

I'm not an unfriendly person, but, as far as my auditioning, I'm not overly gregarious.
In fact, I kind of hate that schmoozy bullshit that, people keep insisting, is all a necessary part of the business.
What this means is that, if someone talks to me in an audition, I'll talk to them; I won't schmooze or shill or anything like that, I'll talk to them. If some random guy who I'm in direct competition with starts talking to, seemingly, no one and listing how great he's doing and all the stuff he's booking and blah blah blah, trying, poorly, to psyche the other auditioners, I'll quietly roll my eyes and trash him here or write a script and trash him there.
All this to say that I don't talk a whole lot at auditions.
Today, I had an audition at a place I'm more than familiar with and where I have booked a handful of pretty nice jobs. I've also gotten to know the guy that runs the place (Roger) and we have a genuine rapport (as opposed to that typical bullshit everyone always says at every audition...or at least I think I do, he might just be really good at making folks think so*). At the end of the audition, which went all right, I guess, Roger sneezed as I opened the door to the waiting room. There was a little silence, and, as I was heading to my seat to collect my headphones and coat, I suddenly yelled at the room full of guys waiting to audition: "I MADE HIM SNEEZE. I DID. AND IF ANY OF YOU WANT THIS JOB YOU'D FUCKING BETTER MAKE HIM SNEEZE TOO. WHAT?"
Then I left.
It felt pretty great.

Have a good night.

* I have always been...and shall remain, a boiling cauldron of equal parts explosive self-confidence and soul-parching insecurity...behold...an actor!

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