
Finally, Some Bloodshed

4:17 pm
First off, the title refers to a recent episode of Burn Notice.
I'm about halfway through the third (and final?) season and they're finally getting their shit together and upping the stakes a bit.
People are actually getting hit and hurt by the bullets being fired from the guns!
Plus, they've introduced some reoccurring characters and most of them are great, namely Jay Kearns, "Dutch" from The Shield and, for a bit, Sons of Anarchy.
The show is still very USA, but you can see some extra money spent here and there.
The more they break out of the 5%-story-arc-95%-filler episode plan, the better the show is.
Had an audition today as the Frankenstein monster.
I don't think my resume would be surprised to have that added if I do get this one.
Finally, I just found a scrap of paper left here by another worker.
It reads:
"Prayer is the answer to every problem in life. It puts us in tune with Devine Wisdom which knows how to adjust everything perfectly.So often we do not prey in certain situations because from our standpoint the outlook is impossible.  But nothing is impossible with God. Nothing is so entangled that it cannot be remedied. No human relation is too strained for God to (something, her handwriting is awful)." 
My question: when does faith go from being a beautiful testament of humankind's ability to believe to blind idiots, clambering around in darkness and clutching at, literally, nothing; trusting because they know they have no power whatsoever to change the things happening to them?
When is faith giving up?
When is "letting go and letting God" just a lazy response to an overwhelming situation?
Just how unoriginal and adolescent (on a scale of 1 to 10) are these question taking into account that they're being asked on a blog?
Test on Monday.

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