
Rev. Punk

3:31 pm
I think a man of the cloth (or is it Cloth?) just tried to punk me.
This Reverend who works here just contacted me (via the phone, not the Holy Ghost) to make a call (a phone call, not a Call to the priesthood) for him.
He gave the number, not in the normal cadence of 1 718 387 6962, but rather 17 183 876 962.
Normally, I would just chalk it up to...something, but this guy, the dozen or so times I've spoken to him on the phone, has always been a touch surly towards me.
Which is odd because I'm just as snuggly as a button.
It begs the question (something I do NOT like to do, ordinarily): what have I done to slight him?
What have I done to so vex this Servant of JEEEEEZUS?
What could I have possibly done to rouse the grrrreat vengeance and fuurrrrrious anger of this Bible Biting Boner Bag?
Have I just answer mine own question?
Mayhaps I have...mayhaps I have.
I might just ask him, if he calls back, to hear my confession and they just make up some weird shit, like I had sex on his überhetero son.
That ought to clear the air.
Also, on a totally unrelated tip: I am enjoying an excellent piece of carrot cake.
*Jeeeezus loves the little chiiiiildrun....*

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