
End of the Month Music Bitchfest - October 2014

Nine Inch Nails
Well, twenty years after becoming a thing, NIN have been nominated for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
Which probably doesn't mean anything to Trent Reznor, so why the fuck should it mean anything to his fans?
Reznor is reportedly working on some music delivery system for Apple which isn't exactly music.
I'm too tired to even tell you how little that interests me.

I also reviewed the Gone Girl score.
For you.

They Might Be Giants
Some pretty ballsy news from the Johns as they announce the return of Dial-A-Song dot com for 2015...with a brand new song EVERY TUESDAY FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR.
That's three or four albums worth of stuff.
Interested how this is going to fit in with whatever the 2015 Instant Fan Club will consist of...if anything.
And along with this, they've just announced that they will be performing one show every month in Brooklyn in 2015.
Christ. Here's hoping for some theme shows...I would love to see a John Henry show with horns and maybe some super deep cuts for the real obnoxious fans. "Nightgown Of The Sullen Moon" anyone?
I'm going to make a concerted effort to see each and every one of these shows* and I'd love if you came with me. This kind of fun must be shared.

I listened to a bunch of stuff this month. And then I forced my opinion on people who did not ask for that.
And I am sorry.

The stuff included the Flaming Lips' Beatles' cover album, With A Little Help From My Fwends.
Which I didn't like much.

Then there was my little trip to Electro-Ambient Town with Loscil and Fieldhead's Fury/Hecla and A Winged Victory For The Sullen's accompaniment to Wayne McGregor's dance piece "Atomos", entitled Atomos.

Next, the surprising Thom Yorke album, Tomorrow's Modern Boxes. Surprising because he just popped it up there to test out a new way of delivering music and also because it's really, really good.

And, finally...there's Marilyn Manson. That self-parodying goth dingleberry is stick clinging to the short hair of angry teen asses everywhere, as shown by his intent to release yet another shitty album. He released the first single a ew days before Halloween and, boy, is it bland.
I reviewed the "song" ("Third Day Of A Seven Day Binge") and have been promised an advance copy to review the full album when it comes out.
Outlook...not so good.
Review here.

More to come, including reviews of the new Deptford Goth, the new Dirty Beaches and the new Chumped.

* read: "I will see each and every one of these shows".

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