
Cock Block...of Wood

Three years from now, we're all gonna be laughing about the Apocalypse.
If I'm wrong?
I'll owe you a Coke.
Went to IFC and saw "Antichrist" last night with Christina.
Total date movie.
Strike that.
Total first date movie.
It was amazing.
Brutal as fuckall, but amazing.
Turns out I am still shockable.
Thank goodness for that, I was beginning to think that that part of me was scabbed over, but no, I am still human.
After we arrived home and got done mutilating our genitals, I put on some 30 Rock, which I have been watching a hell of a lot of lately.
I saw the episode I auditioned for and I was way wrong for the part, but this means I am now in NBC's casting system.
This show is...SO brilliant...it makes me angry that NOTHING on American television now is as good as it is.
Comedy-wise anyway.
The Office is pretty funny.
Finished season 4 of Dexter.
Also wrapping up the final season of Dollhouse.
See, it's the final season and not just the second because it just started hitting it's stride around the end of the first season and that's usually when Fox decides to end a show.
When it's just getting good.
So...thanks Fox.
That could have been a good show, but now I don't have to worry about it.
Oh, and Joss Whedon (I know you read this), next time you have an idea for a TV show, don't mention it to Fox.
My pizza has arrived.
And so have I.

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