
You're not dead yet...congratulations.

Birthdays come but once a year...actually, that would have been a lot funnier of I had said: Birthdays cum-butt once a year...and then have some pictures of people with party hats shooting man milk on people's asses...yeah...wait, what the fuck am I talking about sex for? This is about Kaitlyn...and her Birthday. As I said, Birthdays come but once a year and thank fuck for that. Kaitlyn has been "asking what we're doing on a certain day" for nigh on eleven months (I know, I've only known her for about three or so, but god damn if she doesn't make a day seem like a motherfucking week...) and the answer is JACK FUCKING SHIT! “Jack Fucking Shit” can also be pronounced: I've updated my web site with a special Birthday thing for you so stop bitching. It all depends on where you're from. So go and look at it. Feel special and remember...this is your present.

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