
Bacardi xmax.

4:35 PM

While yesterday was not a good day, today was. Or is. Whatever.
The main reason is because I got an e-mail from Luigi Felotico, who worked on the Bacardi thing with me. He sent a link to a European website that catalogs commercials…Bacardi commercials.
The version up there is the tiny 30 second version, and, as far as I know at the moment, the only version. I called the production house and asked them about getting a copy and if there were any other releaseable versions. They said they had to check but that a copy (of the 30 sec. one) is on the way.
Now, I was pretty hush hush about this for some reason or other that I have forgotten, but I might have mentioned that there were three or four endings shot, two of which featured me heavily. They have chosen one of those two endings for this version.
Now, at this point, I know virtually nothing about the coverage of this spot, where or when or even if it will be shown. All I know is that it is apparently going to be huge and I cannot believe they would only have that 30 second version. Then again, I know almost nothing about it. As soon as I do, I will share it.
Here is the link. Click on the broadband version.

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