
Una TECATE LIGHT por Hombre del Pajaro!!

9:58 pm
Today worked out well.
I had to go back for a re-record of the Tecate Light thing from last week and found out I am getting paid double what I was told (nice) and, at one point, the guys in there needed me to do something deep but different than what I had been doing.
I asked what exactly they wanted and amidst the general muttering, one man said "Birdman".
I said, "Roll it."
I said the product name is the Gary Cole Birdman voice and actually received applause from the studio.
Things like this don't happen often and man was my ego swoll.
Felt pretty nice.
Afterwards, I got a call from the producer who wants to use me on an internal video his company is doing.
Double nice.
And finally, I have problems finding stuff to do here at work, as you know.
I also fell in love with a game called Scorched Earth back in 95.
Whenever I try to play it on my machine at home, it bugs up and closes.
Then I thought...the computers at work are about fifteen years old!
And guess what I've been doing for the last hour?
Oh hell yes.
I love this goddamn game.
Again, today worked out well.

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