
Some thoughts on "Days of Future Past"

Saw the new X-Men movie for Meghan's kickass birthday.

Here are some scattered notes and thoughts.


At the end of everything, this was just a super stylish way to reset EVERYTHING back to 1973.

Didn't just get rid of Last Stand, got rid of EVERYTHING, including, it seems, Wolverine: Origins, since DOFP took place AFTER that and Stryker seemed to have no idea who Logan was.

So grateful that Halle Berry had only three lines and then died. I knew, even when it happened, that it couldn't be real, but still, a sweet dream. Here is where I disclaim and say that I do not wish Halle Berry any harm, just that she would stop acting, or at least, talking.
Any of those would be fine.

Back to the movie.
I am more excited than most about the introduction (finally) of Apocalypse. 
I love that Singer had planned to introduce both Sentinels and Apocalypse on his third X-Men film...something he did about 7 years later.
It's called stick-to-it-tiveness.
More excited about him than I was about Thanos.
Here's why: in the case of both Avengers and X-Men, more so with Avengers, you have some pretty powerful dudes. The idea that nothing any of them can do will affect either Thanos or Apocalypse is thrilling. We're not going to see Storm throw lightning at Apocalypse, just like we're not going to see Cap throw his shield at Thanos.
Hopefully not more than once.
Honestly though, it would be great if we could just skip all the "I have no idea what I'm up against, so let me try this, nope, that totally didn't work" crap. Just like the obligatory, "Why are we fighting? We're on the same side!!!!" device that's been used for years to kill an issue or a comic or half of an act in a film.

I was also okay with them killing the folks from First Class. Especially Frost. January Jones was just awful.

Obviously, Quicksilver and his scene were amazing, very well done. Totally fine with the two Quicksilvers in the MCU.
It was also refreshing not to see Evan Peters as a raping ghost, accused serial killer abductee and/or reanimated corpse.

One question: when did Shadowcat become Timeprojectioncat? Have I missed something?

Anyway, that's everything that really jumped out.
Great stuff, although it was just a really fancy reboot switch.

Between this, ASM 2 and Winter Soldier, I think I still have to give it to Winter Soldier.

Hail Hydra and here's hoping that after X-Men: Apocalypse, we'll meet Cable (played by Ron Perlman) and then get a really cool X-Force movie, which will introduce Deadpool, who will, finally, get his own, R-rated, movie.

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