
Soundboarding with myself regarding Watchdogs

Going to blurt for a second about Watchdogs.
So...I really do like the look and idea of this game. There appears to be a hell of a lot of depth and it looks stunning...but...I'm blasting my way through Infamous: Second Son at the moment, and, while it's not the same game, it is a city sandbox game. Then there's the fact that, of all these nuances and features and everything, how much am I actually going to use?
Street races?
Fuck street races. The last thing I ever want to do in a GTA-style game is have to drive somewhere while there's a fucking clock on my screen.
Multiplayer that allows those assholes I try to keep myself insulated from access to my game? In order to fuck with me? Who in the fuck would want something like that in their game?* Imagine trying to finish a report at work when some guy walked into your cubicle and kept farting.
Now pay money for that.
Boom, you've just experienced Watchdogs multiplayer.
Plus, everything we've seen that looks amazing thus far has been PC, something that does not apply to me, the dialogue in this sounds like the worst kind of tripe and these characters look as generic as humanly possible. In fact, more so, I feel like the big reveal is that a computer designed these generic-ass characters based on an amalgam of generic-ass characters.
Is this just Ubisoft dressing up a turd in HD?

In the end, it's only a $60 expenditure and I've reached a point in my life where $60 is not going to make or break me, but, just because I can spend the money, does that mean I should? There's also the PS4 drought at the moment.
I want to be in the next generation, but, so far, nothing has felt that next-gen. Second Son does look really gorgeous, specifically the streets and all the power effects, especially the third one that you get, I love the style, but it just looks like a really beautiful coat of paint on the walls of a room I've been in for almost ten years.
I'm sure I'm not the only person lamenting this and I know we're going to have to wait until 2015 to maybe see something that actually drops our collective nerd jaws, but...I don't know...Veruca Salt.

You know how, when you're stuck between two things, sometimes you'll flip a coin? You know how, more advanced thinkers will choose which side they want and then just go with that as their choice because the fact that they chose that means it was what they preferred?
I feel like this little ramble has served as that.
Thanks, no one!

* Players of Demon's Souls, Dead Souls and Dead Souls 2, please put down your erections.

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