
Batman Vs. X-Men Vs. The Terrible Smell Permeating The Upper East SideVs. Misc. Etc

3:13 pm
Of things.
First, got cable installed by a surly and world weary dude this morning.
Immediately wondered why.
Flipped through the assorted 350+ channels and continued to wonder why.
Got the COMPLETE Batman: The Animated Series for my Birthday.
17 discs.
109 episodes.
I've probably seen 100 of them more than three times, but goddamn it that a solid show.
I watched the first episode (with the original voice actor for Alfred...who sucked) and the nostalgia was sweet like some sweet thing I used to enjoy while watching the show.
I have also, recently, been watching the X-Men animated series which was on around that time, but on Saturday mornings as opposed to weekday afternoons.
The X-Men show has NOT held up but the Batman show is still freaking tight as a turtle.
I think it has everything to do with the stylization of Batman.
The show doesn't feel dated because it's always in the 40's (the 40's without robots and lasers and stuff).
Also, the first Batman episode just jumps right in, no lengthy, heavy-handed introductions, whereas the X-Men show ran over and over the fact that they are mutants and hated and Rogue can't touch people and Wolverine is REALLY angry and Jean Grey can't do ANYTHING without fainting and Professor X is an asshole because he's always sending Storm into situations where her claustrophobia will cripple her and endanger the rest of the team and Gambit wants to FUCK, NOW and no one ever uses their powers to their full extent and blah blah blah.
I do enjoy the sheer volume of X-Men and random Marvel characters they'll just toss in though.  There's a cameo from Nick Fury and War Machine for Christ' sake.  That's always fun for a fan to be like, "I have seen that character in comic books!" or some other equally powerful declaration.
In fact, I actually had a dream relating to the X-Men last night... it was some sort of new animated series...all I really remember is Gambit using dice at one point and Cyclops blasting the shit out of Sinister.
There was a HUGE fight.
Pretty cool.
Quite frankly, I'm more excited about Batman than cable.
I can see how you might have made that mistake.
Changing gears RATHER quickly (keep up children...), I watched The Boondock Saints a few nights ago for the first time in years.
That is quite a bad movie.
I mean, it's great for what it is, a massive-cock-action movie, but every moment of it tries waaay too hard to be genuine.
I'm wondering if the sequel is going to be gently mocking the original and actually strive to be a good movie, or if they are going to just try to out-cock themselves.
Apparently the writer and director (Troy "How Irish Can I Get?!" Duffy) burned all his bridges by being a douche.
As long as Willem Dafoe makes out with another gangster, I'm down.
Next, right outside the Hospital today, I saw a snowball fight turn into a fist fight within a matter of seconds.
Jesus loves the little chiiiildren.
But I don't.
If only they exploded on impact.
That would be awesome.
And finally, Will, I want a Google X-Prize awarded for tracking, cataloguing and eliminating the homeless/vomit/garbage smell permeating the Upper East Side.
It's like the diametric opposite of the lovely syrup smell that occasionally engulfs the city as if we are some huge, dirty pancake covered in angry, polyglot ants.
Finally for real, I have been listening to the New Pornographers today.
Their hopeless and peppy melancholy fits my woke-up-too-early-for-Mr.-Surly-the-Cable-Man mind state.
And "Stacked Crooked" might be my favorite NP song.
Think that might be it...you lucky frog you...

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