

3:32 pm
By which I mean to say "fringe".
Ahah ha ha.
See, I just made a British hairstyle name/J.J.Abrams sci-fi television series joke.
Ahah ha ha.
I am one episode away from the end of the second season and loving it.
Definitely making up for 'Lost'.
At the moment anyway.
Fringe isn't afraid to have actual parallel dimensions.
And, as I was hoping, they are spending the majority of these last episodes in said parallel dimension.
The only thing that boggles me is that they keep talking about the "other" side, but if we're going all Everettian on this bee hatch, then they should know there are bazillions of parallel universes.
Oh well.
Maybe that's the big reveal at the end of the season.
But, whatever the case, this is, more often than not, a solid show.
Hang on.
Fire drill. 
Also, yesterday during lunchy poos, I received yet another summons from the hombres at Adrenalina.
They still crave my magic voice, or vox magico is the language I just made up since I do not speak Spanish.
Something about a  Caribbean Manifesto.
They was some discussion with the gents as to whether it was Cah-ri-BEE-an or Ca-RIB-ee-in.
They figured that since the company says Ca-RIB-ee-in when they answer the phone, that we should go with that.
So, yes.
Free money from a bunch of cool guys.
Good stuff.
HTDA is doing...something later today.
I will have experienced it by the time you read this (unless they haven't done it yet) and I'm a-flutter with anticipation.
I'm assuming, maybe some pre-order deal where, if you pre-order now you get another track or the video in HD or...hm...some artwork?
I'm stoked.
I'll juice about it later if it's worth juicing about (and probably if it's not).

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