

3:42 pm
I hate.
But let allow me to take a step back...
Sergeant Mann (the guy on 3 to 11 with me who I respected and whose company I enjoyed) was fired because the High Up Guy didn't like him.
The person they have replacing him in this interim is the heinous, skin bleachingly annoying chatterbox loudymouth fucking loquacious duck fucker I mentioned in "Hot Mess Vs. OH-KAY!".
Of course you don't remember her because none of you have ever had the displeasure of having her splinter of a voice and personality jammed into your eyeballs, genitals and under your finger and toenails.
Some bullet points:
Her voice is so high pitched it makes my eyes water.
She is constantly on the phone, where she reverts to what the fuck ever accent she was raised around and starts sort of trilling, putting as many words into one breath as she can, all spoken in that needle high tone of voice.
She does that goddamned "OOOOOOOOOOOOOO-KAY" thing maybe forty times an hour.
She talks with her mouth full.  Now, I don't mean 'with food in her mouth', everyone does that, I mean she crams a fist-sized clod of food into her mouth and starts talking; to people, on the phone, she acts as if it isn't there.  I'm actually okay with that because every time she does it she's just inches away from choking to death and finally shutting the fuck up.
And she's here until further notice.
Not only does the ONE person I don't loathe here lose his job, but they replace him with one of the four people I would gladly kill with my bare hands.
I love life.
I may start taking drugs.
New pun up on RSPS.
Eat it.
Going to keep putting up Fireheads on Mondays.
Almost done with another Dead End.
Maybe tonight? Tomorrow?
I have no idea and I wouldn't tell you if I did.

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