


4:40 pm


Anyone else notice it's May?



So, the past few days, Chris and I have been in Woodstock, NY.

It was just ducky, for the most part, at least.

One or two food places we had kinda sorta gone to Woodstock to eat at either weren't serving food ("Serving food on a Monday?! You city slickers can go FUCK YOURSELVES!") or were closed, and had been for a month, because they were getting a new septic system installed.

Quick note, addressed TO the aforementioned eatery that has been closed for a month...if you're going to be closed for a month...maybe you should have something about it on your web site...sorry? what? you don't have a web site? oh, well that's fine, then you should have something on your answering machine...what? one more time? you don't have an answering machine?...oh, well, that's not a problem either, we'll just drive up from New York fucking City and then pull up to your shitterless establishment to read your cute little sign posted not on the Internet, not on a telephonic communications line but ON YOUR FUCKING WINDOW.

You anal warts.

Congrats, you have just quadrupled the business of the eatery directly across the street from yourselves.

If these people make their food just a tiny bit better, no one will ever go to your place again, brand new toilet or not.


So, other than a few setbacks here and there and the fact that I was quite sick, it was a great weekend.

I mean that too, I'm not being snarky.

Chris and I got Nature Married on top of New York's water supply and in front on some Jewish people and deer.

The food we did manage to eat was very good, especially the food we ate at Peekamoose, a place we are now seriously considering as a place for something related to our eventual nuppy nups.

They had an onion and goat cheese tart that you'd kill your family for.

If you like onion and goat cheese tarts.

If not, you probably wouldn't kill your family.

Our cabin was wonderful, if a bit chilly, we played Scene It? which, despite its innate cheese factor, was tons o' funne and I had some awesome tea.

And I am now a Lady Duchess.

But there is no need to focus on that...

I return to my pointless, soul draining job today refreshed and able to handle all the shit these funky assholes could manage to spray at me.

I feel...healed, somewhat...


I also found out that some military dudes apparently killed Osama Bin Laden.

Living in New York, I'm now a tad nervous about reprisals from his close friends and all that, but, hey man, living in New York means living in the ever-present shadow of ultimate doom and bad movie plots.

The constant threat of death is the only thing that gets me off these days.

But, seriously, NO ONE foresaw some guys flying planes into the Twin Towers?


We tried to convince the Cubans that Christ had come back to earth in order to depose Castro, but NO ONE could have foreseen THAT?!




I've been watching a ton of Justice League and I realize just how shitty it is that Dwayne McDuffie is dead.

That guy was damn good at his job.

Going to be timing out on Mortal Kombat pretty soon, I think (unless Chris takes her tampon out and kicks the shit out of me), and then I shall embark upon the delightful journey of Portal 2, which I should just have wrapped up in time for L.A. Noire, which comes out on the 17th.



Clocked in at about 500 votes short of 20th place, ended up in 37th in that Neil Gaiman audio book thing.

Which sucks.

I wonder if I can get all 75 people (give or take) that voted daily to boycott the book out of spite...

Take that, corporate book publishers, you'll never taste that sweet, sweet audio book money.

You may act like you don't need it, but that thousand dollars might mean the difference between solvency and ah what the fuck am I babbling about.

Seriously, super thanks to everyone who helped out and super no thanks to everyone who could have easily helped out and didn't way to not be cool about it.

As for haiku, I'm trying not to be a dick about it and still do them.

I'm going to post something on Facebook along the lines of, "if you want one, let me know".

That ought to weed out the pikers.


I've been reading Grant Morrison's The Invisibles and just shaking my head at how freely the Wachowski Brothers borrowed from it for the Matrix moves.

I wonder if Morrison, White Wolf and all the other places they "homaged" from can file a class action suit or something...

Probably past the statute of limitations...


This weekend, after Jim's Norse Birthday, Will is coming up.

So there's gonna be some party.


Not sure.

I'll be here, he'll be here, the machetes will be here.

Let the good times roll.

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