
Thank You, Gregarious And Helpful British Man!

As I was making my way to lunch this afternoon, I felt a flutter on my left shoulder.
I ignored it, as this is New York and I am a New Yorker, but then it came again, like a little bird trying to get my attention; perhaps to give me some seeds?
Now, although I tend to have a rather thunderous expression when my face is at rest and I am stomping around the city, as soon as it's "on" as it were, it's as animated as I am in casual conversation, which is to say: very.
I turned, eyebrows raised in polite inquiry and beheld a vital yet aged man.
I removed my huge, alienating headphones and said, "I'm sorry?"
Perhaps he wanted directions, he was carrying a camera around his neck...
But, as it turns out, he was delightfully British and wanted to know if I had ever heard of Audio Technica headphones as, he informed me, he judged from the Sennseiser HD 280's I was sporting, that I was into high(er) end audio equipment.
So, for a moment or two, I discussed headphones, the sounds of the city and topics of that ilk with this pleasant British gentleman in the middle of the sidewalk on Madison Avenue between 96th and 97th street.

Once I returned from lunch, I did a little digging and, lo and behold, the Audio Technica M50's (which are Audio Technica's answer to Sennheiser's HD 280's) seem to be much, much better than their Sennheiser counterpart.
I'm going to shop around and see if I can find me a pair of M50's in order to experience the difference (quite drastic, if the dozen or so reviews are accurate) between the two.
So I say, "Thank you, gregarious and helpful British man! Thank you and thank you and thank you once again!"

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