
Singin' In The Mung!

3:34 pm
I say 'mung' instead of 'rain' because it is mung outside.
Mung is how it is outside.
There's a girl in the garden.
In the garden there's a girl.
Finished Fringe this weekend.
MASSIVE cliffhanger.
Pretty good stuff.
Also saw 'Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story'.
Had some pretty brilliant moments.
And Jenna Fischer is stupid hot.
Everybody get back!
The girl is stupid hot!!!
The Beatles were highlights.
And watched 'Fantastic Mr. Fox' with Christina.
It is AMAZING to see Wes Anderson doing a children's movie.
It was SO distinctly Wes Anderson...
It goes right up there with his other works.
Way to stay you, Wes. 
Plus played a lot of Uncharted 2 multiplayer.
I am now level 50.
Bow before my mighty cock.
Actually, a genuinely AMUSING anecdote RE: Uncharted 2 multiplayer.
I was involved in a three person co-operative game (you and two other human players playing against computer enemies, either surviving wave upon wave of attackers or capturing the flag or something like that) in which the other two players were friends and were on headsets with each other.
Now, if someone is on headset, you have the option to mute them so you can't hear them, but THEY can't make it so you can't hear them.
Get it?
So, I could hear these kids (maybe 14 or 15?) talking the whole time.
Their subjects of choice?
Whether or not they should make an effort to save me when I was downed (three is always better than two, so they were fucking themselves by deciding not to help me), whether or not I could hear them ("Naw, dude, I totally muted him...") and, finally, what they would do, sexually, to a female character from the game.
Now, I understand the video game makers need to have their male and female characters look a certain way, but I would be willing to bet my hands they would never design a female with ANY sex appeal if they had overheard these kids.
I would have been creeped out if I hadn't have been laughing so hard.
I WAS creeped out, but in a laughing way.
Like Willam DaFoe, yeah?
Sadly, the three of us only played together once as they had to eat dinner.
After I attained Level 50 (applause is appropriate, but sort of slow and unimpressed), I popped in Red Dead Redemption or, as everyone has noted, GTA: Texas, 1911 or GTA: Deadwood.
And honestly, despite the general very great reviews and reactions people are giving, I am not having as much fun as I expected.
Parts of the game feel stupidly unbalanced. And cougars can FUCK you up.
Like, mountain lions, not women over 40.
One thing that struck me as funny...in all the other GTA games, people are always up in arms about how you can mistreat prostitutes; paying them for sex, then running them over with your cars to get your money back etc., but, in RDR, you will occasionally be able to SAVE a pro from some guy about to kill her.
I think it's a nice way of redeeming themselves.
Then again, you can also hog tie a prostitute and throw in front of a train, but shut up.
I'm going to keep playing because the game really does look amazing and the voice acting is great and, dude, you can be Roland, so I'm in.
It's a good game, but the hype, you know?
And, finally, the HTDA EP is out.
I'm sure I'll talk more about it later, but, if any of you are interested in some new, free, well made music?
Go there and download it.
It's free, they don't send you spam and it's interesting.
Level 50.

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