
Alaska: You Are My Heart

Ooooooh! That sounds po-etic!
I'm thinking of putting together a little video slideshow....whoa...just typing those words made me uninterested in this.
Okay, maybe I won't put together a little video slideshow.
I mean...if you went to Alaska and posted pictures, would I want to see them? Even if they were set to "North To Alaska" by Johnny Horton?
I'm going to be honest with you and say, "No. I would not."
Let me think for a moment (tough, as my sleep recently has been...scattered) if there are any pictures that aren't of me in front of some building you've never been to/won't ever be to or of just a mountain or river (both subjects which, to my limited knowledge in the field of photography, have been tackles at least a handful of times) or some other thing that you probably won't give a shit about as it does not contain naked boobs or butts...hm......not that I can think of...I mean, there is a picture of me dunking my head in a glacially cold waterfall and petting a fox named hance at the Alaska Zoo...but, other than those? Not really worth checking out. And a whole slideshow (ugh, it's that WORD) of just those pictures? Even set to "North To Alaska" by Johnny Horton? That no one is going to watch?
So, that won't happen.

In other, less Alaskan, more actory news, Jess, Phil and a bunch of other grapes shot another chunk of Unker & Psysia this morning, and plan to shoot more this Saturday.
Not sure when you'll see stuff from this, but things went pretty great and we got a lot of excellent stuff, including a gorgeous, shirtless man starring in one of the hottest awkward moments caught on film...or most awkward hot moments...no, the first one.
Totally hot. Totally awkward.
Plus, there's an excellent chalk drawing of a huge banana.
Oh the good times we have on the radio...

I'm tired.

Maybe more on this but probably not.

Chris and I are rewatching Firefly and getting angry about it's premature cancellation alllll over again.
Joss, now that you're recognized by the mainstream as a god, can you please do something to stick it up Fox's ass?


 Your friend,


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