10:23 PM
My eyes ache from reading comics all night and I have a pounding headache from the reading combined with all the sugar and bleached carbs I’ve consumed today, so I think I’ll just write for a spell. I know, I know, you’re thinking, “But Paul, you silly cow catcher, staring at a computer screen for 47 minutes will probably do more damage than merely reading. You idiot.” Ah, but I hunt and peck so I am simply staring at 70 or so black keys with white writing on them. So fuck you. Man am I wasted. Things are happening without my knowing.
The Wedding was funish. Hung out with an awesome combo: An Asian lesbian. Her name is Kim Rose and she is in a band. She rocks. She roxoors. She also drove a rented Safari Plus. Yes. PLUS. I think we will hang out with her again soon. You guys might dig her.
Wait….you guys? Who the fuck is that? I haven’t seen Kady in months (except for the Wedding), Christina and Dorothy (are they dead again?), Alan and Lisa…that might b weird.
Whoa, I actually just threw up in my mouth a little. For real. Not quoting “Dodgeball”, I actually did. It was unpleasant but funny as hell because everyone always says I but no one ever does it.
Birthday plans are getting solid. I am having a cocktail party at the Club on the evening of Saturday, January 28th, 2006. By invite only. If Megan does not go in with me for half, I have a fifty-person guest list to fill. Awww yeah. It is going to be swank. Dress hot or begone. I wonder whom I will invite. I mean some are no brainers, but what about people whom I used to be buddy buddy with but haven’t seen in years? Honestly, would they even give a shit? Probably not. So fuck them anyways.
It’s going to be great though.
So, something important and worrisome…
Yesterday I received in the mail a package from Oregon. It contained a spiral notebook. The cover and back cover were made from the record artwork from Prince’s “Parade” album. The only identification marks n it were the return address “Kat’s Meow” and an e-mail address on the inside kat_penguin@yahoo.com and some details about the notebook (printed on recycled paper, etc. This was very strange. BUT, the thing that pushed this from strange to worrisome is as follows: Recently, Will received a postcard from Samoa, with a picture of a fat Samoan man coming out of the water. On the back, written in Samoan was the word “Hello” in girly handwriting. Also, the sender write Will’s zip code as “008”. The fact that the two of us received these random, beautiful gifts in the same time frame is very unnerving. Will suspects Jade and I don’t know whom to suspect. Everyone knows I love Prince, but who knows Will is Samoan AND was or is in Samoa? Truly disturbing.
Anyway, back to the party. Clear your calendar, good close friends of mine, for you have a date on the evening of January the 28th.
Also, for anyone with a PS2, I highly recommend Indigo Prophecy. Despite the lesbian sounding title, it is quite the rocking good time.
It’s 10:54.
I will now prepare to leave.
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