

7:35 pm
You ever find out that your preparations are made of cardboard held together with diarrhea and gasoline?
I got that.
Finished the second season of Burn Notice last night.
Main problem I have with that show is that the overarching plot is really only three of the sixteen episodes.
And, yes, I know that's how TV works, blow me, but it's so damned obvious on Burn Notice.
I also dislike the main character's mother.
She is played by the mother from Queer As Folk (U.S.A.).
Sharon Gleis or something.
Same role, but she smokes more and says "cock" less.
Bruce Campbell is doing his best, but I feel as if they told him to be 40% less Bruce Campbell that he usually is.
Whatever, bottom line is: it's not a great show, but at least I'm not just sitting around actively dying.
I'm watching TV.
Just discovered "Archer" thanks to Colin and I think I'm going to be okay with this show.
Plus, Chris and I are watching the final season of "Lost".
Parallel universes, eh?
You better have more than that to bring to the table.
I listen to music made by the son of the guy who INVENTED that shiznit.
That last should be read with the same intonation as if I were saying, "Parallel universes? I eat parallel universes for BREAKFAST!"
Started Thud!, the second to last (or thereabouts) Discworld book.
Kind of disappointing so far.
It's not snapping and zinging on every page like his stuff usually does.
You'd think it would seem that way even if it wasn't after slogging through the abortion of Mostly Harmless, but, no.
I'll just have to write a better book, n'est pas?

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