7:11 PM
The DJ on Q 104.5 (the classic rock station) was just commenting on the shooting of Suge Knight at a party in California recently. After talking about the shooting itself, he then reported that the party simply moved from the hotel suite it was held in out to the pool area. He then said that “if you are a gangsta rapper there are only two states of being for you: just about to be shot and having just been shot, oh yeah and the two small slivers of existence when you are being shot or shooting someone.”
This DJ never talks about ANYTHING except for which songs he just played or the ones he is about to play. Color me shocked and tickled.
Looking forward to the MET for Sex party this weekend. Hopefully, everyone who has iPod’s/mp3 players got my e-mail yesterday. Everyone who needs CD’s, I got that. I think meeting at the MET in the lobby at 7:15 is what were shooting for. Again, 7:15 on Saturday, September 3rd. Bring your music playing devices with headphones and batteries. If I sound condescending, it’s because last time we had people showing up with iPod but without the Playlist. Or Discmen without headphones. Anyway, I’m putting more faith in this bunch than in the last group, please don’t make me think of you as idiots. Because I know people…people with big ears and bigger mouths…seriously big…
This weekend was more active than I’m used to. I went to a crazy party for Lauren’s Birthday. I went to two of the trendiest, hipster joints down there and freaked out the stiffs. They played “Kiss” and I sort of raped this guy who was demanding that I let my hair down (literally) all night. I swallowed a full Red Bull and vodka and made people gape. I danced with a girl named Angel who is a full time member of the Landmark Forum (she has a hole in her life and now in her bank account thanks to those brainwashing fucks). I found out my friend Angie is engaged and got invited to that wedding. There will be 80’s music xmax.
Sunday I saw “The Baxter” (new Michael Showalter movie starring basically the whole cast of “WHAS”) and spent HOURS in the Village with Chris at the Howl Festival and then I found Bubble Tea (mmmmm…) two blocks from Dojo.
This spending more than one hour a month with Lauren is awesome and I look forward to upping the dosage although seeing Angelika is going to be tough. She is almost almost a Doctor with only 6 years to go. She gets to do an autopsy this year. Does anyone need any fingers?
Also, Chris finished her CD!!! WOO! Very impressive stuff. And now allow me to reiterate that those who do not do their albums are pig scum. I swear to God. Get to work if you haven’t started yet. Jesus.
I’m eating vanilla fudge now. Oh my goodness, oh my goodness.
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