
I'll Be Your Dogwalker

Working on a tune for the upcoming film "Tall Like Paul", here's what I have so far:
I'll be your dogwalker
if you let me

This isn't a metaphor I really mean it
I'll walk your poodle, chow or pit
And I won't use the dog to start a conversation
I'm not looking for love this is just my vocation
I'm a dogwalker

Whether the weather is snowing or the wind it is blowing
I will walk your dog
That's if the snow doesn't bug me and the dog doesn't tug me
I will walk your dog

(Just kidding, I'll do it anyway)

If you let me into your heart and house
I'll make sure the dog does not get out
and hit by a car
That's what I'm working with at the moment. I have music for all this so far. Think bongos and a happy snappy cute tune that will make people think I'm not as tall as I am.

Also, keep January 22nd fucking open goddamn it. There's party to be had. For my Birthday (which God has so callously arranged to fall on a Tuesday this year) I am having those I consider lovesexy to Pizzeria Uno's (86th and Lex.) for food and drink and then to the pool hall (86th and Lex.) for pool and games and then to my home (not 86th and Lex.) for loud music and angry neighbors. And just so you don't get the wrong idea, here is a list of people who are not lovesexy, but are still invited, and the reason they are invited.

Katy Gentile
(for use as canvas- if drunk and bukaki- if really drunk)

-because although there wll be no drawing on people for her Birthday, I can assure you anyone that passes out at my party will be drawn on and recieve an extra helping of sodomy at the hands and bone of our local homeless man, Toothless Jose, who will gladly put his brown disease into anyone we ask him to. I will NOT be drinking Tequila at this party (for in depth reasoning click here), so no Tequila, please, thank you.

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