Sending out a Facebook thing in regards to this, so I'll just touch on it here.
All right.
Just so.
In other news, I discovered today that Gorillaz is indeed releasing a third album.
That makes me all happy n stuff because, while it isn't always the best music, it's big fun getting lost in the mythos associated with the band.
I enjoy getting caught up in mythoses.
Since I last posted, I've finished Lost District and it made my very soul tired and cold.
Way to kill the sun, Joel Lane.
I then picked up and finished Alex Garland's The Tesseract which came very, very highly recommended by one Wade, Jessica AKA Deadpool AKA The Jesseract.
Although she was unable to recount a SINGLE REASON WHY, she insisted it was an excellent, brilliant, etc. book.
It was all right.
The ending was better than the beginning and that's a shame since the ending was about 9 pages.
I don't want to sound like I'm dissing her though; I want to make it clear that when certain people recommend books to me (namely those in the book business, people I know who have the same taste as me, people I know who actually write and write well or the occasional, mythic person who embodies all three of these traits in a wonderful Simpatico Smoothie) I expect them to be nothing short of amazing.
ESPECIALLY if they actually say the book they are recommending is, in fact, amazing.
Next on the docket is Diamond Age by Stephenson (recommended by Colin).
I think there were a few others floating around out there, but I'll need to check in with my tastemakers.
Saw Watchmen on Sunday.
That Ackerman chick needs to die.
Or just stop talking, whichever.
Yes, she had great breasts and a pert little tush, but a nice set and an picturesque bottom DO NOT a good actor make.
And the three and half minute bone scene do not make up for the rest the movie in which she is clothed and talking.
So few actors have what I call the Total Package.
I think it's just me and...well, Harrison Ford and me, that's it.
Don't hate us because we're beautiful.
LOVE us because we're beautiful.
You guys gotta get ORGANIZED.
Other than her loud sucking throughout, I thought they did an all right job with this thing.
Rorschach was perfect.
Comedian was perfect.
If you nail those guys, you can afford some imperfections along the way.
But god damn I hated that chick.
Saw the aforementioned Terminator trailer with the NIN song in it.
Man I love hearing Nine Inch Nails on huge goddamn speakers...
Also started watching The Boondocks and Battlestar Galactica.
Enjoying both for different reasons.
Downloaded the third "volume" of Heroes because I liked the first and second just fine.
Might wait until I get tired of BSG (or al least fatigued) before I pick it up though.
BSG has my enjoying it at the moment, so I'll be happy to leave well enough.
Also also watched the first season of the Britcom "Peep Show".
Of course I like it and, of course, only season one (of its four or five seasons) is on DVD here in the US.
Something about the main character Mark is very familiar and depressing.
He reminds me of me, somewhat, in high school.
Very depressing.
Happened to hear GNR's 'Estranged' on my iPod earlier this week.
Say what you will about Chinese Democracy (uh, yeah, I know I said I would give it another chance, but that hasn't happened yet) but they HAD IT back in the early 90's.
That song is just so everything-you-want-in-a-GNR-song song.
The fucking things is over NINE MINUTES LONG, there's at least three guitar solos, the chord progression is exactly what it should be, Axl counts off during it, he plays piano, he sing about water imagery, death imagery and death-in-water imagery.
It's THE DEFINITION of what a Guns N Roses song should be.
AND, it has a correlation with me.
Check it out...
So, the videos for Don't Cry, November Rain and Estranged form a triptych (at least according to MTV and Axl Rose.
Estranged was the final piece of the puzzle.The third and final installment.
Know anyone else that's recently finished a third and final installment of something?
I don't know.
Just symbolic, you know?
Not really, but, you know?
Come on, COME ON!
Yesterday was quite a talky day!
Had lunch with Jade (who is Aussietastic and was able to answer my question about how Australians in general feel with regards to Flight of the Conchords (enjoyment)), had an in-depth conversation about something or other with Colin which was interrupted, in the best sense of the word, by a call from Jeannie who I spoke to for quite some time after which I ate some very nice Chinese food, only to be interrupted AGAIN, by Philip chiming in my ears.
Very talky.
Spoke again with Mme. Radbill this evening and I hope to continue doing so.
She is one of the best and falling out of touch with her is always a bummer.
Anything else of note?
Mmmm....went to a party on Saturday.
It was....a party.
The hour disappeared while I was there.
You COULD say the party was so good that it actually distorted the time/space continuum.
Although I would probably correct you.
And call you a fucking idiot.
But, hey, that's just me, not saying I would for sure, but also not saying I wouldn't.
Or something.
Ease up, hombre.
Ah, that triggered something.
Eels has FINALLY announced the new album.
It's called "Hombre Lobo: 12 Songs of Desire" and it's coming out June 2nd.
I'm ambivalent because I'm obviously excited for the new eels, but I'm also setting myself up for disappointment because the last eels album was this incredibly beautiful double album and this is only 12 tracks.
Who knows, maybe it will be 12 tracks of pure gold.
The same thing happened when NIN announced their first album after The Fragile.
BUT E has stated that he has another full album finished, so maybe he'll drop something before four more years have passed.
Along with the new eels, there's a new Manson album in the works coming out right before Hombre Lobo.
It has most of the production team from Antichrist Superstar, one of the only great Manson albums.
Could this be a return to form?
Maybe if Manson stops drinking so much goddamn absinthe.
This is the first album written with Twiggy in about ten years as well.
If Twiggy picked anything up from Reznor while he was with NIN, then this new Manson project just might be listenable.
How cool would that be?
Manson actually returning from this ridiculous nose dive he's been in for so many years?
All right.
That's it.
Go watch the Inchoate Trilogy.
And feel just awful about it.
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