
Tuna fish biscuits and Capathian kitten loss

10:09 pm

I wish I had an excellent entry to go with this excellent title.
But I do not.
So I'll just mumble a bit.
This weekend I did some work on Jess' song and it's going to be a winner.
A Grammy winner.
As in her Grammy will like it.

Had me first fun VO audition in recent memory today.
It was for some Canadian Internet provider called Shaw.and it consisted of three separate paragraphs, all tongue in cheek and clever.
I was directed to be a wiseass.
Oh Canada indeed.
Shaw makes Comcast look like...well...Comcast.

BUT, I actually had Y E T  A N O T H E R  Comcast audition on Monday (bringing my total to approximately "go fuck yourself Comcast") and, holy wet shit, they didn't have me read it.....friendly...not announcery...but with a hint of a smile...it was actually several different character voices talking about several different areas of Comcast's whatever it is they do and I got to do a wide variety of voices.
Way to go Comcast.
Let's see if you can't keep making good commercials or just stop bothering me.
Either way, I'm good.

Also, earlier today, a resident with dementia shambled into the Security office and demanded "tuna fish biscuits" get sent up to his floor.
I have latched onto that phrase, "tuna fish biscuits", like a lamprey and I want you to say it out loud once or twice and then just...groove.
It dances on your tongue like a tiny, tiny ballerina...

Also, for the next few days, I will be suffering from Carpathian kitten loss, thanks to Philip, who will also share in the grieving process.
Anyone else?
Are you a god?

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