First things first...yesterday on the train, I saw a little old Asian woman eat an entire apple in about 12 seconds.
I have no real feelings about this, but it was just impressive.
There was a slight hint of desperation under the efficient fervor though, as if someone were going to get on at the next stop and eat the apples of everyone who had them.
Or something else along those lines.
Along the lines of MTA Apple Police.
I then thought that the scene, a wizened Asian woman furiously devouring an apple, was a great symbol of something.
I don't know what though.
Maybe the Asian populace taking over New York City, but, as far as I know, that hasn't happened.
I am ill informed on such matters.
Very much so.
And I'm enjoying the cold.
I get to use ALL my big fluffy blankets with impunity.
With immunity from impunity, if you will.
I like the cold better than the hot anyway.
No matter how cold it gets, there is always a certain number of clothing, blankets, sweaters etc. that you can wrap yourself in to make yourself warm enough, but if it's too hot? You, my friend, are shut out of lick.
Also, I hate sweating unless I'm scrumping.
Hate it hate it hate it.
Sweating, not scrumping.
I like scrumping.
A lot.
Just finished reading Trainspotting.
When I first saw the movie waaaay back when, not only did I not understand two thirds of what was being said, but I didn't get why things were happening or why they were funny/emotional etc. except for the really obvious stuff (he pooped......IN THE BED!!!!).
A few months ago, I watched the movie again and understood the whole thing...except for a lot of the actual language.
The intentions were clear just like they were clear in The Universal Language, but that accent? Yeesh.
So, in the book, the writer, Irvine Welsh, WRITES with the accent a lot of the time.
At first it was hilariously overwhelming, but then I got into it and just rolled with it.
The glossary at the end helped too although that was more for terms rather than normal words.
Those I had to sound out and it was fun.
Like learning to read again.
The effect was quite the opposite of finishing a Harry Potter book.
Whereas after Harry Potter and the Prancing Pumpkins or whatever, it's as if any book that isn't on the same literary level or lower is hard to read.
Not hard, but...well, sticky.
After Trainspotting though, everything seems TOO easy.
I like my brain and its sexy nooks and crannies.
Surprised to find that there is actually very little trainspotting done in the movie.
Surprised and disappointed.
Now I am reading Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell because both Phil and his uncle Martin raved about it over the holidays.
Glow sticks and all.
Digging it xmax so far.
Also picked up Snow Crash by this Neal Stevenson character I keep hearing people cream over.
I tried to read the Denis Leary book, but it's just not that funny.
It's way too obvious and just obnoxious for the sake of being obnoxious.
In the introduction he even says you're gonna be offended and you're gonna laugh...a lot.
Way to believe your own hype.
I think the last time I was offended by anything was an episode of South Park.
They consistent offend me and therefore make me laugh.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the hell out of Denis Leary, but I suppose his stand up/comedy stuff has lost its edge since No Cure For Cancer.
I do love me some Rescue Me though.
Let's get the shiny people over here and the happy people over here.
I want two lines.
Speaking of two lines...I made my Birthday playlist yesterday during a lull at work.
Yes, during that one lull...
"White Lines" is on it.
I'm pensive about this party.
No, not true.
I'm pensive about how certain people will react and behave around each other.
Why can't we all just get along with that which Paul wants?
Less of a WWPD?
More of a WWPWMTDFH, What Would Paul Want Me To Do.For Him
Is that selfish?
Ah ah ah...remember...WWPWMTDFH...
There we go.
Seriously though, I passed out once from drinking when I did that tequila thing and it was like time travel.
I boaked, fitted myself into the bathroom corner and then BLINK B.J. was waking me up some time later to bring me home.
All in all not a bad experience.
But again, how often to people REALLY completely forget things?
Pale, pale excuse.
But, what does that indicate?
Thoughts, thoughts, thoughts.
Planning on rejoining the Club because I miss swimming.
In a clean pool.
With naked, wrinkly old men.
Birthday Birthday Borthday.
My son is also named Bort.
Say what you will about Dunking Doughknots, but when they make (microwave) that sausage, egg and cheese on a croissant right it's fucking magic.
The indigestion is also magic.
Like a burning leprechaun dancing up and down the length of my esophagus.
Burny O'Toole.
Stompy McPain
Ouchy McFuckoff
The Prince Thing went rather well I thought.
Got to know Emily a bit better.
Got to spend some time with Kaitlyn and Christina Nongirlfriend.
Reminded of why I'm friends with them.
Still haven't seen Graffiti Bridge.
Not sure I want to.
1990 was a weird year for Prince and I don't think I know any of his shit from those years.
Lauren got me a HUGE Prince thing for Xmas/Berfday and in it there's a rare, live Prince CD.
Of the 20 or so tracks, I know about three.
I'm not a big Prince fan, but I'm a big fan of Prince, n'est pas?
Oh this shift has its ups and downs.
The ups correlate with the times when Mungo is not in the fucking office talking.
The downs correlate, strangely, when she is flapping her MASSIVE gums.
Oh to be Prince Caspian, afloat upon the waves.
She just left, and now I'm enjoying an up.
And as far as ups go, I found out that the switchboard might be "up" shit creek without a paddle for OVER A YEAR.
Gaw bless us, evvy un.
I believe I'm through.
Some say it was a sign...
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