
The Steve Guttenberg Bible


4:57 pm


That's right.

Steve Guttenberg.

I grew up watching movies he was in, Police Academy 1 and 2 and 3 and whichever other ones he was in, Short Circuit 1 and maybe 2 , if he was in that.

And I think he's funny.

Or, more correctly, I knew him BEFORE I knew what was funny.

So, he might not actually be funny...I might not even actually think he is funny...but...I watched those movies.


And I had a hankering, so I watched Police Academy last night courtesy of Netflix Instant.

It was...literally, exactly as I remembered it from my childhood.

I think I may have laughed once or twice...not certain.


I'm going to watch Short Circuit at some point.

Again...not sure why.


Yesterday was stupidbusystupid.

I had a callback, booking and audition.

(Actually, I cost myself some money at the booking, mentioning something I thought was a typo and would have resulted in yet another paid session of revisions. Turns out it was a typo and would  have meant another session of revisions if I'd kept my mouth shut.

Never before has me talking cost me money.

There's a lesson there somewhere...

But, as if Karma Herself was watching over me, earlier today, I received an e-mail from a Google dude I worked with a few months ago who is booking me for some VO stuff on Friday, so...thanks Karma! No lesson learned whatsoever! I haven't grown as a person at all!


And then I had work.

Luckily, the two people who are the most thorny in my sidey were not there yesterday and aren't here today, so that means I get to read more A Game of Thrones without their voices drilling into my psyche like so many stupid, angry, stupid beavers that are stupid.



Finally got around to listening to the new Other Lives album, Tamer Animals, and I was less than impressed until I got to Dust Bowl III and Weather, about halfway into it.

Not done with it yet, but thus far, it's less impactful as their first, self titled work, but I was listening to it on a subway and not a snow-dusted steppe in the 1200's, so that might be my bad.


Hopefully, if UPS isn't blowing goats today, I'll have a shiny new copy of L.A. Noire when I return home.

I've spent the earlier part of today reading reviews and this game appears to be different than what I'd expected it to be.

Different and better, so I'm down.


Going back to the gimmegimmegimmenownownow aspect of my personality, I also watched Hot Tub Time Machine with Chris a few nights ago.

That movie is exactly what it claims to be and I love it for that.

If anything, I'd say it could have gone a bit further at times, mainly in the resolution of Crispin Glover's arm's story arc.

Which was, by the by, an hilarious and genius metric for the inevitable "okay, we really ARE back in time!" moment.


I also finished the third and NOT final season of Fringe.

The last five episodes escalate in weirdness so hugely...I can't even...body switching, LSD-fueled brain traversal resulting in random animated sequences, amnesia, time travel, paradoxes...it ran the gamut from "where the fuck did that come from" to "why would they do something this ridiculously cliché"?

They MUST have thought they were getting canceled.

Anyway, I'm just chomping at the bit to see what they d with their next and possibly final season, not so much for the story, but, after you do the things they've done, how the hell are they going to keep people interested?

I'm a bit tweaked they didn't go into the "there aren't just two parallel universes, there are an almost infinite number", but that might be their last season...Fringe meets Sliders...



All right...



Now, I will walk in the rain and eat the food.

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