
Put Some Wiggle In Your Jiggle. God Damn You.


3:28 pm

I may have forgotten to mention, but I have, officially, finished recording Philip Tucker's The Grind Show.

Last night I edited chapter twenty four of forty one and I plan to edit two every night until I'm through.

Then, once Phil wraps his ears around my mouth gold, he'll get back to me with changes and notes and such, meaning that this huge, amazing hell journey will be over before the end of the year.

Probably way before, but, I'd not like to count my chickens that have yet to hatch.

Because that is dumb.

Speaking of the one called Philip Tucker, a few years ago, when he was a resident of my hallway, him, Ray and I got together to come up with a scary idea for a short film.

It was to be called "CoffinCam" and it was delightfully, twistedly dark and good.

But nothing happened.

Mainly because Ray couldn't find us a graveyard full of subterranean horrors nor an elaborate, hand dug tunnel system in which to film.

But, not all was lost!

About five days ago, Phil sat down and began writing a novella, the fruits of the seeds planted by the three of us all those years ago.

It has been edited by me and is now up on Amazon.com as an eBook.

So buy it.

It's riveting, sick and both original and a tasty homage to H.P. Lovecraft.

And I edited it.


So, you know all the dots and dots with tails are in the right places.

As I have finished recording, a nightly (more or less) ritual since May of this year, I have rewarded myself by staying up dangerously late and working my way further through Dead Island.

This game...is big, pretty and dragging.

I don't think I'll be finished by Tuesday, when the new Batman game comes out.

The new Batman game, Arkham City...is going to take me away from things for a while.


Yes, it will.


But...and this, more than anything I've done over the past sixteen years of our friendship, should prove how much love and respect I have for this swarthy bag of accents and his scribblings...I am planning to try to not even open this amazing new time sink of a Batman game...until I finish editing the rest of The Grind Show.

Once more: planning...to try.

Not planning.

Not trying.

Not even near promising.

Planning...to try.

I'm also going to start copy editing his next novel, the reworked and ready-to-rock Throne, because professional copy editors are nothing more than failed writers with a lot of free time and a very solid grasp on the English language that prey on writers who happen to be too close to their own work to realize that they overuse the word "about".

No offense to any copy editors that I know socially.

You are all magical, lovely, buxom people.

Your freelance cousins are bastards though.

I'm going to be doing this at work, which is perfect for both Phil and I, as he gets free (if not 100% industry standard) copy editing and I get something to do that isn't Sudoku or judging/poisoning the trogs that surround me.

Which keeps me from snapping and bringing this place down some day.

Which is better for everyone, believe me.

I had a dream a few nights ago that I owned a trained chimpanzee.

It was fucking awesome.

And, finally, the third annual Long Ass Hallway-O-Ween Party is in the works.

Be there or don't bother buying flowers, asshole.

If you get my meaning.


You don't?

Well...never mind.

Just...just try to show up, okay?

There are going to be Junior Mints.

They're better than York Peppermint Patties.

Their ratio of chocolate to mint is better and their size makes them more portabable and the amount you consume more customizabable.

Hands down.

And that is what people really want from their Halloween candy.

Customization options.

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