what.
Plus, I have finished the recording of my second audio book...which...I think is a surprise?
I don't know.
Either way, it's not going to be released (at first) as a typical audio book that no one will listen to, but, rather, in a different format to which no one will listen!
There is also a Le Pain Quotidien that's JUST opened up near where I work.
I look forward to eating there.
Pretty much everything on The Art of Disappearing feels open and big and humid; a summer scene viewed through a steaming dew drop. It also all reminds me of Clams Casino's amazing 2011 EP, whole lot...a real whole lot.
After repeat listenings though, things get less and less impressive. The vocals on "Lose Control" are almost silly, but not quite. Definitely cheesy though and probably would have been better without vocals.
Or if I had been having sex while on drugs.
Either one of those.
The fourth track, "Gold" (featuring vocals from Maria Minerva) works very well though. It has this great, sleepy energy that reminds me of the last track off Tweaker's 2 a.m. wakeup call, "Crude Sunlight".
"Mountains" is pretty much just a mash up of Clams Casino and the theme from Halloween. Creepy, but laid back in a jungle funk sort of way.**
The vocals on the next track, "Save Me", did NOT work.
Ugh. I almost skipped this, but that wouldn't have been fair to Herve...or me...or you.
"Red Tractor" has some nice chords, but, nothing really galvanizing about it.
And, finally, while the vocal treatment on the last track, "Mother Protect", has some cool stuff going on, the rest of it kind of doesn't. It starts off sounding out of sync with itself but then finds its own groove. Etc.
Almost everything on this is like an ocean or a swamp, complete with animals to match the surroundings; very visual.
Another plus is that none of the songs overstay their welcome, they present themselves, do what they've got to do, and then evaporate, heat shimmer.
There's some nice programming and some interesting textures, but there always seems to be something missing, and, whatever it is, it's the thing that would have made this a good album as opposed to an okay album. As it is, it's worth a listen or two, but not for more than that.
Put this on in the background when you have drug sex while floating in the ocean and getting a sunburn.
Or don't.
I really don't care.
Honestly, this just makes me want to bug Clams Casino about putting out his LP.
This weekend...aside from almost wrapping up my second audio book...I just soaked myself in media...
Chris and I finished the third season of Walking Dead...Spoilers!!!...the fact that they are stretching out the Governor plot line gives me a sinking feeling that they've kind of run dry for season four...despite the, literally, hundreds of issues of the graphic novel that are out.
I'm very happy that Andrea has finally shuffled off this mortal coil as she was just retarded this season.
"Muuuuh, mebbe I can haz help the Gubberber be nice and gud agen!!!! Fistanks full up HEDZ?! warning signs there..."
Glen and Maggie getting married?
Zombie fodder you have an emotional attachment to is still zombie fodder.
Carl losing every shred of his soul?
Now THAT is good* TV! And, when he called out his father for being a pussy and not doing what was best for the group?
Seriously though, they could have killed the Governor, like, six times before THEY LOST HIM.
Never mind.
We also took in the remake of Total Recall.
Pretty solid.
Really cool design and future stuff. Didn't hate Jessica Biel. Lens flares used abundantly yet appropriately, J.J. I'm looking at you...
I liked the nods here and there to the first movie and was totally okay with the fact that Mars had NOTHING to do with anything.
Also, Bryan Cranston: elect him President than have him punch some guys.
On the whole, I liken this to the remake of Judge Dredd which I squirted over recently.
Mindless, yet well done action, cool future design etc.
If any of you saw TR and dug it, you'll probably dig Dredd.
Finished the fourth season of Archer in, what, two days?
More, more, more.
And Jon Hamm was amazing.
Also watched the Comedians of Comedy Live thing on Netflix. Actually cried with laughter during Eugene Mirman's set.
I need to see him so I can feel emotions again.
Rewatched The Talented Mr. Ripley since the first time I saw it in theaters with Jeannie in Miami.
Very solid. Although Jesi Mullins and I discussed later on how neither of us get Paltrow as the most beautiful anything in the world. She's just too plain. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but, come on, the world is pretty freaking big.
Don't know if I've straight up come out and said this but: I enjoy Matt Damon.
I'm going on record.
I enjoy Matt Damon.
I also think Jude Law did a great job as a vain, overprivileged asshole.
And he has a great ass.
Unless that was a body double, in while case, shame on you, Jude.
Oh, and, Philip Seymour Hoffman!
I love to hate you!!!
Then, I finally got around to watching the RZA's movie, The Man With The Iron Fists.
Wow wow wow.
This film is made of two things: kung fu and ridiculous.
He finally got to make his kung fu movie and holy fucking god shit does it deliver.
It is EXACTLY what you would expect from RZA, Tarentino and Eli Roth.
Think of what a kung fu movie made by these three would consist of and you have thought of this movie.
Oh, but first, add Russell Crowe as an oversexed, opium addicted government agent/assassin.
There you go. Now you have thought of the movie.
Something interesting that I picked up on...there is hilariously graphic violence in this, violence to rival and overcome that which was seen in the Kill Bill films, but, although there is a whorehouse (run by a fucking bad ass Lucy Liu who comes equipped with a fucking blade fan), there is no nudity whatsoever.
There is a comment here...somewhere...I don't know where and I don't quite know what...but there is a comment there...
Maybe something about how violence is more commonplace and accepted than boobs.
Which is dumb.
I'd rather watch boobs than violence any day...then again, if Chris came home and saw me playing a video game that consisted of boobs rather than horrendous violence...actually, I have no idea how that would go down...
Let's move on.
Check out The Man Etc Fists.
It's just stupid great.
...and they're hoping to do a sequel!!!!!
Going back to horrendous violence for a moment, since I returned from the honeymoon, I have been digging into my pile of purchased yet unplayed video games.
I have finished Metal Gear Rising on both easy and normal and when I tried to play it on heard, I realized, once again, that I am not good at video games.
I think I might be finished with that game.
My time with it was short and mostly enjoyable, although it felt way too short to be a real Metal Gear game. I enjoyed the characters and story and all that, but, yeah, there needed to have been more Kojima-ness.
I might run through it once more, just to see if I missed anything (codec conversation whore...right here) and, although the first piece of DLC was panned, I might check that out as well.
I'm not really ready for the game to be over, I suppose...especially since the next real Metal Gear game isn't coming out for years.
One thing I will say: when you take out a fucking Metal Gear Ray with nothing but a SWORD and your massive balls in the fucking TUTORIAL?
Aside from MGR, I jumped into Bioshock Infinite a few weeks ago and, while it is still just a god damn FPS, the story is SO intriguing...parallel universes have been introduced and I have been to three (that I know of) at this point. Have not finished it yet but I am wildly excited to do so.
By that time, Remember Me should be out and then The Last Of Us is right around the corner...even though I have a solid stack to make my way through along with those...sheesh.
BUT I have not just been soaking my balls in media since I got home!
I am one recording and editing session away from completing my second audio book, which will be released as a 13-part podcast before normal distribution as a complete work on the retail sites (Amazon, Audible, iTunes). Very, very excited for you to hear this.
It's hot. hot.
So, if you've ever wanted to hear me read a sex scene...yeah...his one is for you...and decidedly not for members of my family.
So, do me a big up and don't mention this one to them.
Much thanks.
Also on this front, in eleven days, I shall pick up my brand new iMac from the Apple Store, at which point I shall install the new ProTools and begin the second wave of digressive_obscenity.
Why, you ask? Is it, perhaps, because of the thunderous response I received from my first wave of episodes?
Not at all! As far as I can tell, maybe 15 people have listened to said episodes! I'm doing this because I have a lot of fun and, as it turns out, its pretty easy to get in touch with the publicists for the bands/artists that you really like.
So, hopefully, the second wave should have a bit more...mass appeal, but, if it doesn't?
Fuck it.
I still have cool and interesting friend with whom I want to talk about things...and stuff...and boobs...
Aside from all this media-ball-soakage and DIY fame and fortune hunting, I'm also about to show up on a different podcast AS TOTALLY DIFFERENT PEOPLE!!! It's called Electromagnetic Theater and it should be up soon...I'll keep you posted.
Then there's the Speakaboos iTunes app, which should (hope hope hope) be launching at the end of May if everything goes well. I am ALL OVER Speakaboos.
Then, more Target radio spots starring me and my sexy voice mouth, plus a huge thing that might or might not happen!!!
And, as mentioned at some point before, we are finally commencing with shooting the pilot for Becca Kopec's web series, Just Super, in which I will wear a trenchcoat and might (OR MIGHT NOT!!!) be a pervert.
Such busy!!!!!!
Such busy is me!!!!!!!
WOO WOO!!!!!!
Excellent beginning thanks to Chris, who made crazy, super fresh eggs that were inside chickens MERE HOURS before we ate them, the British version of bacon (ham. it was ham.) and some tasty Heinz baked beans.
Today was all about Chagford. The plan was to go to Brian Froud's home to discuss purchasing some artwork.
No biggie.
We were also going to meet up with the writer of the poem that was read at our wedding ("Love and the Sparrow") because, aside from writing poems that make everyone cry, he and his wife also make art. According to the internet, this was to be a forty five minute drive.
All's where things started to go downhill...first off, driving was already stressful because of the whole "other side of the road" thing, add to that the roads lined with ten foot hedges so you couldn't see oncoming traffic and the roads that were so narrow that drivers would have to back up in order to let others became very, very, very stressful.
We arrived in Chagford and then, accidentally, drove though it; when Chris tried to turn around, she hit a wall...twice.
We got back to Chagford and, sadly, found pretty much everything to be closed. On top of that, neither Brian nor the other artists we had planned to meet with were able to see us AND everything was going to be closed tomorrow, Monday, as well, and we were leaving Tuesday, early.
At this point, we decided that we needed food and went into the nearest pub, the Three Crowns, where they told us that they weren't serving dinner for another two hours, but that they "might do a Ploughman's".
At this, I was ecstatic, mainly because of how horrible the Ploughman's described in Neil Gaiman's short "Shoggoth's Old Peculiar" was.
Sadly, the Ploughman's at Three Crowns was insanely delicious.
I've never been more confused at disappointment in my life.
After confirming that the town would be closed today and tomorrow, we began to make our way home...during which Christina had to pull over into some hedges to let a huge goddamn truck by which resulted in scratching the finish of the door and then, while looking for a goddamn road sign so we weren't driving these treacherous fucking roads after dark, she hit a curb at about 50 MPH* and punctured our front, left tire**. This was the first flat tire that Christina had ever gotten...on her honeymoon...driving in the British countryside.
Luckily, we were able to find our way back to the nearest town, Totnes, where a lovely British man told us how to get to a gas station. We did so and I began to remove the hubcap in order to change the tire***, only learning at the very last nut that I had stripped and, therefore, ruined the tire iron.****
We took a cab home, leaving our car at the Morrisons, and then, in the style of Water For Chocolate, ate a very, very sad meal.
Also, this was in our house.
Jesus, look at that thing...
And, yes, that's Christina's hand.
She caught the horrible monster and threw it out.
Then, and this might have been the best idea I've ever had, a long ass game of Scrabble.
Nothing makes things better than a long ass game of Scrabble.
Fuck Scrabble.
Christ, what an ugly day.
After meeting with "Phil" from the rental agency, who did the best impression of a really, really angry British guy who was really, really mad at the person he was talking to but who was smiling really, really big that I have ever seen, and having him point out the massive coffee stain that Christina had made on her seat the day before but which she had overlooked with the bumper, door and tire shit, he left and we got a new tire before Chris decided to spot clean the driver's seat.
After all the bullshit with the car, Chris decided that driving today would ruin both our honeymoon and her life, so we decided to go into Totnes.
Rhymes with "hot-ness".
Not "hotness"..."hot-ness", as in "the new".
I'd located yet another music store called Drift and, you guys, it was the utter shit. So much so that I was okay with the fact that they didn't have any Coil.
It was so good that even Christina was mollified.
We spent about an hour and exactly $186.21 (US) there and then made our way down the main street which was just utterly stuffed with Christina Bait*****.
A less than amazing lunch, a quick trip to some crazy old church and we called it a day, for tomorrow, we were back to London and then onto Paris...all by motherfucking trains.
We woke and then, gingerly, drove the car back to the rental agency (who seemed not to notice the scratches on the door nor the fucked up bumper), and then waited for our train.
After a long, long period of my life involving trains, we arrived in Paris (feeling more dislocated than at any point on our trip) around nine or so in the evening (thanks to yet another hour lost via Daylight Savings...fuck you, ex-President Bush).
Chris did her crazy subway magic again (although the Metro was a lot easier to grasp than the fucking Underground, despite the whole "not in English" thing) and we found our street, or, rather, alleyway. We stood around, unable to look more like tourists until the lady who owned the place at which we were staying met up with us. She lead us to a huge wooden door that opened into a cobbled stone courtyard where I was certain we were going to be murdered.
And eaten.
But we weren't.
She then led us up three flights of really smelly stairs to our home for the next few days. LOOK! LOOK LOOK LOOOOOK!
That purple couch? Turns into a purple pull out bed....with different shades of purple sheets and pillows.
**Prince noise**
Aside from the bathroom (the worst by far, seemingly designed by Jigsaw), this place was all about fuckin'.******
Anyway, we were both hungry and, once again, it was late, but, luckily, there was a pizza joint right down the street playing porn music and making awesome pizza.
I ate my pizza and Chris her salad, and we slept, her on her perch and I in Prince's arms.
Partly because of the language barrier and partly because of the language barrier, we hadn't packed our time in France with activities. Technically, we only had one scheduled event in Nantes on the 12th, so we decided to take things easy our first day in Paris.
Aside from Nantes, the ONE THING Christina was completely psyched about for Paris was all the open air markets where she could get fresh produce, so that was our first stop. She got some veggies and eggs and I got a fresh baguette, fresh butter, and fresh goat cheese and brie.
All of which I ate.
I also got some fresh squeezed orange juice and a croissant that blew my dick off (not pictured).
We returned home and ate breakfast...just languid...then, we set out to explore Paris, specifically the Champs-Elysees, Notre Dame, the Louvre and just the city in general.
At one point, early on, we found ourselves in a huge courtyard surrounded by old, beautiful buildings and a carousel that, I'm certain, if we had gotten on, would have transported us back in time or into an episode of Doctor Who.
After this, we crossed some bridges and came upon the cathedral of Notre Dame where I posed for what might be the most uninspired photo I have ever been a part of. This is my fault and mine alone.
Then, right next to Notre Dame, there was a squirrel.
So I rode it.
Around the back of Notre Dame (this thing had, like, FOUR SIDES) I heard some accordion music and Chris I went to check it out...but, before we found the source of the accordion music (which, we were pretty sure, was an accordion), we saw a guy...making crepes.
Quick fact about French law: did you know that, if you are in Paris on your honeymoon and do NOT consume a crepe, that you are considered an enemy of the state (not to mention an asshole), and are given a brusk beating with a two hundred year old silk pillowcase full of three hundred year old doorknobs?
Le fact.
So, being the law-abiding fellow that I am, I obtained one filled with Nutella.
Then, I achieved orgasm, and Chris and I continued down the street to where the accordion music was coming from: a wispy, white haired gentleman- YES!- playing the accordion. We sat for a moment, me eating a crepe, Chris enjoying a gluten and dairy free Madeleine; listening to the French accordion player while looking at the river, the cathedral, the beautiful buildings and then proceeded to get Magic French Accordion Music & Crepe Married.
Soon after this, we stumbled upon the Louvre.
Now, I think I've mentioned how utterly shitty the timing of our honeymoon was, yes? How, everything in all of Britain was either closing mere days before we arrived or was opening mere days after we were to leave.
Yes? Well, that was the fucking case.
From BBC shows that we had wanted to see tapings of to performances to events to you fucking name it.
As I was saying, we went to the Louvre...and...
But, while we were there, roaming around the massive gardens of the Louvre...the second most wonderful and magical moment of the trip occurred...
I also had a whole flock of pigeons, two grackles and one huge raven surround me and share a snack.
My heart has never been this big...
Although Chris was only able to catch this once, I had sparrows jumping in and out of my hand for about ten minutes straight.
After this...honestly, the rest of the day didn't even count.
Except this; and I was way to scared to do anything about it.
Then,we went to Laduree and meh, and then we ate something for dinner, and then we slept.
The main gist of today was a trip to Montmartre, mainly because Chris wanted to see the place they filmed Amelie and notfor the sex district, which is just as sexy and sad and creepy as the words "sex district". We walked through the semen-tear-and-broken-dream slick streets until we arrived at the Moulin Rouge, which is sad, sad, sad, and then made our way up some twisty ass streets to the tram which took us up that mountain that Amelie is standing on when she looks through that telescope thing and sees her true love or whatever. I saw the movie a while ago and don't remember much of it.
It was charming, right?
And whimsical?
Then, after taking in the view, which was, all ass haberdashery aside, truly beautiful, we had another stupidly great meal of which I will spare you the delicious, unfair details.
I will say this.
French pizza is very good to eat.
We arrived back in Paris and, being the patient, loving woman that she is, Chris helped me navigate the idiot streets of Paris to yet another record store, Parallels, where, guess what? They had no Coil.
The clerk, who spoke "a little English" and yet spoke it better than EVERYONE I HAVE EVER MET AT MY JOB, recommended and directed us to a place called Gilbert Joseph.
Ah, Gilbert Joseph.
If there was any Coil in would have been here...and, as it turned out...there was...not.
The guy downstairs looked in his French computer and told Chris and I to check out the "Independent Rock" section.
We did so.
And found nothing.
She continued to ferret like a ferret while I asked him to be more specific, as there are quite a few bands with the word "Coil" in their title. He did some more typing and said that they had a copy of Musick to Play in the Dark, Vol.2 on CD. I took things a step further because I was getting tired of having my emotions toyed with, and asked him to come on over and help me out.
So, he looked through the exact same section that Chris and I had (we're talking maybe three columns of CDs, probably...45 total) twice, then the Electronic section and then some other section before walking up to some guy, speaking rapid, annoyed French at him for a moment, and then turning to me and saying, "No...nothing here, no." J'accuse, Gilbert Joseph...j'accuse...
After leaving GJ and promising that I was done, finished, over with looking for Coil, on the next block there was a place that looked like it might have Coil.
So I dragged Chris in.
Then I found out that there was no system for arranging the music there.
After one minute, the shittiness of my act and the haste with which I had just made and then broken my promise to my wife of about three weeks hit me.
I...was being a bad husband.
On my honeymoon.
So, I apologized and we left.
We then tried to have dinner at this place right down the block from our apartment that looked very intriguing, but, apparently, they weren't serving dinner, so Chris murdered some pasta******** and we then slept, for tomorrow...we Nantesed!
As our train (YAY! ANOTHER TRAIN!) to Nantes (pronounced "NONT"...asshole) was leaving in the afternoon, I had made reservations at that aforementioned intriguing place for lunch.
It was called "Derrière", which, in this case, does not mean "poop chute", but, rather, "in back of", as this place was "in back of" some other restaurants.
One of which was called Le Chute de Poup.
Derrière is where I had the best meal of the whole trip and, maybe, my life. I'm not really one who actually keeps track of such things though, so let's just say the best meal in recent memory.
Shall I actually list what I ate?
You know why?
A. because you weren't there and that's kind of a dick move, especially if anyone is reading this while hungry and, B. because I'm not the hipster type who waxes gastrointestinal and takes pictures of his meals like a wang. All in all, I don't really see the point of talking about how good a meal was. It's like talking about how great an orgasm was.
"I felt like I was going to run out of jizz!!!"
Unless you're going to take me to this amazing place of food or give me a hand job, stop it, it's pointless.
Yeah, really great meal.
You should go if you are ever in France.
It's somewhere in Paris.
Anyway, as we were leaving Paris that day, it was, of course, the most beautiful one thus far. Until we reached the train station and the fucking heavens opened up. It was like a Zombie Apocalypse but with rain.
Eventually, we got on our train where I tried to play some of the more accessible Coil for Chris.
I then discovered just how relative the term "accessible" can be.
We switched to some Telefon Tel Aviv which was almost interesting, but not quite.
Our train arrived and then, thanks to the utter deluge of allergens Christina had been exposed to pretty much since we arrived in the UK, she had a little meltdown and I got to, for once on the trip, help her.
We got in a cab driven by a massive asshat who, when he wasn't able to easily reach our destination, just started pointing at a nearby street and saying, "Okay? This okay?"
We got out and, thankfully, stumbled upon our hotel for the evening.*********
Then, I came to the horrifying revelation that I had become one of those people who complains when their wifi doesn't work.
I have never hated myself more...
After a quick and pleasant nap and a surprisingly excellent shower, we headed out into Nantes, most of which was closed, it being a Friday evening. *sigh*
Eventually, after walking past every restaurant in Nantes (including a club that looked like Star Wars and TRON fucked while on drugs in the 80's) Chris settled on a place that had burgers.
Just huge, sloppy, goddamn burgers, and, despite some horrendously cunty French cockslots who were openly talking about Christina and mocking both her allergies and her inability to express them to the waitress who spoke not a lick of English, the meal was great.
We returned to our hotel and headed off to sleep.
This was the most magical day of my life.
Thanks to The Great Elephant of Nantes.
Rather than go into a long, boring explanation of why, exactly, there is a huge, mechanical elephant stomping around in a small town in France, I'm just going to post some pictures and videos here and let you Google your way into wonderland.
In that last shot, you can see some small, carved figures on the elephant's side.
Christina made friends with them.
Aside from the giant, magical elephant (and all the friends on his back), there was also a three story carousel themed the works of Jules Verne (as Nantes is his hometown, I think).
Those last two guys became close, personal friends of Chris as well.
Yes, Christina is in an angler fish, yes, I am driving a manta ray, and, yes, my honeymoon was better than yours.
My only regret, possibly from the entire trip, is that I was unable to get a picture of the man who checked us out from our hotel, as he looked exactly like the child of Patton Oswalt and Dominique Pinon. Exactly.
After all that...I mean...what else is there?
I'll tell you what there is: a city that stops serving food at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, except for one place that didn't stop until 3 o'clock. It is in that place where I consumed yet another amazing pizza.
Hot Business Tip: If you want to clean up, I mean, cash/money/bitches clean up in France? Open a 24 hour restaurant.
You know why?
Because, although places stop serving food at two in the fucking afternoon...PEOPLE STILL WANT FOOD AT TWO IN THE FUCKING AFTERNOON.
Silly, French bastards...
We returned home and readied our things for our long, long, long, long flight home the next day after Christina made an utterly delectable salmon steak, soaked in dill and a simple, yet wonderful mustard sauce.
Le yummy yum yum poo!
As we had an afternoon flight, we were able to enjoy a bit of, yes, you guessed it, one of the other only nice days in Paris. We strolled to Christina's "non gluten, non dairy" cafe, Pimson, and got some crazy good juice (it was green) and just wandered around for a bit.
We then packed up, decided to say fuck the hassle of introducing our bags to the Metro and took a cab to Chaz de Gazz airport (only cost $140! WOO!), where we sat, waited, ate astonishingly shitty food and, eventually, got our asses to Mars.
While magical and etc etc etc, we were done with the people of France and happy to be amidst the angry yet familiar shrieking chaos that is New York City.
Now, as the jet lag fades, so do the memories of our trip.
In other words: a lot more happened that I just can't seem to remember, but sometimes little bits come back to me.
I will not forget the birds and I will not forget the elephant and I will not forget how amazing it was to share these things with my One and Only.
* Sorry, a "kerb" at "30 KPH".
*** Although I have never driven a car (for more than thirty seconds) nor changed a flat tire in my life, I believe that all men are genetically pre-programmed to be able to do this.
**** Go ahead and disregard the above footnote.
***** Shiny things.
****** Although, to be fair, the bathroom could also have been all about fuckin' as well, if the folks involved in said fuckin' were four and a half feet tall.
******* In case you aren't fluent in French, this sign says: "But of course we would close one of the biggest tourist attractions in all of France! We hate you because you are American and on your honeymoon! Haw haw haw haw!!!"
******** I'm totally kidding, it was fine.
********* We'd originally booked yet another Air B & B place for the evening, but were so fucking sick of the people and their stupid fucking rules and all the complications, so we cancelled our reservation and booked a regular, fucking hotel. It was so easy.
Something awful happened on Tuesday and has been sitting on my mind since then.
I'll skip the details because I honestly can't think of a way to make what happened not sound like it's about me and I don't want to do that.
Anyway, I was having a really dark week and then I remembered that I was booked to record a session for Speakaboos today.
I was concerned that I wouldn't be able to deliver, that I wasn't in a "Speakaboos place", if you know what I mean.
I arrived and was told that, today, along with a narrator and a dad, that I would also be playing Santa Claus.
The script was just dripping in heartfelt Christmas cheer, the kind of stuff that would just sound wrong if it weren't delivered with real feeling, and, in the end, I walked out of there feeling like a new person.
I also learned that the big Speakaboos unveiling should be happening in a few weeks if everything goes as planned; along with some future projects they're hoping to undertake...all of which were very, very exciting and, hopefully, will include me in some fashion.
I have never had more fun doing voice over than with Speakaboos and I'd love to see this crazy train keep on rolling.
On top of all that, Target wants me back in in a week or so to do some more Everyday Collection radio spots.
Hopefully, I will get to talk sexy about bacon again.