

3:36 pm
I watched "The Reader" last night.
Kate Winslet played a hot Nazi.
Or Hotzi, as it were.
She joins the ranks of the blonde chick from Last Crusade and Sherri Moon.
Her nipples are BIG.
Oscar Nipples, they call them in the industry.
For real.
Not a bad movie, gets better about half way through, when the plot starts happening.
Ralph Fiennes did a great job, but it was weird to see him with a nose.
I've been watching too much Harry Potter.
Whenever there was a tense moment (and there are a few in this movie) I was waiting for Ralph to use the Killing Spell on someone.
That idea is just stupid enough for an SNL skit.
Maybe throw in some farting.
Hyuk hyuk hyuk...
Here's a question: who designed the uniforms for the Nazis?
I know comics and that lot have all talked about this and it IS very funny, but, seriously, who did?
They're awesome.
The uniforms, not the Nazis.
I've also been reading a bunch of "Versus" comics.
You know, crossover stuff.
Marvel Vs. D.C., Apocalypse Vs. Dracula, Batman Vs. Spiderman, Batman Vs. Judge Dredd, everyone Vs. Alien and Predators.
Seems like Aliens and Predators are just pissing EVERYBODY off.
I've read the first Batman Vs. Predator and the first Superman Vs. Aliens.
Hint: Batman and Superman don't lose.
I'm now reading Superman Vs. Terminator.
They mix it up a bit so it isn't just Superman punching robots.
I've noticed that the good "Vs." books don't include a lengthy intro to both parties before the plot starts.
And a lot of these do.
Eventually, I'm going to read, ready for this?, Batman and Superman Vs. Aliens and Predators.
Honestly? My money's on Batman and Superman.
I'll keep you posted.
Or maybe not. 

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