1. My VO re-record for Lenovo went off without a hitch and was received by the L.A. cell of TransPerfect, also without a hitch.
2. My copy of Lollipop Chainsaw arrived.
3. I have the Fraggle Rock theme stuck in my head and I'm loving every second of it.
4. Didn't feel exhausted after working out.
5. Speakaboos is having me back for a 3 hour session next week.
6. A mind-boggling fifty people have read my review of Coil's Scatology, I think due so some French dude who favorited the tweet in which the link was contained. Vive la France! Vive Coil!
7. The legion of endorphins blasting through my blood stream thanks to number 4.
8. Chris and I are two steps closer to locking down our catering for the wedding.
9. I just found out that Cake is coming to the Bowery Ballroom about two weeks before my birthday.
10. Realized that today is Thursday and not Wednesday.
I love #10. Also, cake. Cake is important for the wedding. It's the only detail I've come to a conclusion on for my imaginary future wedding.