
Time Travel Mother Fucker

Over the weekend, while my two close friends, Lisa and Alan, were getting hit with cars, I took part in a 24 Hour Film Race with Philip "The Maniac" Maniaci, Ray "The Maniac" Zablocki, my lovely wife, Christina "The Maniac I Married" Bryant, many others and a dude named Nestor L. Marmol.
The guidelines were announced at 10 pm on Friday the 17th (theme: time travel, prop: an egg, action: crumpling a piece of paper) while Ray and I were in a car on our way to the location (Castle Braid in Bushwick, Brooklyn), and, after meeting most everyone who we'd be working with, Phil, Ray, Cecilia and I came up with, to be totally modest, some really fucked up shit.
At 3:30 am or so, the script was locked and we returned to our respective places for sleep, in my case, two and a half hours thereof.
I met Ray in front of his place the next morning at 7 or so and we headed back over to Castle Braid.
Shooting began around 10 am with me and my lovely co-star, Cayla Buettner, together in bed.
It was totally not scandalous!!!

Then, things progressed through the day, bleary and blurry, until we wrapped at just after 8 pm.
Then, those poor bastards had to edit this pile of gooey brilliance into something a normal human could comprehend.
As there was, at one point in the film, a dance party, I whipped up some music and, after I arrived home, threw in some ridiculous lyrics and sent the whole thing over to Phil, who dropped it, as if it were hot...
Late on Sunday night, we all got the link and...well, you'll see the results soon.

Needless to say that I am very proud of what everyone was able to put together for this and I'm just floored by the resulting film.

It's called Too Tall and has several lines of dialogue addressing the size of my penis.

And I cannot wait to show it to you.

Stay tuned.

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