4:22 pm
It's days like this I am happy I do not have allergies...
...he said as his eyes swelled shut...
I was in Starbucks earlier and decided to do something.
I am going to become a regular at as many Starbucks as I can and then get friendly enough with one barista is each that I can invite them to hang out some time.
I'll make it very clear it isn't a date or anything, just, you know, hanging out with some friends.
Then, I'll see how long it takes these dozen or so people to realize that they're ALL Starbucks baristas.
'Twill be quite the minde fucke.
On a completely unrelated note, I want my apartment to look like the last 20 minutes of "Alien".
Seriously though, if you have a self destruct sequence going off, why would you trigger strobe lights?
That has to be the most disorienting thing possible!
I suppose the people making the ship were like, "okay, we have the really calm, grandmotherly voice telling us the ship is about to blow up...let's juxtapose that with some klaxons and disco lights, that ought to make this challenging."
What assholes.
Assholes or not, I did crack open the goddamn NINE disc Aliens Quadrilogy thing last night and watched "Alien" for the first time in a while.
Turns out I must have seen this movie quite a few times as I remember pretty much everything from it.
Really amazing movie though.
The space ship looks so perfectly spaceshippy.
It isn't that plain, white super futuristic set up or the cheesy 50's Buck Rogers motif either.
You look at it and think, "That's the inside of a space ship."
The acting was great too.
Just so natural and understated.
The two engineers constantly squabbling over their share of the money adds a lot.
The whole thing was just so well done, probably because of the cast.
For a sci-fi movie from the 70's that is a tight line up.
The Hobbit is a fucking android with milkblood!
What more do you want from anything, let alone a movie?
I also dig the total lack of exposition.
It's clear enough what's happening without everyone sitting around and telling you.
Way to go Ridley, you poncy Brit, you.
And all that trouble over ONE alien.
And the alien itself?
Is H.G. Geiger dead? I hope not.
All his designs were amazing.
I think the reason the alien is so effective is because it's one of the first times we've seen an alien being that isn't the tall, gray, big eyed humanoid or just a bunch of tentacles.
These things look like nightmares.
Only real problem with this movie, and this is totally my fault because I've seen it so many times (apparently), is the predictability.
Uh oh, crashed space ship.
We should investigate!
No, you shouldn't.
It's some of the same horror movie logic that makes people with no cell phone signal and one fading, flickering flashlight between them decide not to find a pay phone to call the cops and to descend into the boiler room/Ritual Slorgg Pit of the Church of Cthulhu's Infinite Maw alone.
At least in "Alien" they have that directive from the Company to sort of cover that.
I'm going to claw my way through the rest of these as soon as I can although I have a feeling that the others aren't going to be a great.
Oh, and Cake is returning to New York in September.
So far Lisa, Kathy, me and Lisa's friend are going.
I'd highly recommend it if you like faux country snark rock with a five to ten minute lambaste about the environment and the Evils of Ringtones.
I really hope this show heralds a new album.
I'm getting rather sick of finding one tidbit of new album (usually consisting of "we're playing guitar today!") news every month floating in a sea of links to how we're destroying the planet.
As long as they release, say, four more albums (including that live album that they delayed indefinitely) before we exhaust the Earth's natural resources, I'm good.
Here's to Cake: the saddest bastards in rock.
5:40 pm
Something popped up on the NIN Hotline (the most official unofficial Nine Inch Nails news source) about a new project Reznor is working on called How To Destroy Angels.
The 6-track, self-titled EP is slated for "Summer 2010" and, at the moment, looks to be a collaboration between him, his wife, Mariqueen (who used to be in a terrible pop band called West Indian Girl, not sure if she was just a back up singer or lead singer or writer or what but it's pretty bad), Atticus Ross (12 Rounds, the Book of Eli score and the last few NIN albums) and Alan Moulder (super producer of all typesa shit, including the last few NIN releases).
Right now, there are two video clips on the web site, one showing Mariqueen playing a very NIN sounding synth thing over a very NIN sounding beat and one showing Atticus (in a shirt with FRILLED SLEEVES!!!!) playing a simple bass line over some very NIN sounding background noise.
In fact, this sounds like instrumental bits of Ghosts, Year Zero and The Slip being retooled, but, then again, these are 40 second long clips and Reznor has proven he's rull good at bucking expectations.
I just hope this isn't a "isn't my wife a real good singer, everybody?!" thing.
That would be a bummer.
To be fair, he's never really done anything like that and most things he collaborates on turn out to be great and pioneering in some sense or other like Antichrist Superstar or Niggy Tardust, so I'm not worried.
He's also going to be doing some collaboration with Gary Numan (unless HTDA is part of that, although him, his wife, Atticus, Moulder AND Numan would be quit a lot of cooks for a 6 track EP) which should be pretty amazing based on Numan's past few albums which sound quite a bit NIN-esque.
Then there's the instrumental track he contributed to Tetsuo's latest film, "The Bullet Man", the Wave Goodbye tour DVD/Blu-Ray, Year Zero 2, Ghosts V-VIII and, finally, the ultimate reissue of 1999's "The Fragile".
Pretty excited to see what's on that one.
It was originally set for a March 2010 release so...yeah, but as long as we get it before 2011, I'm stoked.
Honestly, I'd rather he not tour for a while and just make music, be it Nine Inch Nails, Trent Reznor or collaborations with people.
Touring costs me sooo much money, worth it or not.
I think I'ma order me some tacos for dinner.
6:31 pm
I ordered beef lo mein and egg rolls instead of tacos.
This afternoon the Conservatory Garden smelled like nutmeg and midtown smelled like chocolate.
This afternoon the Conservatory Garden smelled like nutmeg and midtown smelled like chocolate.