
I'll go get a towel...

And why am I going to get a towel? Because you just saw my picture and CAME LIKE TEENAGERS AT AN ORGY! And nw that I have a picture up, I suppose I should update my journal, eh? Fine.-->(Delivered as Paul Rudd in Wet Hot American Summer)
I am in New York City at this moment. As a Theatre major who intends to become a professional actor, I need to be in New York. At this moment, I have no job and no apartment here in the city and come May 18th (one fucking day after my graduation) my school kicks me out of my apartment here. I also still have classes and can't start a brand new job until I have nothing to do...on the 18th of May for instance. Come May 18th, I will have to return to the place that I now call home...Florida. Florida = suicide. Both for me and my career. So, that's what's been in my head recently. Thanks for asking. Peace out. Now change your pants, your fluids are getting dry and crusty.

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