3:13 pm
First, you don't know Walter and you never will so don't fucking judge me.
He must die.
He ought to die and, if I were given a sharp hammer and three minutes in a windowless room with him, I'd be happy to take care of things.
But I can't.
Thanks Obama.
Next, as everyone suspected, Reznor and Ross won their Oscar last night, and as a result, people have been interviewing him.
The only nugget my obsessed little mind centered on was what he said regarding the How To Destroy Angels LP: "Have to mix it, early fall, most likely."
Originally (and obviously I should have known that anything relating to release dates coming from Trent Reznor should be taken with a huge amount of salt), Reznor had slated the new album for January 2011. His fans, by this point, understand that when he says "soon" he means "within the next year", "very soon" "within three months" and "really really soon" "within the next day". But when he gives a month? That's different. I'll try to not Cake out as I've done over the past three years or so, but just letting you, the Internet, know that I am bummed about the potential six month wait that myself and fans are in for.
And, right along those lines, it was reported that TMBG's fifteenth studio album (and first adult album in more than a year) was due out in April, the fifth to be specific. Recently, the band spoke up and said that "an album preview EP" would be out in April and that the album itself was now scheduled for July.
As in, four months from now.
Last week the new Radiohead album came out. It's called The King of Limbs, it's eight tracks and 38 minutes.
Personally, I'm a two/three/four-tracks-an-album guy when it comes to Radiohead, usually discarding the rest for whatever reason (although Thom Yorke's The Eraser was awesome), and this new one is in the same place as their previous ones.
I mention this because of the recent disturbing trend in popular music where time between albums is getting longer and the albums themselves are getting shorter.
Is this the artists' way of antagonizing pirates?
"You want to steal our music? Fine, here's 40 minutes for the next few years, steal THAT you little shits."
That's healthy.
Surprised and disappointed that Haley whatshername from True Grit didn't win for Best Supporting.
Have to see Melissa Leo in The Fighter to know whether or not I should continue feeling this way.
Also, apparently I need to see The King's Speech.
That thing fucking swept.
Anyway, along with Oscar Fever, I caught Dead Space 2-orrhea.
I bought the game when it came out (on January 25th) and have held off playing it, despite hearing people rave about it, for fear I would disappear into it.
I'm about 85% done with the game after two play sessions, about five hours each.
I'm not even done with it and I'm already looking forward to playing it again.
They have improved upon everything from the first game and executed perhaps the most brilliant revisiting of a previous area I've ever encountered.
And it looks and sounds fantastic, just like its predecessor.
In particular, there's a segment where you are manually realigning a bunch of solar panels while floating over Titan and you can just stop for a moment and look down at Jupiter...absolutely stunning.
Plus there's a new enemy which is, basically, an exploding baby.
So that's rewarding.
I should be done tonight unless I have something tomorrow morning that restricts me from finishing up.
Oh, and Will, it might not be the exact same as Diana's, but Chris followed her directions to the letter last night and made some amazing arroz con pollo.
It really does have to do with not touching the rice it seems.
How odd...
And speaking of Will, massive congrats to him on shucking off the boring humdrum chains of the Google Lunar X-Prize and stepping into the high class world of luxury, recreational space travel.
One more time.
Unless space disappears in the next few years, Will will actually be in space before he's 33.
So, he's pretty much taken care of.
He's going to space.
What else is there?
I suppose he could finish the Tall Like Paul screenplay...maybe even while he's in space...he could use that pen that writes in space that the US government developed.
Or a pencil.
In other BFFLOLROXORZ!!!1! news, I'm super-stoked, once again, to read Phil's latest novel, Blood From The Mountain.
Or Mount.
I admit that I am even more stoked for his March novel, the second chapter in his Grind Show series.
I dug the hell out of the first.
In fact, it might be my favorite thing he's written, certainly my favorite novel of his.
Christina has yet to read it and, although we celebrated our 11th anniversary on Friday and over the weekend, we won't make it to twelve unless she reads the first Grind Show in the next few weeks.
See Phil? THAT is how dedicated a fan I am.
I want your word babies.
I also want you to write my biography.
Maybe in April?
call me
**************************************Finished Perdido Street Station tonight.
Man oh man does that guy China know how to fuck over some heroes.
**************************************Finished Perdido Street Station tonight.
Man oh man does that guy China know how to fuck over some heroes.