


8:56 pm


Last night I beat the single player portion of Portal 2.

Without spoiling anything, it's a fantastic ending (paired with a fantastic pun) that surpasses that of the first.

And there is another, excellent JoCo song.

More excellent that Still Alive?

You decide.


I also had an hilarious revelation while finishing the game last night.

GLaDOS reminds me of Danielle.

Something about the coldness with just a hint of emotion...


And speaking of coldness, I have just embarked upon George Double R Martin's Fire and Ice books.

I'm only a chapter or two in, but it appears promising.

I like wolf babies.

I like Others.

Each of the four books thus far released is about 800 pages, making the total number about 3,200.

Toss in the last three (hopefully published before I die) and that's 6,000 pages, give or take.

THAT is what I'm talking about.

You know, I hear the trogs around me talking about these "great books" they're all reading and passing back and forth like herpes in a college dorm with titles like "Dirty Divorcee" and "Mistress" and "Still A Mistress" (not joking about that last one), and, after wiping the tears of laughter and sorrow from my eyes, I find myself reflecting: what would these people do with an actual good book. Not a good sci-fi or fantasy book, but a good, classic book. Like from a fifth grade reading list?

Would they be able to understand and enjoy it?

Would they think it too "smart"?

Would they set it down and clamor instead for the latest novelization of the new Medea movie?

Would they know what "novelization" means?

Am I being elitist?

Would they know what "elitist" means?

I could ponder on this all day...



Last night, TMBG put up their latest podcast which consisted of one song called "Fellowship of Hell".

Flans said it was recorded during the "Join Us" sessions, but will not be on the album.

Which is a goddamn shame because it's great.

With lyrics like "Rock had a baby/and called it 'AHHH!'" and "there is no loathing/like self-loathing", it exhibits that catchy, weird darkness I love and miss about them.

Still about two months out from "Join Us", but "Fellowship of Hell" gives me a spark of hope...unless, of course, they left all the good songs off the album to suffer the fate of b-side and podcast fodder...


The fact that they're making and releasing this good stuff is what matters.


This weekend, Sony-willing, I will try out the Portal 2 co-op with Will.

I will also NOT be jumping out of a god damn birthday cake.



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