

4:48 pm
Working straight through 4:30 to 11 today.
Phil and I are going to try to recreate his lost memories regarding the Grind Show series.
I'll like a muse, but with stuff that's been forgotten...who's the saint of forgotten stuff?
Eh. Whaeva.
Been listening to a band called Other Lives recently.  Discovered them while searching for leaked eels.  Really great stuff.  Very simple, sad and beautiful.  One of the guys in the band worked with eels and the producer has worked with Beck, Radiohead and Outkast, although there is NO Outkast flavor on this,
Guitar, piano, drums, violin and that's pretty much it.
I wouldn't usually dig the guy's voice, but it just fits with the melancholy tone of the music.
Melancholy yet hopeful at times.
Also a bit on the short side, both the individual songs and the album as a whole, but really moving from start to finish.
I highly recommend it.
Getting pretty hard about the upcoming NIN shows (SO many new/unplayed songs...).  In fact, I think it may be sort of obscuring my enthusiasm for the Cake and TMBG shows.
But this is the path I choose and I shall walk it, hard and resolute.

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