
East Coast, West Coast, Everyone's A Killer: Mmmmmmagic!

Have you ever imbibed a bottle of Trader Joe's Mountain Spring Water and known, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that you have just paid for tap water? Then, and only then, will you realize that fuck Trader Joe's.


Deep breath. Calm down.

First, on Saturday, I had a truly excellent meal at a place called Mike and Annie's with Will, Hillary, Diana and Baby Owen, who was not only not scared of me, but seemed rather delighted by me. Unless the whole thing was an act, and the smile was, in truth, a frozen rictus of horror, clamped down over his screaming brain... I held him and he looked at me and smiled. Thus proving three things: Owen is awesome, I am not Nightmare Fule for all babies, and that baby from our movie was a dick*. Also, I think all this movie star shit is getting to me. We all split a piece of chocolate cake at the end of the meal and it was hella dry. Like, I'm-not-even-enjoying-the-fact-that-this-is-chocolate-cake-because-it's-so-dry dry, so, when the waiter swung by with his "is everything okay?" I said, actually, the chocolate is really, really dry and he apologized and took it off the bill. You guys, I can't remember ever having done that. I think...I'm becoming part...of HolloWood...



First I had rehearsal at Sally's house and met the man playing my father, Bill Jones. So, he is perfect for this role and excellent in every other aspect, solid dude. Then, I was moved to tears by a scene between Sally and Hillary. You can feel the power coming off this lady...

AND THEN I MET A MAGICIAN!!!!!!!!!!!! Autumn came from her place with her friend, Luke who is not only a magician, but also a hypnotist. We hung out around...some area of El La, then had some really awesome sushi across from a super sinister Scientology mansion then I had a cookie and some coffee thing at the painfully cool little placed called the Bourgeois Pig. They were playing so much 90's hip hop, it was stupendous. Then, they drove me home and Luke proceeded to melt my face with magic. He did all types of deviltry with a quarter and cards and phtontom touches*. I am a huge child and loved every second of it. AND AUTUMN MADE ME MUFFINS!!!

I also met this other guest here who had been away since my arrival. I'd heard she works at JPL, where my friend Diana works, and I thought that was a cool little coincidence. So, I introduced myself and told her about Diana and all that and got SO MUCH SNARK off this chick. "Yeah, I'm just a summer intern and there are like, literally, hundreds of people that work there so..."
She just let it trail off.
Kid, with that attitude, you will always only be a summer intern. Space doesn't want assholes like you all up in itself. Stick to cave systems and swamps.

Today looks to be a light day, only four scenes or so, then we load out of our location in Pasadena. Tomorrow, we shoot in Glendale, where, I've heard, if I'm lucky, I can get a real good meal...

* So...in case, for some reason, you are reading this and either don't get sarcasm (which runs through my veins like blood) or haven't ever read anything else I've ever written; I, obviously, do not think this little baby is really a dick. I am not the baby's father, and, understandably, my height and voice and scent might appear troubling to her. To be clear, I am not actually blaming the baby for this. My views are my own and often exaggerated, uninformed, and, occasionally, completely wrong. I also overuse commas and sometimes forget to floss. This is a blog, which is not a word. Thank you.

** Which sounds filthy, but was actually super awesome.

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