7:26 PM
What glorious Chinese food!! The rice was perfectly cooked, nary a hard grain to be found. And the chicken? Juicy and plentiful with not too much sauce. But the jewel in this culinary crown was indeed the egg roll. Perfect in every way.
Today is much better than yesterday. I rested my eyes (by sleeping ‘til one o’clock this afternoon) and have yet to use my eyes for anything more strenuous than staring at this keyboard. The fact that I’m sick is almost forgotten in the wash of excellent Chinese food I am currently consuming.
Does sleeping ten hours a day mean I am depressed? Impossible to be depressed when one eats such marvelous Chinese food. YUMMY! With each bite it actually gets BETTER! HUZZAH! Is there lithium in this food? Well there just might be!! Woot woot, I say, woot woot indeed!!
Happiness is neither a warm gun NOR a warm puppy…it is excellent Chinese food! Quote me! Quote me freely!!!
7:53 PM
Alas, now the food is gone. However, every belch that dances up my throat and into my mouth reminds me of the gentle beauty of the Chinese food I have just ingested! The flavors shall pirouette for hours to come and my soul shall twirl with them! I have a mad urge to run to the Chinese restaurant from whence this ambrosia came and kiss all the people there! Yet another mad urge to collect the resulting feces from this meal in memoriam pounds my soul as well! I am helpless to fight these desires! I must succumb! I MUST KISS! I MUST COLLECT! I MUST! I MUST!!!!
I think I shall induce vomiting to sample this nectar again…and again! And again!!!
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