
Magnum Opus

8:43 pm
Last weekend, I finished recording and mixing the best song I have ever created.
I say it is the best not because it has wacky lyrics or is just weird or to hyperbolize, I say it is the best because it perfectly expresses exactly what I was trying to express when I set out to make it.
The song itself is surprisingly dense (for me), so I'll break it down for you.
It's called "Tiny Dick", but it has nothing to do with genitals.
I know, I'm just as shocked as you.
The song is actually about the most awful, annoying, cancerous person I have ever known.
It has two distinct movements.
The first section is a peek inside my head at how this person affects me on a daily basis, and also features a caricature of the horrid being itself.
It ends with me taking on the role of this individual and giving the listener a glimpse inside its head, or what I'd imagine its head is like.
I'd never want to be that close to this thing in reality.
The second section of the song is a lot more conventional, a straight up message from me to it.
I will be the first to admit that the first half of this song is unlistenable, but it was made that way consciously, to illustrate the point of the song and, without it, it wouldn't have nearly as much...Truth...as it does.
It is unlistenable because that is how this person makes me feel.
It fills my head with this noise.
The first movement is feeling and emotion incarnate.
The second is just a snappy 'fuck you'.
Well, you decide.
Ladies and gentlemen, I proudly present...


The Maine Event

4:06 pm
Last night, I returned from a ten day trip to Maine.
It was my first real vacation with Christina in ten years.
Ten motherfucking years.
Lazy ass inbred that I am.
Overall, I'd say the trip swung between 75:25 to 80:20, good to bad ratio.
The bad was mostly things like a few overcast days in a row, insects (I. Fucking. Loathe. Insects.), a canoe mishap and, mainly, the fact that the cabin we rented for 8 of the 10 days was made for a god damn Hobbit.
A short Hobbit.
Without legs.
Yes, I'm hyperbolizing, but, all exaggeration aside, a man of 5 foot 5 would have been totally comfortable, but anything above that was in for some suck.
Enter me.
It definitely cast a pall over the whole time we were in the cabin, but fuck that pall.
We still had a great time.
The town where we stayed, Rangely, was so genuinely adorable, that it made me, an asshole New Yorker, suspicious at once, but it turned out that these people were all nice and wonderful.
The food in town was great, for the most part and I had the best burger in my life at a place called the BBQ Shack.
It was a shack, that served BBQ.
We went to Small Falls and climbed all over that bitch and, later the same day, some gorge where the threat of mountain lions made us turn back.
The primary goal of the trip was to see moose and we did more than that.
We were almost killed by one when, the sun full in her face, one bolted, deer-like, from the trees at the side of the road in front of the car.
Chris nailed the breaks while the clumsy ass bastard just looked at us as if to say, "Welcome to Maine, tourists...you'll lover it to DEATH."
Not really, but we did almost die.
We saw several more, a lot less threatening, although Chris would NOT let me get out and pet them or scratch their dewlaps.
I hope you'll forgive me if my thoughts are a bit scattered, I'm still acclimating myself to the return to the city.
Maine is the Pine Tree State, and, while it does, indeed, have a plethora of pine trees, Chris and I, somewhere in the eight hour marathon drive we took yesterday, decided to rename it the Yard Sale and Cemetery State, as we saw more of them than pine trees.
Let's see...highlights...generally, the silence was wonderful.
We had a gently lapping lake, literally, twenty feet from our front door and many mornings were spent eating and just watching the silence.
I believe we were there about a week or two before the official season began, and while that did have drawbacks (shortened hours and god damn freezing water), it also had pluses, such as the glorious silence.
We decided that, if her and I do this trip again, we are going to bring more stuff to do as the rain sort of narrows the scope of your options for daily activities.
We kicked a jigsaw puzzle's ass, read a lot, made dinner almost every night and tried to share a queen sized bed.
THAT went badly.
When it was nice, it was stupidly beautiful, as bucolic as you'd ever want a place to be.
On those days, we drove to nature spots and ran around like idiots, taking pictures to vista galore.
One day, we drove to Waterford to Melby's Eatery (a quaint little restaurant with a great, dry down east sense of humor and quirk) and had a huge, wonderful meal.
On this four hour drive (two there, two back) we discovered a tiny little area called Coos Canyon and visited a little rock shop where we bought some beautiful crystals, namely citrine and salmite, gorgeous stuff, that had been mined right there.
As I said, we saw lots of moose, quite a few deer, parlayed with some ducks, encountered a suicidal rabbit and heard a massive amount of birds, plus a coyote.
There was one bird we kept hearing that sounds like that noise you get when you clear four lines in Tetris (Chris' description, not mine, but apt).
We found a store that had a huge book with a little computer pad which played recorded bird calls.
The closest was the Wood Thrush, which I am convinced it is, but Chris is not.
Any ornithologists out there?
Our first beautiful day we took the canoe out and paddled like mad men around our lake.
When we returned to our dock, we went in the lake to cool off and dubbed ourselves idiot assholes for doing so.
The water...was so cold...
Eventually I had sort of adjusted and swam around a bit, which was just so...liberating, but the cold got the better of me and we both got out before our hearts stopped.
Then we proceeded to have horrible headaches and vertigo for about an hour afterwards.
Either the cold had somehow compressed our brains, or that brain eating parasite found in some lakes had begun to consume our think jelly.
I'll keep you updated.
I ate a total of three lobster rolls, thinking they were much more than just lobster on a bun.
The first was at a tiny little ice cream place that had been in Rangely for over 60 years and, while it was not the biggest, it tasted the best.
The next was at a little fresh seafood place, just up the road from Rangely, but they had too much bun and that detracted from the overall lobstrocity of the thing.
The final one was The Best Lobster Roll In The World as dubbed by people other than me, but I'll get to that...
We went to several ridiculously cute little shops in town and Chris bought four, yes, FOUR antlers, assorted deer and moose.
I bought a tiny, wooden music box and was seized with a unfounded urge to buy a metronome from the 20's, but couldn't bing myself to pay $75 for it.
Even after haggling it would have been $50 and that was still too much from a small box that ticks.
Several other yard/garage sales were busts, some of them a bit creepy, but none were so annoying as to make me hate.
A few had a very "Return To Oz" feel (you know, the ending when they're all in that object room?)
Saturday morning we left early to drive to Bangor.
Bangor sucked.
The less said, the better.
That night we arrived in Wiscasset, the location of the B&B/goat/pig farm we were staying in.
For some idiot reason, I did not listen to Chris about going to Red's Eats (the Best Lobster Roll place) that night when there were only six people in line rather than sixty, but...well, I'm an idiot and we ate at some shitty, overpriced place which FACED the Best Lobster Roll place.
The soup was bland (Salsa Jack Chowder sounds pretty zesty, right?), the salad was salad and the bill was insulting.
We then drove, grumbling, to the Squire Tarbox (sounds a bit like a British racial slur from the 1800's) Inn where we were charmed out of our assholes by the place.
It was great.
They had converted an old carriage house into a library, the 13 acre plot was gorgeous, idyllic, bucolic etc., they had their own spring, there was a pond outside our window replete with frogs, both bull and otherwise...and I could stand up straight without fear of concussion.
We were bummed we hadn't gotten there earlier or even stayed there a few more days.
Then came the sleeping.
As I twittered, the bed room as all set up for a blustery winter night...in the middle of June.
I awoke, swimming, at 5 in the morning, ready to destroy the Earth (we'd been up since seven  and driving for most of the day) when Christina made everything better (as she'd done for most of the trip, in one case actually wrapping the support beam that had bisected our cabin's living room about five feet five inches above the floor in bright orange life jackets, as a constant reminder of the danger to my dwindling brain cells) and I was able to secure about three hours of sleep.
The next morning, I was just praying that the husky-voiced innkeeper (think Kathleen Turner from "Californication" without the foul mouth), would ask how we slept, but, rather than doing that, she made us an amazing breakfast.
The French toast was made from what tasted like slabs of fruit cake...it was astounding.
Plus, Earl Grey tea...with real cream.
I was ready to face the day.
We took off down the road a ways to visit Watershed, a sort of artists compound where Chris' sister, Liz had lived and worked some years ago, doing ceramic stuff.
It was...earthy.
A great energy to the place and the guy in charge, Reed, could have been the Gunslingers brother.
He was almost black from his time in the sun, he had shoulder length blond hair and a big, grey beard, plus jeans and a shirt the color of dust and rain.
The man was more earth than human.
We met a few other people and they were just...groovy, in all respects of the word.
Plus there were cows.
They were covered in flies, which made me hate insects EVEN MORE and one came over and had discourse with us, wonderful, beautiful,, friendly cow that she was.
Eventually, we left and headed to Red's Eats to get the Best blah blah blah.
There were made forty people in line and we waited an hour in line.
In that time, I drank a homemade wild blueberry ice cream milkshake from Red's which WAS the Best In The World, and then, finally, we got to the window and paid $48 dollars for two lobsters rolls, two large fries and two large lemonades.
The fires were amazing, the lemonades hit every spots and the lobster rolls....were huge portions of lobster on a bun.
I will say this: for the money, it was very good lobster, but not very flavorful.
Now, I realized that plain lobster, like plain drab or shrimp, is NOT very flavorful, that's why Jesus the Christ invented tartar sauce and cocktail sauce and etc.
Thing is: I was under the impression that a lobster roll was more than lobster on a roll (stupid, based on the name, I know), I thought it was some sort of lobster salad (like chicken salad or pasta salad) with spices or some herbs or something on it.
But, I was wrong.
So, to wrap up this issue with Red's, it was excellent lobster for the price, but not flavorful enough to be the best in the world.
No offense, Red.
One thing I will admit utterly, those people really do care about their clientele.
They were passing out water and free shrimp and were cordial the whole time.
Really good folks.
Anyway, after were gorged ourselves on fresh Maine lobster for the third and final time, we set off to return to New York.
We left at 2pm and arrived at 11pm.
Yes, we stopped, briefly, two or three times when the other drivers got to be too douchy for Chris, but, we drove for at least seven of those nine hours.
And it was awful.
Bad ending to a really amazing trip.
There's going to be a massive amount of pictures up soon and you can share in our joy.
You can share in my snarky solipsism now if you go to my Twitter and read my thoroughly amusing* twitters.
I feel bad for the three people following me there as this trip was a great reason to have a Twitter account, but now that I'm back, I'll have to revert to using it as a Fart Diary or something.
Or like a bulletin boards for whinging.
At least I know for a fact that there are people out there that have more boring Twitter feeds than me.
God bless the Internet.
I think John Linnell really nailed the feel of our trip in the lyrics to his song, 'Maine'.
Okay, I'm off.
Also, I proposed to Chris and we're getting married.

Pictures from the trip here

*read as 'not thoroughly amusing'


A Review Of 'How To Destroy Angels'

As I can tell from your silent clamoring, you want that obsessively detailed and opinionated breakdown of the How To Destroy Angels EP and you want it last week.
Well, suckle from mine dainty teat, ye hoary and hungry swarm!!
The Space In Between
This first track on the EP was released as a music video a few weeks ago. Its purpose, in my mind, as I have said, was to give first time Reznor collaborator and first time Reznor spouse, Mariqueen, some street cred with the cruel and judgmental Nine Inch Nails fans, plus all those jealous girls who are just looking for any ammo with which to take down  Mariqueen.
It's hard trying to detach the imagery of this video from the music, but the fact that I can shows, to me, that it's a pretty good song.
Like most of the lyrics on the EP, they're nothing amazing, although this track stands out a bit in that respect because they have a nice, implicitly eerie feel to them.
Plus that chorus guitar at the end it just massively effective.
That half second right before it floats in is my favorite moment of this song.
A solid start.
The more music software I download and tinker with, the less impressive HTDA becomes, but there's something to be said for simplicity.
This track has an incredibly simple beat driving it, but it does its job well.
There's also squeals of guitar and electronic feedback throughout but it's all balanced out by Atticus Ross' bass, which cuts cleanly through the noise and gives the whole thing more depth.
The lyrics are sparse and sung by both Reznor and Mariqueen whose voices (thankfully for the longevity of this collaboration) go very well together, her highs and his lows make this sound downright sinister.
Gets a bit repetitive at times, but not intolerably so.
Plus, I could have done with a bridge, but I'm greedy.
One of my favorites on the EP.
Fur Lined
In 2005, Nine Inch Nails put out the album 'With Teeth'. On this album was a track with a really straightforward high hat disco sort of beat called 'Only'.
'Fur Lined' is 'Only's gay brother.
The drum beat and guitar sound so similar that comparisons are unavoidable.
This track is the most disparate on the EP, you can really shake your ass to it.
On it, Mariqueen sings about doing and being a drug.
"I can feel it taking hold/now I am an animal/now I am a chemical"
The first two thirds of the track aren't anything amazing, but the outro, fraught with bass, synths and guitar, gives it a little more staying power.
This track has a great electronic beat that is deliciously ominous and dark. It goes perfectly with the lyrics (which might be a coda to 'Survivalism' or maybe a few thoughts from the enemy forces on 'Year Zero'?), given as orders and threats. True, they lose a bit of menace being sort of spoken monotonously by Mariqueen (hard to be menacing with that widdle voice of hers...) and whispered by Reznor, but when the beat drops out and the two of them start saying "listen to the sound/of my big black boots" along with a heavy, stomping clatter behind them, it feels straight up invocative: they're coming...
The ending gets to be a little much with the vocals layered and layered, but not a bad track by any means.
The Believers
The last track previewed before the EP's release, it sounds very old and sacred thanks to the instrumentation, and the lyrics add an element of cultishness and danger to the mix. It definitely drones on a bit without much else but the beat and some hymn-like warbling synths.
Probably the weakest track on the EP, but interesting nonetheless; a good sound if not a good song.
A Drowning
Oddly enough, the last track on the EP is the first track HTDA revealed to the world. The beat is very stark, as is the bass, piano and lyrics. The entire song is very quiet until the chorus brings about a soft, deep, oceanic guitar that adds to the theme of the song. The extended ending features a guitar solo, layered vocals and that same guitar, all working very well in tandem. The very end is the fading oceanic guitar and few notes plinked on the piano, a fitting end to the song and the EP.
In the end, the EP does what it's supposed to: it introduces and raises awareness of How To Destroy Angels and makes people hungry for more.
In response to people asking what, exactly, this EP is, Reznor says this is just an artifact of their first collaboration.
He says that, as the three continue to work and find the best ways to combine their abilities and creative chemistry, more music will be made and they hope to have a full album out in Q1 of 2011.
Although I do think the EP does what it's meant to, I hope that, as they discover more during their collaboration, that they maybe branch out a bit, instrumentally.
There's not a drum on this EP, just pre-programmed samples, there's no amazing piano or guitar, just riffs and loops.
After I first compared 'A Drowning' with something from 'Ghosts', I relistened to a few tracks from it and have since changed my mind.
Compared to 'Ghosts', or any other Nine Inch Nails release for that matter; HTDA feels like a side project, something not demanding the full attention, aptitude or dynamism of which Trent Reznor is capable. This isn't a bad thing, it just means there is a lot of work that needs to be done: I want to hear Mariqueen rise above a whisper, fuck that, I want to hear her snarl, hiss and scream, I want to hear a full on duet between her and Reznor, the two of them fighting for control of the music, I want some real drums...played by Josh Freese, and seeing as they now have about six months in which to do it, I hope to see something thicker, deeper and more fully realized. 
All in all, it's a good start, and I'd love to see what happens next.
Go download it, it's free and interesting.
How To Destroy Angels free EP

P.S. Since probably 1% of HTDA fans heard about them from somewhere other than a NIN-related source, I feel totally fine comparing it xmax to NIN.
Just a note.


Callooh!! Callay!!

3:26 pm
Frabjulous motherfucking day.
Hand hwhy?
Couple reasons.
Taken from "All About 'Tomorrow Morning'", the synopsis of the new eels album that was posted yesterday on their official web site:
Unlike either the combustive garage-rock longing of HOMBRE LOBO or the stripped-down acoustic starkness of END TIMES, TOMORROW MORNING is a new musical landscape: electronic keyboards, drum machines, tape loops and found sounds. "It's a very electronic album -- sounds normally associated with a kind of 'colder' music," says Everett, "but I wanted to make a warm album that was a celebration using electronic instruments to reflect joy in the times I live in." Helping Everett bring the vibrant celebration to life are performances by longtime EELS bassist/keyboardist Koool G Murder and drummer/percussionist Knuckles, along with new EELS collaborators The Amy Davies Choir and Tomorrow Morning Orchestra. It's a bold, experimental and immediate new EELS sound. As Everett puts it, "There's a lot going on in these songs."
Fuck motherfucking yes.
Looks like I have been proven wrong and no one is more delighted than me.
Except for Mr. Jakubisin, that vulgarian fuck.
But, anyway, although the lyrics seems overly saccharine (like 'End Times' were overly gloomy), the music might just be enough to make them work.
You can read the whole thing here.
And if the release cycle is anything like that of the first two albums in this trilogy, we're going to get a song and a video pretty soon, probably a song by the end of June and the video by the end of July.
The new album, 'Tomorrow Morning', comes out August 24th.
Other reasons for frabjulocity?
Don't want to say too much, but two massive, oaken doors to my future might have just been opened today.
And another might be opened later this week.
And maybe more in the coming weeks.
Fingers crossed.
Final reason for frabjrabulousness xmax?
I'm leaving for Maine with my nouf for a week or so in two days.


But Wait!! There's Jews!!!

3:35 pm
I debated changing that title, but then didn't.
Over the weekend, I made lots of phat beats, played lots of Red Dead Rehoohoo and watched Schindler's List.
I'd never seen it before and the weather felt like a holocaust, so I decided, what the hell, right?
Goddamn what an incredible movie.
I'm not even going to try to slight it.
Only two things I've got are: How the fuck could the guy who did E.T. have also done that?
And, they made quite an effort to establish Ralph Fiennes as pure evil, THE quintessential Nazi, through his words and deeds.
They totally did it.
His complete and utter lack of regard for Jewish life was totally evident.
There was a moment, right after he'd spent some time killing random Jews in his camp with a sniper rifle for no reason, where he stretched, went back into his bedroom where we saw some woman he'd had sex with the night before and then went into the bathroom.
The woman said, "Put on the coffee!" And he replied, while pissing, "You do it,", in this detached, macho fashion.
I don't know, in a movie about the mass murder of millions of people, it seemed like bit much to show this guy was an asshole on top of being a monster, you know?
Little overkill, maybe?
But anyway, great movie.
Ben fucking Kingsley, am I right?
I should put together a Ben Kingsley Film Russian Roulette Festival where we put things like Species and Prince of Persia in with Sexy Beast and Gandhi and grab bag it until someone dies.


Plans for the weekend?

3:06 pm
This weekend, as Christina is away at Vulvastock, I am a bachelor.
Now, unlike 97% of the men in the world, this does NOT mean I'll be up to my taint in strange, snorting stuff off things and raping Vegas, it means I will be sitting quietly in my living room, probably watching something (got seasons 1 and 2 of Torchwood on my Instant Netflix and Phantasm 3 and 4 from my Less Instant Netflix) or playing something (Red Dead Et Cetera).
Anyway, I had a LOL* moment last night as I sat down to eat my lonely dinner.
I realized, when I saw the solitary fork, spoon and knife in front of the television, that I am going to use these utensils for all my meals, all weekend.
Also, there will be no dishes in the dishwasher, sink or drainer while she is away.
Other than that?
It looks to be a quiet weekend.
A quiet, god awful hot weekend.
I might try to put some more work into that Mystery Project I was muttering about earlier, but who knows, I am a fickle cat.
*Laugh Out Loud


Singin' In The Mung!

3:34 pm
I say 'mung' instead of 'rain' because it is mung outside.
Mung is how it is outside.
There's a girl in the garden.
In the garden there's a girl.
Finished Fringe this weekend.
MASSIVE cliffhanger.
Pretty good stuff.
Also saw 'Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story'.
Had some pretty brilliant moments.
And Jenna Fischer is stupid hot.
Everybody get back!
The girl is stupid hot!!!
The Beatles were highlights.
And watched 'Fantastic Mr. Fox' with Christina.
It is AMAZING to see Wes Anderson doing a children's movie.
It was SO distinctly Wes Anderson...
It goes right up there with his other works.
Way to stay you, Wes. 
Plus played a lot of Uncharted 2 multiplayer.
I am now level 50.
Bow before my mighty cock.
Actually, a genuinely AMUSING anecdote RE: Uncharted 2 multiplayer.
I was involved in a three person co-operative game (you and two other human players playing against computer enemies, either surviving wave upon wave of attackers or capturing the flag or something like that) in which the other two players were friends and were on headsets with each other.
Now, if someone is on headset, you have the option to mute them so you can't hear them, but THEY can't make it so you can't hear them.
Get it?
So, I could hear these kids (maybe 14 or 15?) talking the whole time.
Their subjects of choice?
Whether or not they should make an effort to save me when I was downed (three is always better than two, so they were fucking themselves by deciding not to help me), whether or not I could hear them ("Naw, dude, I totally muted him...") and, finally, what they would do, sexually, to a female character from the game.
Now, I understand the video game makers need to have their male and female characters look a certain way, but I would be willing to bet my hands they would never design a female with ANY sex appeal if they had overheard these kids.
I would have been creeped out if I hadn't have been laughing so hard.
I WAS creeped out, but in a laughing way.
Like Willam DaFoe, yeah?
Sadly, the three of us only played together once as they had to eat dinner.
After I attained Level 50 (applause is appropriate, but sort of slow and unimpressed), I popped in Red Dead Redemption or, as everyone has noted, GTA: Texas, 1911 or GTA: Deadwood.
And honestly, despite the general very great reviews and reactions people are giving, I am not having as much fun as I expected.
Parts of the game feel stupidly unbalanced. And cougars can FUCK you up.
Like, mountain lions, not women over 40.
One thing that struck me as funny...in all the other GTA games, people are always up in arms about how you can mistreat prostitutes; paying them for sex, then running them over with your cars to get your money back etc., but, in RDR, you will occasionally be able to SAVE a pro from some guy about to kill her.
I think it's a nice way of redeeming themselves.
Then again, you can also hog tie a prostitute and throw in front of a train, but shut up.
I'm going to keep playing because the game really does look amazing and the voice acting is great and, dude, you can be Roland, so I'm in.
It's a good game, but the hype, you know?
And, finally, the HTDA EP is out.
I'm sure I'll talk more about it later, but, if any of you are interested in some new, free, well made music?
Go there and download it.
It's free, they don't send you spam and it's interesting.
Level 50.