
Look at my gorgeous choppers!!

3:22 pm
Show of hands: who would not LOVE getting a blowjob from a succubus?
Be honest, at least w
ith yourself if not with me.
Went to my new dentist today.
Neal Auerbach (that means "gold Bach" in German).
Doesn't he just sound like a dentist?
He looks like one too, got a smock and everything.
X-rays and exam confirmed what I always tell strangers on the subway: my teeth are in great shape, all knobbed and white.
I am set for a cleaning next Thursday at noon in case, you know, anyone want's to hang out with me at my dentist appointment.
No one ever does, but I'll keep on asking.
Hope floats.
And some poop.

5:16 pm

Sitting here, sort of drifting...
Over the radio I hear one of the security guards saying "...fanny..." again and again, just catching it through waves of static.
I know that he is requesting that Fanny, the lady from Housekeeping, respond to him over the radio, but to a random bystander, it would sound funny and to a random British bystander, it would sound even more funny.
I'm about to go on lunch, but since I had lunch after the dentist (some innate,  self destructive urge to sully the teeth that have just been deemed perfect...) I have nothing to do for the next hour and a half.
I wish I had a helicopter.
I think it may be raining as well.
Starbucks does little to sustain me, but I may trot over there anyway.
Just for some basic, human interaction.
When I say thank you to the dead eyed ape behind the counter, they will FEEL my sincerity.
Or they will feel my fury.

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