
Sleep, Perchance To Dream...Then Perchance To Die By Sniper Fire

3:24 pm
So, I am in the process of getting sick.
Last night, with the help of my Beloved, I consumed a whole bulb of garlic, most of a bag of spinach and about three pounds of fresh ginger soaked with lemon Zinger.
When I get sick/am sick, I tend to have very fitful, realistic dreams.
I had two that I remember last night, one involved being unable to shut my computer down for the numerous fake virus warnings I kept getting.
The computer was unable to heal itself for the attacks coming in.
The whole thing spoke very clearly of frustration and insurmountable difficulties.
It was annoying as hell and it kept me awake, not fully, just in that place of no sleep where you lay down and just...lie there.
The other, brought on no doubt, by the HOURS of Uncharted 2 Multiplayer I've been playing, involved walking down a street in Manhattan with my sister and noticing a red beam of light resting on a man about ten feet in front of us, then a crack, then the man falls.
I reported the building's address to the police and they, apparently, arrested the sniper.
But, going down that street later, there were DOZENS of red beams cutting through the air and me and two nameless, faceless yet dedicated friends went to find the real sniper, who had escaped.
We broke into this woman's apartment and found him there and fought him and got all cut up in the process, then we followed him to some lab where we really beat him this time and I had a cut across the underside of my fingers and the woman whose apartment we broke into bandaged it up, but I bled through it.
I love how my dreams are so unintelligible to anyone but me.
And, upon rereading this, unintelligible even to me.
I am a stew of fucked up at the moment.
Enjoy my carrots.
Oh, I also watched the latest Coen Bros. movie, "A Serious Man".
I think if I were orthodox Jewish and 41 years old, I'd have enjoyed it more.

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