

3:50 pm
Seriously, if this turns out to be one big analogy or metaphor or fucking stupid "modern fable", I'm coming after J.J. Abrams with a erection made of blood and steel.
Fair warning.
I thought there was more quantum physics and less Jesus-loves-the-little-children going on, but now, I be not as sure as I was before.
Call me Doubting Thomas!!!!!!!!!!
Actually, don't, just wrap this thing up well.
Man in Black indeed...
Saw Kick Ass this weekend with Lisa.
Did a pretty good job making an 8-issue mini series into a fun two hour movie.
I downloaded the comic because, as it turns out, I'd only read the first four issues.
Nicholas Cage did an all right job, but it was still good to see him burned to death.
I think that was for all the people who like Ghost Rider (the book) and were a bit upset with Ghost Rider (the movie).
As Lisa put it, he is, indeed, a Stuff Ruiner.
AND speaking of Lisa, she's going to do a Dark Tower show at some point and I'm going on there to geek off with her and...Ti? Or Ty?
Whatever the other lady's name is.
Major questions raised by that short, "UR"...
And...finally...I'm about two play sessions out from being done with Fallout 3.
I think I stopped completely enjoying the game the fifth time in a half hour it froze for no reason, causing me to lose twenty minutes of play and restart my PS3.
This game. Is so fucking broken.
How can Bethesda QA let this thing out?!
There was a button that was supposed to open a door...it wasn't there.
The button. Wasn't there.
Anyway, maybe five or six hours and I'm done with Fallout 3 until I want to be.
Looking forward to it.
Finally, I had an audition today.
I think it went well and it's with a casting agency that knows me and that I've gotten jobs with in the past, two actually.
Thing is...I want this job.
Not for the money or the exposure, but for the hilarity inherent in it.
I'll say more if I get it.

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