
End of the Month Music Bitchfest - May 2013

Nine Inch Nails
As people's attention slowly drifts away from How to destroy angels' debut album and their mind-blowing live show and back towards the upcoming Nine Inch Nails Hurricane of Stuff and as the band begins rehearsals for their 2013-2014 "Wave Hello" tour (minus Eric Avery, who pulled out of the touring line up around the middle of the month but plus Robin Finck, who joined up about a week afterward, but minus Adrian Belew* who might or might have ever been a part of the touring line up), I have decided to write a tour rider of my own, for the band**.

        1. SETLIST
  • Do Not Play The Following Songs
Okay, "reinvention"! Fuck me, but that sounds tantalizing! You know what the best way to make me think that's just a buzzword? By playing the following songs.
Some people might find this harsh, but, really, do we need to hear "Head Like A Hole" again? Probably not, but we're most likely going to.
I'm only one man.
Whose blog Trent Reznor does not read.

The Hand That Feeds
Or, as I like to call it, "The Song That Indicates The Concert Is Almost Over".

Not a bad song at all, still very powerful, but, not only has NIN been playing it since 1994, but I'm never able to enjoy it because I am TERRIFIED that some bro who only came to hear the "fuck you like an animal" song is going to scream "play the 'fuck you like an animal' song!", causing Grammy and Oscar award winner and composer, Trent Reznor, to throw down his microphone/keyboard and storm off the stage.
Guys...we all need to grow up.

For as long as I can remember, this song has (mostly) been utilized in the set list as the "we've just had out quiet, AV moment of the show, time to get excited again for more Nine Inch Nails music!!!!! WOO! They're GOOD!" During their 2009 Wave Goodbye tour, they replaced this with "1,000,000" or "Mr. Self Destruct"; either of which would continue to count as a suitable replacement, especially the latter.

Terrible Lie
Unless it's preceded by "Now I'm Nothing". The fact that they only opened with NIN=>TL at the start of the NINJA tour and that I was not there to see/hear it just makes me sad. Again, it isn't a bad song, and I love screaming along with everyone just fine, but, this tour (again) is about "reinventing Nine Inch Nails live", and, opening with one of the songs you've been opening with since the late 80's (unless it's some drastic reinterpretation of the song) doesn't ring of reinvention.

Dead Souls
It's dead. Souls.
And we've heard it enough.

Somewhat Damaged
I love The Fragile, it might be my favorite Nine Inch Nails album, but, for the past few tours (since 2006 or so) this has become just another in the small rotated pool of openers (Terrible Lie, this, and Home). Like most of the other songs on this list, it isn't bad, it's great, but, reinvention and all that.
Surprise me.

  • Play These Songs Or Your Claim Of 'Reinvention' Is Bunk
On their last two tours, Reznor went out of the way to dig up and re-tool songs that hadn't been played live since the mid-90's and it was flat out amazing. Because of that decision, there are now only a handful of NIN songs that have never been played live (I'm not counting the majority of Ghosts). It's going to be tough to do songs that don't seem as if they're on the set list simply because Reznor ran out of stuff to do.
These should help.

The Perfect Drug
No more excuses. You're going to have SIX fucking musicians on stage, one of which (Josh Eustis) is solely doing electronics, one of which is a drummer that can totally blow our faces off with that solo and one of which is Adrian fucking Belew. Play this god damn song and MAKE ME CUM.

While a bit sparse at times, I really like this track that Reznor sort of improv'd with Josh Homme and Dave Grohl and think it would be an excellent live addition.
So fucking play it.

Zoo Station
What better way to remind people that you're still relevant than by performing your kick ass cover of a twenty year old...song...by...U2...
Whatever, look, if you're serious about reinventing etc etc, then you want songs that you haven't played live but that don't feel like a weird stretch (i.e. March of the Fuckheads), so, here you go.

Now, just hear me out! I know this is from the same album as "Kinda I Want To" and "That's What I Get"...but it's also from the same album as "Terrible Lie", "Head Like A Hole"***** and "Something I Can Never Have", all three of which have been reimagined and modified over the years to sound fresh and clean and decidedly NOT 80's. So, along with some stuff you've never played before, I'd like to hear some stuff completely reworked to fit into this reinvented version of Nine Inch Nails.

And All That Could Have Been
With the deluxe version of The Fragile right around the corner*******, what better time to toss this gem out there? This could be a fitting replacement to the "end of the AV section that swells and segues into a fast song" song, or, dare I say, maybe a potential replacement for "Hurt"?
Yes! I dare!!!

Sex Dwarf
Bottom line? It's time.
Set us free, Trent.
Set us free.

Demon Seed
It's strong, it's multifaceted and everyone on stage gets to go insane.
What are you waiting for?

New Nine Inch Nails music
I can't think of a more exciting time than those early With Teeth dates; the ones where NIN was playing most of the new album before it was out. I want that thrill again. So, throw those two new NIN songs that are going to pop up on the 'best of' and, sure, you can invite some of your friends from that new Nine Inch Nails triple album coming out "later this year", I'm fine with that.

  • Play These...But Different/Better AKA 'Reinvent' Them
The most exciting thing for me at a Nine Inch Nails show (sometimes even more so than new music) is to hear songs that I've heard live and on albums hundreds of times before from a totally different perspective. Sometimes it's the simply addition of an instrument or sometimes it's a complete reinterpretation.

Starfuckers, Inc.
I don't know about you, but I think I'm ready for this again...just...different...
Sorry I can't give you more, but I'm not the one reinventing Nine Inch Nails live.

This always struck me as a bit of a weird fit on the summer leg of the With Teeth tour...not fast, not really slow, kind of lacking in energy...but...that React Now piano version? Utterly, fucking beautiful.

The Day The World Went Away
I'll never get tired of this, but maybe it's time to mix it up a bit? The "Still" version perhaps or, if you really want me as your friend, the "Quiet" version.

        2. PERSONNEL

  • Full Utilization Of All Band Members On Stage
  1.  I want Josh Eustis adding something to every song, whether it's as ephemeral as "ambiance" or "depth" or as specific as dry humping a Kaos Pad in order to fuck our minds up.
  2. I want Alessandro Cortini to focus on the keyboards. Trent's been having this poor bastard playing guitar, singing back up, playing bass etc. for years. Let the man rest and destroy our souls with some mad synth skillz. But...he is not to do that weird panting thing during "March Of The Pigs"********
  3. Robin Finck - Kill the guitar.
  4. Ilan Rubin - Kill the drums.
  • Get Danny Lohner
  1. Get Danny Lohner
        3. OPENING ACT
  • How to destroy angels
I want to look forward to the ENTIRE evening. If I'm going to show up 10 hours early (which I am) I want to be rewarded with not having to tolerate some band that Trent really, really loves and who he really thinks is interesting and really great.

        4. STAGE VISUALS

  • On a scale of NINJA to Lights In The Sky, I'm leaning more towards something between Fragility 2.0 and Live: With Teeth as far as the crazy interactive laser stage set up. While LITS was, without a doubt, jaw dropping, I found myself forgetting that there were people up there too.
  • Or, you know, whatever Trent wants to do.
Just post an address so I can send you a ball of crumpled up, tear/sweat-stained hindred dollar bills.
I'd like a shirt and a poster too.

Aside from all that noise, there's Reznor's appearances on the new Queens of the Stone Age album, ..Like Clockwork, specifically "Kalopsia" (one of the only songs I can think of that Reznor guests on that doesn't sound overly NIN-esque) and "Fairweather Friends"...where he sings (yells) with Nick Oliveri, Mark Lanegan, Alain Johannes, Brody Dalle...and Elton John.
So...that happened.

Hm...was there something else...oh, yeah, something about Reznor finishing the new Nine Inch Nails album in secret and setting it for release later this year.
Or something.
Please excuse me while I joyscream and happypoop until my eyes smilebleed.

Did I mention the concert in August? The one in Brooklyn?
I did?
Uh...carry on then.

They Might Be Giants
 After just having returned home from their first tour of Australia, New Zolland and Tasmania since...ever? 2001?...they are about to set out ONCE AGAIN for the far corners of the U.S., returning home AGAIN in August for a free show in Brooklyn on Saturday, August 10th...six days after that aforementioned Beck show.
Hopefully, they'll soon announce a b-side companion to the kickass Nanobots a la Album Raises New And Troubling Questions.
Because the best album they've put out in years just isn't enough for some me.

And there are those last two 2012 IFC vinyl EPs (one a kids' disc and the other by the Avatars of They) they promised at the end of March...which...aren't a thing yet...although, the tiny taste Flans sent out last month was pretty awesome.
More on that (or maybe not) soon (or not soon).

Also, just a few days ago, the St. Vincent/David Byrne collective, Love This Giant, posted a free, five-track EP (entitled Brass Tactics) featuring an unreleased song (pretty solid), two remixes (meh) and two live tracks from their recent tour (tasty good good).
And it's free.
Seriously, if you haven't heard this fucking album yet...ah, go fuck yourself.

See you in a month when Reznor reveals a second finished and "frankly fucking great" Nine Inch Nails album.

* Really bummed about this because I wanted that motherfucker dressed in black rubber, covered in cornstarch, and destroying AT LEAST three guitars A NIGHT. And one drum kit. Using a keyboard.

** Honestly, less of a "tour rider" and more of a "To Do List".**

*** Even more honestly, less of a "To Do List" and more of a "List of Demands"***

**** Reference to Saul Williams NOT intended.

***** Which I was considering adding to the "Don't Play" list, but Nine Inch Nails NOT playing HLAH live? Well...I just don't believe that will ever happen.******



******** Check out MOTP from Beside You In Time...it's...fucking weird.

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