
Media Ga Ga

Chris and I have finally finished the long-awaited fourth season of Arrested Development!!!!!
And I'm ready to complain now.

Everything was just too disconnected.
While I did enjoy at the stuff occurring simultaneously, the parts were just too detached from the whole.
When the very first episode was "Michael's Arrested Development", I thought, okay, cool, good idea, let's give each of the family members an episode to catch us up and then, after all nine of them have been reintroduced, boom, make me smile. But, when every single episode focused only on one character, sometimes not even featuring the other actors...man, was that shitty.
And then there's the lack of anyone getting any resolution...
I know that there were only two days when all nine actors were together and I think that is fucking ridiculous. Every interview these guys have done from the last decade has included a question about the Arrested Development movie or a reunion special or whatever and each one of them said something along the lines of, "Yeah, I would love to."
Well, shit, guys, if you really wanted to do it so badly, was there honestly no way to shift something to make a brand new season of one of the best television shows in recent memory work better?
Two days?!
Now that everyone has accepted this new season into their hearts we can get everybody in the same room for a whole week next time.
An ensemble piece without an ensemble is pointless.
Set some time aside and make this as amazing as we all know it can be.
Two more seasons and then you can all disband for another ten years.

And, having finished Batman: The Brave and The Bold (which was a singular pleasure; actually got a little choked up during that last episode), I have jumped right into Young Justice.
And I am loving the hell out of it.
The writers don't rely on the Justice League to solve all their problems nor do they ignore the fact that Batman and Superman exist in this world.
And the voice actors?
Peter MacNicol as Professor Ivo, Danny Trejo as Bane, Alan Tudyk as Green Arrow,  Nolan North as everybody and Rob Lowe doing a perfect Captain Marvel, capturing that adult child so well.
The storylines have all been pretty solid thus far as well (didn't dig the one with the smart animals and the Brain. I just can't fear this guy. Probably the outrageous accent...), although I'm only about three quarters through the first season. They're doing an excellent job of forming a greater narrative with the Light and I can't wait to see what crazy shit is about to happen.
Plus, aside from the usual superhero punching thing, I haven't ever seen an abandoned son storyline like this, and with Superman? Way to take him off a pedestal.
And then, after its second season, Cartoon Network cancelled it.
Yes, it was in favor of the new, dark Batman, but, based on what I've seen of Beware The Batman, it appears as if they've gone the direction of "Batman is an alien in a Playstation One game".
Who has ever been impressed by those shitty, late 90's POV graphics?
OTHER than someone from the late 90's?

Just ignore me.
I'm ornery.

After Young Justice, I plan to launch right into Arrow, although I don't really know anything about it except that it was pretty well received.

And, speaking of superhero things, I got my ass to see Man of Steel this afternoon.

Here's the short version.

Loved dude as Superman and Clark Kent, plus, I would kill one child a day for the rest of my life if it meant I'd be that ripped.
And not just ugly children, like, really cute children begging for me not to kill them.

I didn't love Amy Adams as Lois Lane. She just doesn't seem ballsy enough, you know?
Crazy or not, Margot Kidder had balls 'til Tuesday.
And pink underwear.

Loved Zod. Shannon did exactly what I thought he was going to do, namely, be awesome.
As an addendum, I would like to state that I would be happy happy happy if I never saw another Kryptonian in another Superman movie ever again.
Except for Kara Zor El.
As long as we don't have to sit through her fucking origin as well.

"Needs more flashbacks."
That was me being facetious.
And witty.
And handsome.

Now, I had heard a lot of negative stuff about the superstrong guy punch up that takes place at the end of the movie, but, you know? I was okay with it.
It wasn't original or interesting, but, plotwise, it made sense. There are two crazy superstrong guys brawling with one another and they happen to be in a city.
If they do this ever again though...then you have a perfectly valid reason to get upset.

I'm done with origin stories.
I am very happy with where the Marvel movies are because we no longer have to spend the first half of the movie learning about the character's fucking parents.

I love the hints of things to come, such as introducing S.T.A.R. Labs, Dr. Hamilton and Carol Ferris, as well as those well placed Wayne Enterprises and Lexcorp logos. Plus, if they decide to count the shitty Green Lantern movie in this universe, then we've got Amanda Waller as well...which means we've got potential for Cadmus.
I will never see an Aquaman movie*, nor will I ever be afraid of someone called Ocean Master.

All in all, yes, it was a disappointment, but you can't have The Dark Knight without Batman Begins.
If they fuck this next one up though...then...Lenny...you....will have saved the lives of millions of registered voters.

* Unless he's played by Alexander Skarsgard...and then he and Superman have an ab contest.**

** Everybody wins.

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