
A review of Coil's "Worship The Glitch"

Originally this was released as Worship The Glitch by "ELpH vs. Coil", but, as ELpH IS Coil...shut up.
A lot of this album feels like multi-track elements for something else or snippets of songs or, in some cases, just sounds, so this is going to be short and to the point.

"Dark Start" - The birth of dark, digital angels. Great sense of space here.

"Opium Hum" - A word, trying to be spoken. A prayer. A phone ringing from inside someone's body.

"Caged Birds" - An open mic. With pops.

"The Halliwell Hammers" - Begins with breaking pixelglass, then, we rise up to see the angelic creatures creating the glass up on their mountaintop, casting down the malformed pieces.

"Clorax Hurd" - Starts off with a short, repeated, distorted tune, then switches to the choked, semimelodic, chuffing laughter of a sick and dying circus robot. Then, the track revisits "Caged Birds", but now there's a dark, yawning chasm behind the birds.

"The Halliwell Hammers (2)" - This sounds like a child's nightmare taking place in a church. Everything is warped. Resembles something from Aphex Twin's Drukqs.

"We Have Always Been Here" - It appears that some of the birds became uncaged and that they are supersonic. About halfway through, we hear their predator, a great, black maw; it's slow though, good for the birds.

"Manunkind" - Blowing into conchs to summon the elders. Not the Lovecraftian eat-the-world Elders, but the tribal elders... for a meeting...to discuss corn, or, as the Indians called it...maize.

"Bism" - Rain in a swamp about three miles from a cathedral where bells are tolling. Probably the most identifiable sounds on the album. Then, the rain stops, the bells stop, and we're left with the sounds of the swamp: it is filled with happy birds.

"Hydlepark" - This might be those same cathedral bells heard from the other side of some dimensional membrane. A lot more sinister than before. Then, more Drukqs stuff; higher and lighter in tone, but still pretty menacing.

"Hysteron Proteron Jewel" - Something large, dark and spinning entering our reality; distorting its fabric.

"Decadent & Symmetrical" - A jaunty (creepy) pipe toots out a little (horrifying night terror) tune while some woman tells a joke in what sounds like a mix of English and Gaelic.

"Mono" - More distorted tolling bells, maybe the same bells, but heard from yet another dimension...calling Things. At the very end, we get some squeaking...labeled thusly by some children saying the word "squeak". Hm.*

"The Halliwell Hammers (3)" - A church in Silent Hill. Bells, distortion, etc. While all the "distorted bells" tracks have their own feels to them, this does start to get a bit old. There's just not enough here... More birds from "Caged Birds" ends this track.

"Anything That Flies" - We follow a broken gear down and down and down through the bell tower we've visited so frequently on Worship.** The tower seems to go forever. There might be a circus outside (the same one from "Clorax Hurd" and "Decadent & Symmetrical").

"Ended" - A creepy, dusty recording of a woman (Leah Hirsig, the wife of Aleister Crowley***) singing something creepy and dusty ("For All We Know"****). As heartwarming/breaking as the entire Cash family singing "We'll Meet Again" is, this is that...but fear instead of heartwarming/breaking.

As I mentioned before, there's just not enough here. Some of this is interesting, but the rest...I don't know. It would work better tucked into a proper Coil release. This is just a collection of scraps, or, I suppose, if you want to wax artistic, a collection of glimpses into other worlds.
Tiny, tiny glimpses.
Like, strobe flashes.
Bottom line: This should have been more.

* So, apparently, this track is actually a completely fucked up cover of "Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down)" by Nancy Sinatra. I won't argue...for fear the track manifests as a goblin and sucks the eyes right from my screaming face.

** I'm reading a lot into these but I'm just bored that's just me.

*** According to Wiki. Sorry.

**** See ***

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