


4:27 pm


Finished Simon Pegg's autobiography, Nerd Do Well, last night.

Overall it had some good bits and a few great bits, but it rambled quite a bit and focused waaay too much on his early days as a boy.

I blame myself.

Just because I like the work of an actor/writer/whatever doesn't mean I'm going to be interesting in his or her life, or even that he or she has actually had an interesting life.

Not 100% sure, but I think this is the first autobiography I've ever purchased...no, wait, I picked up Marilyn Manson's when that was out.

Actually, I remember buying Manson's book with a Barnes & Noble gift certificate I received for placing in a Shakespeare Competition at which I represented Lake Highland.

I did a sonnet (the "anti-sonnet") and the "Floating Dagger" speech from...that one Shakespeare play..."Omelet"?

Get this: after the competition, I mentioned to LHP's drama person, Ginger Bryant, the person who had suggested I enter, that a lot of the other competitors seemed to have picked the same Floating Dagger speech, to which she replied, "Yeah, it's one of the most overdone Shakespeare pieces."

I then went on to ask why she let me choose, rehearse and perform it for the past month or so if that was the case.

She shrugged and said something about not wanting to interfere with my performance.

Ah, Florida.

Top notch schooling xmax.

Did you know that I almost went to Bishop Moore...the same high school as Britney Spears?

Or so I heard.

Anyway, thanks Ging, way to let me suck for my school.

Whatever the case, I always enjoyed the fact that Lake Highland ostensibly bought me Marilyn Manson's autobiography, even if it was badly written and full of ridiculous bullshit.

Take that, Bible Belt!

Although, I'm the one who read it, so it's really, take that, me.



There was an interesting bit about "quantum attraction" in Pegg's book that was quite captivating.

It seems as though "quantum attraction" is the thinking man's substitute for "fate".

Whatever works.

I call it "the Whim of the Great Magnet" (and what a fool I was to resist it) in honor of Hunter S. Thompson.

There was also a revelation that hit me like a fucking truck and made me feel like an idiot.

Pegg brought up how weekends, when he was 8, seemed to last forever.

Then he said exactly why.

I don't have it in front of me, but it was along the lines of, when you're little, you've only lived a fraction of your life, so a two day period feels so much longer since you've only experienced a handful; as opposed to the angry thirty year old who, ;literally, screams in frustration when it's Sunday at 11:50 and he feels as if the entire weekend was pissed away.

It's simple and I feel like a priest that just had evolution click for him.


I attempted to pick A Clash of Kings back up last night but the book is, physically, fighting me.

For reals.

But the new Dresden book comes out Tuesday so, fuck Martin, let him give his slavishly devoted fans the raw deal.

Jim Butcher will save us.


Finished two more chapters of The Grind Show, although I'm furious at my awful Irish accent.

I pray no Irish ever get their hands on this.

Don't get me wrong, at times, words will sound Irish.

Then they'll sounds British, then Scottish, then like some crazy accent I made up myself with elements of all three.

Plus Dutch.

And Canadian.

And mentally handicapped.

Phil, I know you're in the midst of writing the second book so fucking listen up: NO MORE IRISH.

Here are the accents I can do convincingly*:

English (sort of, might actually piss of some Brits, or at least confuse them)

Scottish (much more so than Irish; if you'll recall our first VO session after which I asked, ever so politely, if it really mattered for the story that Jeremy was Irish and could you, please, make him Scottish? Thanks.)




The "New Yawk" accent

Various Southern accents

Morgan Freeman


There's others, but I can't just whip them out like some overeager porn star at the Adult Movie Awards.

I can do a fair pirate if you want...are there any pirates in your new book?

Why not?

You dick.


Things are 80% in order to tomorrow.

Hopefully this will be the last day of the Can't Keep Johnny Down shoot.

95% of the stuff left to shoot is going to be in Chris' room in the morning, then a quick trip to a nearby graveyard and then, tomorrow evening, the final shot.

Then, I finish importing and editing and Robert is your Aunt's husband.

Still feeling hopeful, but I have no real reason to.

At one moment, I think my video is too obtuse, at the next, to obvious.

One thing is for certain, no one is going to confuse this with a real TMBG video.

But this isn't, according to them, going to be their official video.

They will be shooting a "pro" video.

Which is fine with me.

I feel worse for Chris.

There's so much stuff my vision doesn't allow me to accomplish, simple things, that I need her for and she's still wrestling with this fucking Galileo bullshit.

After next week, she is taking a well earned break.


Speaking of next week, I had three vacation days left that I needed to use before the 17th of July, so I took them next Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

My plans are as follows: finish editing and submitting my Can't Keep Johnny Down video, finishing editing chapters 8 through 17 of The Grind Show and send them off to Phil, see that play Chris has been working on, see Bad Teacher with Jeannie and Chris...and maybe Lauren...I should call her.

Other than that, ,maybe play a few more levels of Resident Evil 5 and then crack open either Saint's Row 2 or Infamous 2.

Just called Lauren.

She's in.

Rock on.

Then, the new TMBG comes out, then, free TMBG show in Brooklyn, then Eels show in Brooklyn with Chris and sis.

Such business.

That's busy-ness, not business, like a business suit.

Oh, speaking of which, I had only listened to a little Har Mar Superstar over the years, and I kind of felt a connection between him and Midnite Vulture's Beck.

After listening to all but one track of Har Mar's "You Can Feel Me", I take that back.

He sounds like someone trying to be Beck but failing more often than not.

He has a few gem here and there, but it's mostly just tasteless and badly done music.

The latter more a problem for me than the former, obviously.


Anyway, before all the nutty shit next week happens, this Sunday, I am hosting one Dawn Brooke Owens and her lovely sister, Naomi, on a fountain tour of the city.

Do you think sounds out of character for me at all?

Well then you don't know me from Adam.


He's not as tall as me and went to Harvard I believe...or Amherst, I can't remember.


Anyone else think it's weird that the closest police precinct to me here is the 23rd?











*Convincingly to a person who has never been to the place where this accent occurs naturally and who has never heard anyone from one of these places talk.

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