
The First Half of 'The Wrestler'

3:29 pm
Had an audition earlier today, went pretty well, but THAT'S NOT IMPORTANT.
When I got home I put on "The Wrestler".
I've watched about half of it.
Here are my predictions for the last half:
1. There will be awkward sex between Mickey Rourke and Marisa Tomei
2.  Evan Rachel Wood AKA Li'l Miss Emotional Amplifier will have a wary reconciliation with her father.
3. Mickey Rourke will die in his comeback wrestling match.
4. There will be more sad music.
Seriously though, going back to ERW, she's on screen for less than a minute before dragging all the estranged and angry daughter tropes screaming from the vaults.
She goes from zero to sullen to ACTING in thirty seconds, time it.
It's very...emotional.
She even makes the "what do you want from me?!" hand-to-body gesture while demanding, "What do you want from me?!"
Someone get this girl an Oscar...made of pacing.
Over the weekend and at work yesterday I put some work in on my next "song".
It's about this dude at work I loathe.
My friends, it is BILIOUS.
I don't think I've been happier with something I've done in some time, song-wise, at least.
When it's closer to fruition, I'll give you some more background.
Oh, I'm just about done with the final Hitchhiker's Guide book.
Man, is it dragging.
I keep hoping for the characters themselves to explode this time.
Finished the first season of Burn Notice and, since I'm going into the second, I suppose I liked it.
And I've noticed something about Ennis' The Boys comic.
Nothing is happening.
Or if they are, they're happening sooooo slowly, they might as well not be happening at all.
There are some interesting set ups, but I can see them dragging these set ups along like loaded guns that are just going to make a PAFF noise when they're finally fired.
Seriously, it's impressive for a book to be so unsubtle while at the same time having nothing occurring with the story.
I get it: all superheroes are degenerate scum and The Boys are the bad good guys/good bad guys, lesser of two evils etc. but, 30 plus issues in and nothing seems to be happening.
I have just cracked the sixth trade (issues 30 through 38, I believe), here's hoping something interesting happens.
Happen, happen, happen.

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