

Specifically, playing as Leon in Leon's campaign (as opposed to Helana, whoever the fuck that is, these demos are a very vertical slice).
Very tense, very dark, very creepy.
I'm doing my best to stretch this out as long as I can because, man, I don't think I realized how much I have been looking forward to this game...
Luckily, I'm pretty tied up with stuff until it drops on October 2nd and I play it over that weekend with Jen as my co-op partner and Lisa as our the-person-who-sits-behind-us-and-screams-when-something-scary-happens.

But still...I yearn...

Anyway, tonight I make my very first appearance on a podcast EVER.
It's called Bookend Tiger Radio (a podcast about bookends which are shaped like tigers, but are actually radios...I assume) and you can check out their glory here...I think; they seem to have a several SoundCloud pages...
It's going to be excellent and I'm very excited for you not to hear it because you don't have enough time to listen to a podcast or you never listen to podcasts or what's a podcast?
Fucking Christ.

Earlier today, I had yet another Comcast VO session, but, BUT, rather than record with the same template we've used for a year and a half, we tried something different with my read...perhaps the worst thing that can happen to a voice actor...conversational.
Yes, up to this point, it has been sort of excited, slightly over-the-top...well, hear for yourself.
But, apparently, one of the Comcast Godlings thought that it sounded a bit too much like the Comcast sports guy, so they wanted it to be more...conversational.
And, of course, we've all had those conversations where someone just perks up and says, totally apropos of something, "hey guys, Xfinity gives you instant access to the most talked about movies and original programs On Demand- on TV and online" and everyone is, like, slowly backing away from that person...yeah, happens all the time.
Seriously, when have you ever called anything on television a program or used the phrase "most talked about"?
I'd be more upset if they loved/paid me less.
In the end, however, I gave them a different read which, while maybe not conversational, certainly sounds good. We'll see if they dissolve my contract or continue to give me hot towels, foot rubs and little, meaningful kisses.

The other night, I took Lady Jay Rock's advice and watched Death At A Funeral.
Rather than talk about it using words, I think I'm going to use an image:

Formulaic? You bet, but the trick is to have some really great actors and writers to create that big chunk in the middle, and that is exactly what they did: Alan Tudyk, the guy who played Spud in Trainspotting and Peter Dinklage (one of the tallest actors in Hollywood*), doing an incredible job as a little person, so convincing. Truly a fun, filthy movie.

Totally unrelated: those subway ads for that show "Nashville" (which, based on the number of subway cars utterly plastered with said ads, is going to be a total hit) that just feature the word "Nashville" and a kind of slutty looking woman just make me think of Nashville Pussy.
The band, not...yeah, anyway.

I had about forty five minutes before I was planning to go to bed the other night, so I watched the forty four minute documentary Six Days To Air, which follows the conception, creation and airing of an entire episode of South Park. Somehow, I have more and less respect for those two, but continue to want to be their friend, the only actor they don't hate and disdain... Learned from said doc that Bill Hader is a cast member and writer for the show, but, oddly enough, you never see him pitch one idea in any of the writers' meetings, just laugh at other peoples' stuff and repeat it, so, not sure what the viewer is supposed to take from that; most likely that Matt and Trey had it edited that way to be dicks.

I'm sick of all these letters.

* Industry secret, shh.

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