
So. Much. Auditions.

Playskool, Optimum, Cavalli, Virgin Mobile.
High energy and excited, straight shooter- think Nick Offerman, masculine and sexy, investigative journalist- think Walter Cronkite.
THAT was my week.
Can I share with you how happy I am that none of these were speced with that ol' industry shitsicle* "friendly...not announcery...with the hint of a smile..." ?
Very, I'm very happy.
Also a bit fatigued from all the voicey mouth talking.

At some point, I'm going to write something about how funny it is that it isn't the whole of Total Recall that's based on the Philip K. Dick short "We Can Remember It For You Wholesale" (which is almost as bad a title as "Philip K. Dick"), but rather the first twelve minutes.
Makes me curious to see if the new movie is a remake of the 1990 version or what.
Here's hoping there aren't any puppetcheasts *SHUDDER*.

I might also talk about how enjoyable the, sadly short-lived, Spider-Man animated show from 2003 is (once you get past the futuristic gay club music tin which the whole series is basted), especially when directly compared to the show from the mid to late 90's. Man, was that writing shit. Although the final episode, in which Spider-Man meets Stan Lee as Stan Lee was pretty fanboytastic.

One thing is for goddamn sure...there will soon be a fiery, bile-soaked, hate-drizzled fuckrant aimed directly at Halle Berry Vad Actress.
I just found out that she is going to be a lead in the "Cloud Atlas" film adaptation.
Only Christina can express how upset I was.
I actually had a tantrum.
Then, poor girl, she tried to ameliorate the situation by saying, "If it makes you feel any better, they styled her really well," at which point I unleashed the most sarcasm I've ever produced at one time on one person.
I then saved myself a swift punch in the face but informing her of that fact and asking if she were all right.
Fucking Halle Berry.
Save your hate for later.

Something is happening this weekend, but I have no idea what.
It might involve Doctor Who or the new Spider-Man movie or finishing Silent Hill 2 with J Rock, but I honestly have no idea.

I may also have a Clue/Cards Against Humanity thing next weekend.
These cards are burning a hole in my games hutch.
Games. Hutch.

Then I'm going to god damn Alaska for a wedding.
I plan to embrace and then be mauled by a bear.
I may also steal a puffin, if I see one and can lure it to my person.

Meanwhile, I continue to sweat profusely at all times.
I haven't been in my bedroom for more than five minutes in over a month and will continue to live in my living room until THE SUN FUCKING CUTS OUT THIS BULLSHIT.

All right.
Go now, and know that I am uncomfortable.

* Yeah, a Popsicle made of shit, you got it.

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